Buffy’s shorter hair


Sarah Michelle Gellar cut her hair in the episode Gone, which caused lots of internet discussion about her new “do”. Personally, I think the show is way above the issue of the length of the lead actress’s hair but there we go (plus, why is it that everytime Anya changes hair color and style, no one says anything, but as soon as Buffy cuts her hair everyone makes a fuss about it?). The main thread of the hair discussion was how Sarah’s new hair cut would affect the ratings of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The reason for the discussion was that Keri Russell, the title character in the WB show Felicity, had cut off her long curly hair between seasons, which executives later blamed for Felicity’s fall in the ratings. They then enforced a “no hair cut” policy,.

Related Trivia:
  • Sarah’s hair
  • [4.16-02.22] Buffy’s hair
  • Buffy’s coffin hair
  • [4.11-00.38] Buffy’s hair
  • [1.12-33.04] Buffy’s drowning
  • Buffy’s frizzy hair (goof)
  • Making the musical shorter
  • Wiggins
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 16th May 2005
    Updated: › 21st January, 2006
    Hits: › 2104  

    11 Comments about “Buffy’s shorter hair”

    1. ant4buffy says:

      If it is was short hair or the dreadful ‘do’ she has in the picture, i would take short hair.

    2. Blondie-Bear says:

      Did she actually cut her real hair in the scene?Wouldn’t it have been to bad if she had stuffed it up!

    3. mairceridwen says:

      I think that’s a wig. It looks thicker and a little “faker” then her regular long hair.

    4. Puja says:

      You say that the Buffiverse is above the length of an actress’s hair, but tell me that you weren’t staring at the carwreck that was Charisma Carpenter’s hair in the second half of Season 3 of Angel.

      At best it was something of a distraction.


    5. Abby M. says:

      lol! True, true!

    6. Jess says:

      Oh, so scarily true. The whole time I was thinking, “how can such a beautiful woman be mauled in such a way?” No, Charisma!

    7. Puja says:

      While we’re on the subject of Charisma Carpenter, can anyone explain the completely gratuitous breasts? Just about every top she wears in Season 4 of Angel shows you a view halfway down her cleavage. Okay, so she’s evil, so you could kind of understand it, but when she comes back in Season 5, she’s wearing another exceedingly revealing top. Where’s the dignity gone Cor?


    8. Mel says:

      Charisma was pregnant during the filming of season 4 of Angel and as a woman who has been pregnant 3 times, I know that your breasts can grow at an alarming rate during pregnant - so much so that sometimes they are impossible to hide sometimes.

    9. Puja says:

      Mel - I know that, but I think that some of the costume went beyond accidental cleavage showing and into “HEY! EVERYBODY LOOK AT MY BREASTS!” Look at the top she wore for 5x12 - You’re Welcome for an example.


    10. cardboardy says:

      cordy’s car-wreck hair-hack, with a side of breasty delights? mmm nummy treats.
      but back to topic… i’m thinking about buffy’s S6 hair chops. its mentioned several times in several episodes… perhaps a subtle play on these internet chats?
      anyway, here we go…
      in ‘gone’, when buffy’s invisible and also when she’s revisibled, the haircut is a running joke for most of the episode.
      then in ‘as we were’ when riley shows up in sunny D, he says, “…and by the way, love the hair.”
      then again in ‘two to go’, giles notices almost immediately the haircut (and anya wants the same treatment too!)

    11. MagicBone says:

      I like Buffy’s short hair. It was a nice change, I thought it looked good. My all time favorite hair of her’s (I think) is in Villians when she, Xander and Dawn are sitting on the couch while the coroner or whoever is taking Tara away (sniff sniff). I went through a phase where I wanted to cut my hair to look exactly like that but unforunately: a) I am not blonde, b) I have crazy thick hair, c) there is no way in hell my hair would curl like that and d) I could never look good with hair that length. Dammit. Now I’m obsessed with Angie Hart’s hair. But Charisma’s hair = extreme no-no. I wonder if it wasn’t she who was evil, but her scary new hair….

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