Dream time: Willow

Argh! What does this mean?! Here’s a rough breakdown of the basic meaning behind Willow’s dream in Restless. We see that Willow still sees herself as the nervous nerd she was in season one. She even wears the same outfit from Welcome to the Hellmouth. The red curtains which Willow walks through symbolise all kinds of things: the womb; the vagina; safety etc. They basically symbolise Willow’s relationship with her girlfriend Tara, where she feels warm and safe.

Related Trivia:
  • Cassie not Tara
  • Dream time: Buffy
  • Dream time: Giles
  • Dream time: Xander
  • [4.16-10.58] Faith’s knife
  • Just made that bed
  • Willow’s stage fright
  • Living the dream
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 6th May 2005
    Hits: › 765  

    54 Comments about “Dream time: Willow”

    1. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      I’ve given a lot of thought to it over time (as I’m sure many have), and I must say: This has got to be the best dream sequence of the episode. I am curious, though, what other people think about this matter. I wonder what is the most well-regarded dream sequence by the people who post on this site.

    2. beagle says:

      The commentary, at least on the region 1 dvd, pretty much goes through all the metaphors. Sorta takes the fun out though, doesn’t it? I’ve always wanted to have a buffy club were we meet periodically, watch an ep. and then try to interpret the demon/teenage trama metaphor and just chat. Unfortunately I don’t think there is another nut case like me in all of Charleston.

    3. slightlyembarrased says:

      “I’ve always wanted to have a buffy club were we meet periodically, watch an ep. and then try to interpret the demon/teenage trama metaphor and just chat. Unfortunately I don’t think there is another nut case like me in all of Charleston.”

      …um, maybe in all the World….

      (Just teasin’, beags…)

    4. slightlyembarrased says:

      And why “beagle”? Are you a big Snoopy fan? Or, perhaps, a big Charles Darwin fan?

    5. beagle says:

      Annie, and Chloe, my most adorable 15″ tri-color beagle hounds.

    6. slightlyembarrased says:

      Beautiful dogs, beags…I always like that breed. I, on the other hand, am step-father to a 3 year old black lab named “Lilly” who is, by almost all accounts, the single most sweet, good natured creature on the face of the planet.

      Why can’t people be like dogs?

    7. beagle says:

      I wish my beagles minded like labs. Labs are awesome dogs, them and goldens. I can’t get enough. My wife and I have a pet care business on the side (trying to make it not on the side) and dogs, well most all pets just kick a$$. I like them a lot more than most of the “people” I deal with from within my Dilbert cubicle.

    8. slightlyembarrased says:

      What I love most about my lab is that she is completely unruly with my ex-wife, but treats me like the alpha-male I have always dreamed of being. If I give her even the slightest stern look or intonate with even a hint of disapproval, she is at my side, pressed to my leg, and looking for approval.

      Now…if only my ex-wife had behaved as such, I’d still be married….

      [Note to feminists who post at this site: The preceeding post was meant as parody. I do not ascribe to this type of macho mentality nor would I want to be involved with any woman who did not think for herself. Repeat: Satiric parody meant to mock those mouth-breathing Neanderthals who do, in fact, think as such….That is all….]

    9. somethingblue says:

      I want a Buffy club!!! Come on, you all can just fly to Indiana (but you’ll have to stay in hotels, I don’t think my husband will understand) Such a cool idea, beags.

      And Snoopy, what a wonderful character he is, Snoopy dance from Xander included. My almost 4 year old boy is getting really into Snoopy (watching the holiday shows all the time) and his name is Joe, so I’m on the constant lookout for “Joe Cool” stuff for him.

      Finally, my sister has to Dachsunds (Ginger and Mary Ann) and they do not mind her at all and I swear they will never be fully house trained, but they love my sister dearly!

    10. somethingblue says:

      2 dachsunds that is, not to

    11. somethingblue says:

      slightlyem…remember…Beer Baaaaaaad!

