Buffy’s coffin hair


There’s been a lot of debate about Buffy’s hair when she emerges from her coffin in Bargaining (Part 2). It’s much longer and darker than when she died in The Gift - is it a goof or not?
True, there is no sunlight in a coffin so Buffy’s hair would have become darker in her grave - but we all know that Buffy’s golden locks aren’t just bleached only by the sun. On the other hand, it’s apparently a grisly urban legend that hair and nails continue to grow after death, so Buffy’s hair wouldn’t have grown.

Related Trivia:
  • [4.16-02.22] Buffy’s hair
  • Buffy’s shorter hair
  • [4.11-00.38] Buffy’s hair
  • [1.12-33.04] Buffy’s drowning
  • Buffy’s frizzy hair (goof)
  • Wiggins
  • [6.05-27.59] Spike’s hair
  • [4.02-25.55] Moving hair
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 27th May 2005
    Updated: › 21st January, 2006
    Hits: › 672  

    2 Comments about “Buffy’s coffin hair”

    1. blutortu says:

      The color I always assumed was the sticky grave-dirt. I mean, if her hands were that filthy, her hair’s probably none-too-clean.

      As for the extensions, is it not reasonable to assume that the same person who picked out that horribly drab dress for a twenty-year-old girl to be buried in would also suggest a couple of extensions to bulk up what was sure to be lifeless grave-head? I mean, she’s dead, I’m sure if she were alive she would’ve objected to that weave.

      Thinking also symbolically, her darker hair is an immediate visual precursor to the darker changes in Buffy herself which become more and more self-destructive as the sixth season goes on.

    2. onlimain says:

      Well, just because it was an urban legend doesn’t necessarily mean that the writers knew that. In S2 ‘What’s My Line Part II’, she even mentions it:

      Buffy: Wouldn’t be much of a change. Either way I’m bored, constricted,
      I never get to shop, and my hair and fingernails still continue to grow.
      So really, when you think about it, what’s the diff?

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