Faith begins to enjoy her time in Buffy’s life after having taken over her body. She flirts with Spike, sleeps with Riley, and goes to the Bronze and does that hair-pushing dancing she likes so much. Meanwhile, Buffy (in Faith’s body) is kidnapped by the death-squad branch of the Watchers Council to be taken to England. Living Buffy’s life opens Faith’s eyes to how the other half lives and to how her life could have been if she had had friends and family like Buffy. She makes a massive decision and saves the day when a group of Adam’s lackeys take hostages in a local church. Confused by what she’s feeling, Faith leaves town on a train, leaving Buffy, finally in her own body again, to deal with the aftermath.
Airdate: | 29 February 2000 |
Writer: | Joss Whedon |
Director: | Joss Whedon |
Cast: |
Spike: "You know why I really hate you, Summers?"
Faith/Buffy: "'Cause I'm a stuck-up tight-ass with no sense of fun?"
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Adam’s war
This speech of Adam’s was deleted from Who Are You?:
“You are here to be my first. To let them know I’m coming. I am the end of all life, of all magic. I’m the war between man and demon, the war that no one can win. You’re a part of that now. You have to show me you’re ready.”
When Buffy drives out of the Council’s warehouse in Who Are You? you can see cans of film in the corner. The scene was obviously filmed in a studio building.

Naughty Faith
It is rumoured that Faith was supposed to tell Riley about the whole complex Buffy/Angel relationship when she was in Buffy’s body in Who Are You? It was edited out of the final script because rumours of this got out to fans before the episode aired.
Sarah and Eliza
Joss Whedon said the following at the Posting Board about Sarah and Eliza playing each others’ characters in Who Are You?: “The girls watched vid of each other extensively, trying to ape each other’s movements without falling into parody.”

Sarah’s favourite episodes
Sarah Michelle Gellar talked to Entertainment Weekly about her personal favourite Buffy episodes:
“I loved ‘’The Prom‘’. It stood for everything Buffy was about: the fact that she so badly wanted to be part of the other kids’ lives. I think ‘’The Body‘’ is pretty amazing. I loved the episode in which Buffy and Faith switched. That was one of my all-time favorites because I thought Eliza was so great. And also when Buffy realizes she has to kill Angel and she kills him and he comes back. Those are my favorites.”
The opening credits in Who Are You? name Sarah Michelle Gellar as Faith and Eliza Dushku as Buffy.
Cast and Crew Trivia
Alastair Duncan
Alastair Duncan, who played Collins in This Year’s Girl and Who Are You? did voice overs for the video game Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy and played the theatre manager in The Three Stooges. He has also appeared in Maybe It’s Me, Charmed, Providence, Diagnosis Murder, Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, Babylon 5 and Highlander. He played Collins again in the Angel episode ‘Sanctuary‘.
Amy Powell
Amy Powell, who played the newsreader in Consequences, played the same role in Goodbye, Iowa and Who Are You? Amy also played a reporter in The Bird Cage and Showtime.
Jeff Ricketts
Jeff Ricketts played Weatherby in This Year’s Girl and Who Are You?. A regular member of the Buffyverse, he has appeared in Angel as Weatherby, and he also played the Spider Monster in Angel’s season four episode Sacrifice. Jeff played Malcolm in Amber Benson’s movie Chance. He also appeared in a couple of episodes of Joss Whedon’s Firefly. He has also appeared in Holes and Clockstoppers.
Rick Scarry
Rick Scarry, who played the Sergeant in Who Are You?, comes from Delaware, Ohio - the same town as Claire Kramer. He has been in Dating Games People Play (as George), Down with Love (as the narrator), The Sure Hand of God (as Sam Wiggins), The Man Who Wasn’t There (as District Attorney) and Space Cowboys (as State Department Official). Rick has also appeared in The Negotiator, Wag the Dog, Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult, Ghost in the Machine, Addams Family Values (with Buffy’s Mercedes McNab), Big Man on Campus, Fear (which he also co-wrote and produced) and Out of Control. Rick’s TV appearances include episodes of Strong Medicine, Malcolm in the Middle, That ’70s Show, Providence, Clueless, 7th Heaven, The Drew Carey Show, Weird Science and Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Character Trivia
Busy little beaver
The Angel episode Five By Five followed the Buffy episode Who Are You? In Five By Five, Lee Mercer calls Faith a, “busy little beaver”. In Who Are You?, Faith in Buffy’s body called herself a “busy little beaver”.

Channel 14 News
The Channel 14 News is seen in a few episodes: Consequences (Joyce and Buffy watch the news about Alan Finch’s murder), Goodbye, Iowa (when Adam kills a boy), The Harsh Light of Day (when a road caves in due to Spike’s tunnelling) and Who Are You? (when hostages are held in a church by vampires).
Down memory lane
In Who Are You? Buffy in Faith’s body tries to convince Giles who she really is by mentioning his being a demon (A New Man), his girlfriend Olivia (The Freshman and Hush), blowing up the High School (Graduation Day (Part 2)) and his having sex with Joyce (Band Candy).
Faith’s mind
In the Buffy episode Who Are You? Faith (in Buffy’s body) daydreams that she stabs Willow. A similar scene occurs in the Angel episode ‘Sanctuary‘. When Angel takes Faith back to his apartment she daydreams that she attacks Angel with a knife.

Giles and Joyce
Whilst under the influence of the drugged Band Candy, Giles and Joyce have sex on the hood of a police car. Twice. Buffy discovers this in Earshot when she reads her mother’s mind, and later mentions it again to Giles when she’s in Faith’s body in Who Are You?