    12. beagle says:

      Maybe we could have some kinda club here. We could pick one night every other week, all watch a particular ep. and discuss it during. Maybe even jess might set us up a page or somethin. I almost suggested this to her before but it is soooo geeky. We could even vote on which ep. Or have special holiday themes, or buffy birthdays in january and, and, oh gosh, GEEK GEEK GEEK GEEK GEEK GEEK GEEK I’m cuttin out of work early, right now! 5 o’clock be dammed, must regain rebellious persona.

    13. somethingblue says:

      Like, “lunch time be damned”! Beagle, I LOVE your idea and am totally excited about it and I don’t not feel geeky at all, so there!!! Jess, are you interested?!?! (those who say we’re geeks be damned!)

    14. Jet says:

      a buffy club where we also talk about our doggies…!
      i would totally join that club. or just a buffy club. not like i don’t watch it all the time anyway.

      back to the hellmouth i go.

    15. somethingblue says:

      b’please, I’m in for a midwestern conference! Buffy fest 2006! Yeah! I’m doing the really, really pyscho obsessed thing and watching Buffy and Angel episodes in tandem by air date (watching I will remember you now, SOB!) But that only leads the way for Spike down the road (Yay!)

    16. Abby M. says:

      You think that is obsessive? I think I take the cake with the next one…

      I am a sophmore in high school now, when March hits, I am going to start watching every Buffy episode that corresponds with my own real-life timeline, examp: If an episode aired on March 11 when she was a sophmore, I am going to watch that ep this coming March 11…

      Hello. My name is Abby, and I am a Buffoholic. (And proud of it)

    17. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      That just sounds cool Abby. Everyone should do something like that.

    18. beagle says:

      I am also in the midst of a buffyverse consecutive viewing. I’ve seen all of them, most of the btvs eps. several times but have never watched both series consecutively as they originally aired. I’m keeping this obsessive; I call it a charactorlog, which amounts to
      a spread sheet with different colored cells/lines for most of the reoccurring characters that I make notes in for each episode. I’m up to 3.15 Consequences. One more to Dopplegangland! weeeehoooo!

    19. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      My brother and I watched every episode at least twice when they first aired (and three times a week most times), as well as twice most every week when they aired in rerun (even though we had them taped to keep). We’ve both seen all episodes several times, and most at least six. The musical, as well as many others, we have seen at least ten, and maybe more than twenty in that case, times. I know that this might be sad for us, but I thought it to be worth noting, given some other posts here.

    20. NotFadeAway says:

      Wow, I think that my brother is right. This is sad for us. Of course, there is has never been a show (and will never be) that compares to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or that can inspire so much loyalty from me. Also, I find it really hard to believe that any other show ever could cause the type of hard core loyalty that so many people have for BTVS. That’s certainly a major reason why it is, without a doubt, the greatest show in the history of television.

    21. mairceridwen says:

      “the greatest show in the history of television”

      I do love Buffy…but that comment is wrong on so many levels.

    22. mairceridwen says:

      “Also, I find it really hard to believe that any other show ever could cause the type of hard core loyalty that so many people have for BTVS”

      Two words: Soap Operas.

      Also, Oprah.

      This is not about quality, but there are shows with longer, more dedicated followings.

    23. somethingblue says:

      mairc, I’m surprised by your comment above:
      “the greatest show in the history of television” I do love Buffy…but that comment is wrong on so many levels.

      Wow, and haven’t you posted the most comments of anyone on the site? I guess I think it’s the greatest show not from an objective point of view, but from my perspective because certainly no other show has caused this type of attention and thought from me personally (the rest of the world be damned!) I guess I was just shocked by your Buffy re-buff.

    24. mairceridwen says:

      well, if you bothered to READ the comment you’d see that I do LOVE buffy and wasn’t re-buffing buffy (god that’s awkward), I just don’t think it’s the greatest show in the history of television. I think there are far better shows, but they don’t have message boards. Or, they do and I don’t like their fans the way that I like Buffy fans so I don’t talk to them.

