
If you are logged in as TwoToGo-Grave, you can amend your details here.

Nickname: TwoToGo-Grave 
Name: Jeffrey Coker 
Location: Canton, Ga (U.S.) 
Age: 24 
Profile: I love BTVS, as it is the greatest show of all time, but more importantly, because of what it meant (and still means) to me over the years. I started watching it in December of 1999, and it has been such an important part of my life since then. I guess that this is why I like this site so much. I enjoy sports, namely baseball and football (the U.S. kind, oh, and go Bills), and I like to play poker (look me up on PokerStars under 2ToGo/Grave and on UB under TwoToGo-Grave, if you'd like to, people). One reason for my name, other than because of my fondness for the episode, is that my niece Morgan was born the day that "Two To Go" and "Grave" aired, so they have much meaning for that reason as well. Nobody may care, but there is my profile. 
Favourite Episode: TwoToGo/Grave (what else?) 
Worst episode: Normal Again 
Website: http:// 
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Pages (1) : 1