Billy Idol


In Sleeper, Buffy asks a bouncer at a club if he’s seen Spike. The Bouncer says, “Yeah I know the guy, Billy Idol wannabe.” Billy Idol was a punk with distinctive bleached blonde hair in the 1980s. Buffy mutters something about Billy actually stealing his look from Spike.

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  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 27th September 2004
    Updated: › 18th February, 2006
    Hits: › 1045  

    14 Comments about “Billy Idol”

    1. vegan_ian says:

      And we actually get to see Spike in his “Billy Idol” clothes in the Season 5 episode ‘Fool for Love’.

    2. Rozzi says:

      ugh god spike is so damn sexy!!!

    3. margybee says:

      Haha I have to agree with that. :-)

    4. somethingblue says:

      Me too, love that punk look he had on the subway in the 70’s!

    5. Angel242 says:

      haha noooo:P’
      That was awful!! ^^
      But I think Angel and Spike has pretty alike dressing sense.
      Maby all vampire dresses in leather jackets and shirts?

    6. mairceridwen says:

      I love his punk look.

      “Maby all vampire dresses in leather jackets and shirts?”

      Well, we know that’s not true. Brad Konig wore an orange sweatshirt.

      My favorite line regarding how Vamps dress was in Lie To Me when Angel, Willow, and Xander are at the club and Angel’s all annoyed (particularly at the kid in the cape and stupid blue bowtie) and he says, “they don’t know anything about vampires…how they dress” And then a kid walks by dressed just like Angel.

    7. MagicBone says:

      oh my god, he was…are there words? well, very hot…. but my friends call him that. whenever i talk about spike they’re like “oh, does she mean the billy idol looking one?”

    8. margybee says:

      Haha I LOVE that scene with Angel and the kid dressed exactly the same. Hilarious irony — something the show positively excels at.

    9. somethingblue says:

      Love that scene with Angel and the matching vamp-wannabe! It was so great when Angel would try to be all cool and then something funny would happen to show him up.

      And regarding vamp style, Buffy has a talk with the Potentials in “Potential”, season 7, explaining they can live anywhere, dress anyway they want. Very cute moment when Spike explains his crypt could have been considered “posh” and Buffy says “comfy, really”…just goes to show Spike had his own originality and style (love him!!!)

    10. somethingblue says:

      The exact quote from the conversation between the bar bouncer and Buffy, when she’s looking for Spike in “Sleeper” is:

      BUFFY: “Oh, uh, actually, I need some help. I’m looking for this guy. Bleach-blonde hair, leather jacket, British accent? Kind of sallow, but in a hot way?”

      BOUNCER: “Yeah, yeah, I know the guy. Billy Idol wannabe?”

      Buffy: “Actually, Billy Idol stole his look from…never mind. Has he been here?”

      My second favorite quote of this scene is “Kind of sallow, but in a hot way?”
      Such a good one!!!

    11. MagicBone says:

      He was’t wearing the leather jacket was he? This was pre-Get It Done, so he was still wearing his little denim jacket and jeans and random t-shirts, right?

    12. cardboardy says:

      re spikes crypt:
      remember tht scene where buffy and spike may or may not have been having a post-shag actual conversation… and he said, ‘i ate a decorator once.’

    13. MagicBone says:

      Yeah, I think it was in Dead Things and they were talking about the rugs and Buffy said something about her New Kids On The Block poster.

      “I ate a decorator once. Maybe something stuck.”

    14. Wynter says:

      The Billy Idol look on Spike is SO much hotter on him than it is on Billy Idol himself. If that makes any sense.

      I did like that wee exchange between the bouncer and Buffy though, it was amusing!

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