      And I respect that people probably do think it’s the greastest show in the history of television…I just think television has a long and varied history and that there have been better (on many levels) shows.

    25. mairceridwen says:

      please excuse my rudeness. i’m in a VERY bad mood this morning (not an excuse)

    26. somethingblue says:

      I did read your comment, just made a comment back to it, sorry about that. I kind of thought “re-buffing Buffy” was funny (I’ll just keep smiling to myself) Sorry you’re having a bad day, you sound like my older sister (who is nearing 40 incidentally) and just called to snap my head off about nothing that is my problem either. So, this is the last post I will reply to you for now, lest I become in bad mood as well.

    27. slightlyembarrased says:

      I, for one, enjoy mairce in a bad mood…it makes for far more spirited debate around here.

      That said, I am sorry to hear you’re in a bad mood, and I hope whatever or whoever put you in that mood is punished.

      So….mairce, I cyber-picked up a book at Amazon, that I think you (and everyone here, for that matter) would find very interesting: “Why Buffy Matters: The Art of BtVS” by Rhonda Wilcox. The treatise looks at BtVS, and, to a lesser extent, television in general as a legitimate art form. I’ve only read the forward and the first 50 or so pages, but she draws numerous comparisons to Dickens, whom, it turns out, Whedon has said was his favorite author. Her take on the organic aspect of the show — its mutability, semotics, symbolism and ability to define and redefine itself — is quite compelling. Her primary thesis is, above all, BtVS “matters” because it is art, and art has signficance as dialectic on the nature of humanity and to provide models (good and bad) for human behavior.

      I also picked up “Reading the Vampire Slayer” edited by Roz Kaveney — a compendium of articles about the philosophy, feminism, themes, and sexuality written by academics and literary critics. Very heady stuff…plus, it beats the living snot out of reading case law, as I am forced to do in order to put bread on my table. If only I could be paid to read Buffy stuff….

    28. slightlyembarrased says:

      Now…back to our regularly scheduled debate….Is Buffy the “best show” ever? That’s a lot like saying “Citizen Kane” is the best movie ever. Apples. Oranges. Comparing artistic endeavors is a fool’s paradise, not unlike the nauseating exercise in self-indulgence that the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences trots out each year when they select a “Best Picture”.

      One man’s “Gladiator” is another man’s “Plan 9 from Outer Space.” It is one of those debates for which there is no definitive resolution but to say, “Well, that’s your opinion.” Hence, in my humble esteem, a pointless exercise.

    29. slightlyembarrased says:

      In other words, and to crib from the M-G-M logo, itself: Ars gratis artis … art, for art’s sake.

    30. slightlyembarrased says:

      b’please…I never quote without attribution. Dem be my words…

    31. slightlyembarrased says:

      Consider them yours, b’please…though attributing them to someone named “slightlyembarrased” may take away the over impact of your thesis. So, just this once, you may call them your own.

    32. slightlyembarrased says:

      They ROCK ….

    33. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      Not just is BTVS the best show ever, but the long history of TV debate can’t be used. Shows, in general, are much better today than they used to be (although pieces of trash are out there all over the place, this likely is more because of how many more shows are on TV now than before). 24 or Lost or the wonderful Veronica Mars are all better than the shows of the past eras; it’s not just BTVS and the other Whedon shows that make up the list of superior shows. I don’t know if this makes too much sense, but it does to me. By the way, slightlyembarrassed, nice reference to Plan Nine from Outer Space.

    34. NotFadeAway says:

      It’s true that there are better shows today than in the past. I’ve seen a lot of the shows from past, and there aren’t too many (aside from “The Andy Griffith Show”) that I like. Of course, I’m 24, so that probably has a lot to do with it.
      The reason that I think that Buffy the Vampire Slayer is the greatest show in the history of television is more than just that it has “message boards.” Not only was the quality incredibly high for many years, but the show has an effect on fans of the show (such as myself) far more than any other show, or movie, etc. that I’ve ever seen. This show has truly been (and still is) an important part of my life (okay, so that sounds pathetic, but it is true.) And, while Oprah may be popular, I have trouble believing that people have the same type of loyalty to her that some of us have toward BTVS (or I hope not, anyway.)