Going for the boyfriend
In This Year’s Girl, Buffy asks Faith if she’s “going for the boyfriend again?” Faith tried to get at Buffy through Angel in Enemies, by trying to seduce him then attempting to remove his soul by magic. Faith eventually sleeps with Riley in Who Are You? when she takes over Buffy’s body.
Have a confrontation
When Faith in Buffy’s body flirts with Spike in Who Are You?, Spike says to her (believing her to be Buffy), “When I get rid of this chip me and you are gonna have a confrontation”. In a little bit of continuity, in season seven’s Touched, after his chip is removed, Spike and Faith fight about Buffy.
Joyce’s credit card
The last four digits of Joyce’s credit card (read out by Faith in Who Are You?) are 6447 and the expiration is 05/01.

Met me before?
Faith returns to Sunnydale in season seven’s Dirty Girls, after leaving in Who Are You?. She meets Spike again, but naturally he doesn’t recognise her as the last time they met she was in Buffy’s body. She reminds him when they chat in Buffy’s basement and he tells her he remembers her speech: “Like you could ride me at a gallop till my knees buckled. Squeeze me till I popped like warm champagne. That’s not the kind of thing a man forgets.”
Obsession for vampires
When Faith is in Buffy’s body, she flirts with Spike, and there’s a lot of sexual tension between the two. This is the beginning of his obsession with the Slayer.

Seven minutes
In Who Are You? Anya says about Xander, “We were going to light a bunch of candles and have sex near them” to which Faith in Buffy’s body replies, “Well, we certainly don’t want to cut into that seven minutes.” Faith and Xander slept together in The Zeppo.
Unpleasant possession
In Who Are You? Willow says, “You didn’t sense a hyena energy at all, did you? Because hyena possession is just… unpleasant.” She’s referring to The Pack, when Xander was possessed by a hyena and became violent and mean.
Watcher’s tough team
The Watcher’s Council Disciplinary Committee attempt to kidnap Faith to take her to England in Consequences but she escapes. They try this again in season four’s Who Are You?, and manage to bungle the job yet again.
Music Trivia

Who music
In Who Are You? we hear Nerf Herder’s ‘Vician’ as Faith (in Buffy’s body) dances in the Bronze, ‘Watching Me Fall’ by The Cure when Faith flirts with Spike and ‘Sweet Charlotte Rose’ by Headland as Faith talks to Willow and Tara.
Mythology Trivia

Draconian Katra spell
The Draconian Katra spell enables two people to switch bodies a-la-Freaky-Friday. Faith and Buffy’s bodies were swapped in the two parter This Year’s Girl and Who Are You?. Tara and Willow were able to conjure a similar spell to put the girls back in their rightful bodies. Tara said of the spell:
“I think there’s a way we can… the passage to the Nether Realm. There’s a ritual. If you can find Buffy there, you should be able to see… Well, the Nether Realm exists beyond the physical world. Accessing it is… it’s kind of like astral projection. It’s very intense. I’d have to be your anchor, keep you on this plane.”
The spell involved the incantation, “Sightless sea. Ayala flows through the river in me. The inward eye, the sightless sea”, plus lots of carpet-stroking in a highly sexually-charged atmosphere. Ooo err.
Retrieval team
In This Year’s Girl, the Watcher’s Council send a tough retrieval team to get Faith and take her back to England. Giles describes them as “This is a special operations unit. They handle the Council’s trickier jobs: smuggling, interrogation… wetworks.” The team include Weatherby, Collins and Smith.
The episode Who Are You? was clearly influenced by the body-swap movie Face/Off, starring Nic Cage and John Travolta. Producer David Fury wanted to call the two-parter ‘Faith/Off’.
Referring to a fancy Initiative device (which looks like a Nintendo Gameboy) held by Riley in Doomed, Buffy says, “Is this really the time for Donkey Kong?” In the scene when Faith (in Buffy’s body) has slept with Riley in Who Are You? the camera pans up from the bed past the alarm clock, and you can see that there is a black Game Boy Pocket in front of the clock.
Taxi Driver
Faith as Buffy arguing with herself in the bathroom mirror in Who Are You? is an homage to Robert DeNiro in Taxi Driver.
The Who
The Who sang a song entitled ‘Who Are You?‘, which is the same name as the season four episode where Faith and Buffy swap bodies.
Seen at 02.22 minutes:
At the end of This Year’s Girl, Buffy had straight hair, but at the beginning of Who Are You? (a continuation from that episode) she has wavy hair.
Seen at 09.10 minutes:
In Who Are You?, Faith (in Buffy’s body) goes to Giles’ place for the Scooby meeting. She walks through the door and leaves it wide open. A second later, we hear it slam close - who closed it?
Seen at 10.58 minutes:
When Faith is in Giles’s apartment, she day-dreams that she stabs Willow. Before the dream, there is no knife to the left of her, but there is one there after the dream.
Seen at 15.14 minutes:
Adam pulls the head off the vampire, but when we see the vamp’s body falling to the ground, the head is still attached.
Willow: "Ooh, I wish those council guys would let me have an hour alone in a room with her. If I was larger, and had grenades."
Anya: "We were going to light a bunch of candles and have sex near them."
Spike: "You know why I really hate you, Summers?"
Faith/Buffy: "'Cause I'm a stuck-up tight-ass with no sense of fun?"
Tara: "She's not your friend."
Willow: "I may have overestimated the 'you-liking-her' factor."
Giles: "Who's President?"
Buffy/Faith: "We're checking for Buffy, not a concussion."
Buffy/Faith: "Oh, when I had psychic power I heard my mother think that you were like a stevedore during sex. Do you want me to continue?"
Riley: "Man, I would like to get my hands on her. Not in a sex way."