Charisma Carpenter said the following in a BBC interview about Cordelia’s Pylean princess outfit:
“I was scantily clad wasn’t I? And cold. It was tremendously cold. In fact in the last episode [of season two], we’re in Pylea. Groosalug and Angel are fighting and I run to Groosalug’s rescue. He’s fighting with Angel and Angel has to go ‘extra hellbeast’ to fight him, because he’s like the king of all fighting in Pylea.
At that moment I realise my love for Groosalug and I go to hug him, and he’s wearing a metal plate, and there was snow on the camera cases. So I’m in a bikini top with coins all over going brrrr - so cold.”
May 14th, 2006 at 4:15 pm
If there was ever a piece of trivia that needed an accompanying picture, this would be it.