    35. mairceridwen says:

      Just in terms of loyalty…star trek beats Buffy by a long shot. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that before.

      I love Buffy and it is a pop culture phenomenon, but I still don’t think it’s the best show ever. The first season of Millenium is much better any season of Buffy. And if asked, I would have to say that M*A*S*H is probably one of the best shows in the history of television.

    36. mairceridwen says:

      “And, while Oprah may be popular, I have trouble believing that people have the same type of loyalty to her that some of us have toward BTVS”

      You’d be surprised. People LOVE Oprah…i mean they REALLY, REALLY love her.

      Also. Trekkies…buffy has it’s following, but no show has topped Star Trek in terms of fan loyalty. And if you want to include movies, there is also Star Wars.

    37. slightlyembarrased says:

      “Following = quality” is a bad equation. I mean, look at porn…people go crazy for it, but the quality is dreadful….

    38. mairceridwen says:

      I didn’t make that equation. When I was talking about following, I was talking about the loyalty that television shows inspire, ragardless of quality.

      “look at porn…people go crazy for it, but the quality is dreadful”

      It depends on the porn. People go crazy for porn, but there are all kinds of porn. That’s like saying “People go crazy for primetime” or “people go crazy for cartoons”

    39. slightlyembarrased says:

      I know…I know…I was being dryly sardonic….geez…you ARE in a bad mood…heh heh…..

    40. slightlyembarrased says:

      Indeed, though, there are all kinds of porn, and I am making it my personal mission statement to see as much of it as possible in order to be better informed.

    41. mairceridwen says:

      You will love Bill Hicks

    42. slightlyembarrased says:

      I listened to some of what I downloaed. He is a funny dude.

    43. beagle says:

      Oprah is evil. Maybe she is the first, Ever see he touch anything? No really, she IS evil. And BtVS is the best show eva. because…. I say so. And, I mean, I’ve seen at least 2 or 3 percent of the shows that have ever showed so I should know.

    44. Abby M. says:

      Man, I don’t know about Oprah but I hate Dr. Phil…although as I was flippin’ through the channels this evening I watched him say, “Show them Bitches” so he earned some cool points.

      I don’t have the ground for saying BtVS is the best show ever but it is definitly my favorite show ever. And I do have to say, I barely watch TV that isn’t a movie I own or BtVS because most TV today has become such crap.

    45. somethingblue says:

      hey beagle, I’m with you “best show eva” all others be damned!

    46. Abby M. says:

      I don’t want to be damned…I’m a good girl..

    47. Abby M. says:

      …most of the time…

    48. somethingblue says:

      well, I could have meant all other shows be damned and not your personally, Abby M. I also could mean all others who don’t agree that Buffy is best show ever be damned, but that would include a lot of people I love, so I guess I can’t really say that. So don’t be Abby!

    49. Abby M. says:


    50. Abby M. says:

      Yeah, I know what you mean. My aunt is a major trekkie and she is the coolest adult I know.

    51. mairceridwen says:

      I hate Dr. Phil too–he’s so condescending, but every now and he tears a guest a new one, someone who REALLY deserves it, and I enjoy every minute of it.

    52. slightlyembarrased says:

      I have no idea who Dr. Phil is. And from what I’ve seen of Oprah, all I can figure is her legion following must be a result of her giving her studio audiences heroin and the liberal use of subliminal messages in her broadcasts…cuz, I just don’t get it…(Likewise, being all gainfully employed, I don’t ever get to see it, though, if I had the chance, I think I’d rather watch a really chessy infomercial before I’d watch her goobledegook…)

    53. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      Well, some of us wish we didn’t know who Doctor Phil is. Does that count for anything?

    54. Abby M. says:

      I love MADtv’s parodies of Dr. Phil. Michael McDonald (I am pretty sure that is his name) does a great job of playing Dr. Phil, it cracks me up every time!

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