Death of a Salesman is a play by Arthur Miller, first performed in 1949. It is the story of the final days of Willy Loman, an unhappy travelling salesman. The play is referred to twice in Buffy: in Band Candy, Buffy name checks Willy Loman when faced with selling chocolate bars, and in Willow’s dream in Restless, she dreams that she has a role in a school production of the play. It is directed by Giles (wearing a cravat), and includes Riley dressed as a cowboy, Buffy dressed as a 1920s flapper girl and Harmony as a milk-maid/vampire.
October 24th, 2005 at 2:43 am
also in the Angel 2.2 Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been?, a salesman is the first person to die in the hotel…any connection???
February 28th, 2006 at 5:08 am
Riley was a cowboy and then Joss Whedon does a show about space cowboys hum…