After firing his staff and cutting himself off from all help, Angel begins intense physical and mental training to become strong enough to stop Darla and Drusilla before they destroy the City of Angels. Meanwhile, Cordelia, Wesley, and Gunn try to continue the good fight on their own now that Angel has abandoned the cause.
Airdate: | 16 January 2001 |
Writer: | Mere Smith |
Director: | Michael Grossman |
Darla: "See, Lindsey, during my stint as Wolfram & Hart's puppet, something occured to me. I loathe being used. If I recall, I sent a 15-body memo to that effect."
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Cordy’s pain
The following scene from Redifinition was cut, due to length: Cordelia moans at length to Phantom Dennis about her personal distress after Angel’s decision. After a bit of monologue, Dennis opens TV Guide, then turns on the television:
Cordy: “Oh, I’m sorry Dennis. Is my pain boring you? You dead guys are so insensitive”.
Cast and Crew Trivia

Juliet Landau
Juliet Landau played Drusilla. She was a ballerina, and then decided to take up acting. Her first role was in Grifters in 1990. Juliet has also been in Pump Up the Volume, Millennium, Carlo’s Wake, Going Shopping, Millennium and Parker Lewis Can’t Lose. Juliet is the daughter of Martin Landau, who won an Oscar for his portrayal of Bela Lugosi in Ed Wood. Lugosi was most famous for playing Dracula in the original US movie directed by Toss Browning. Juliet appeared in Ed Wood alongside her father.
Character Trivia

Angelus turned Drusilla insane by killing her family then sired her on the day she was due to become a nun. Dru had some kind of psychic power which enabled her to see things others couldn’t, as well as the ability to hypnotise people. She sired Spike and the two of them paired up with Darla and Angel to cause trouble. When Angel lost his soul, he teamed up with Spike and Dru again, making Spike jealous by flirting with Drusilla. Dru also killed Kendra by slitting her throat. After leaving Sunnydale, Drusilla left Spike for a Chaos demon.
Drusilla was hired by evil law firm Wolfram & Hart to sire Darla as a vampire again. The two retaliated by murdering a group of W&H employees. Realising he would have to kill Darla, Angel exacted his revenge on the two female vampires by setting them on fire. Drusilla returned to Sunnydale to try and win Spike back in Crush but he chose Buffy instead, though the Slayer hated him. Drusilla left town, never to be heard of again.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia

Godzilla is a massive, nearly invincible dinosaur/lizard-like creature with incredible strength and destructive fire. Godzilla has starred in 22 movies produced from 1954 to the present. Godzilla has been referenced in Buffy a few times. In Teacher’s Pet, Xander says, “We’re on Monster Island”, meaning the island where Godzilla lives. Xander says in Reptile Boy, “Godzilla’s attacking downtown Tokyo! Aargh, Aargh!” In Crush, Harmony calls Drusilla “Droodzilla”, which is probably a reference to Godzilla.
In Dirty Girls, Amanda says, “Matthew Broderick can kill Godzilla. How tough is he?” This is a reference to the 1997 movie Godzilla, starring Matthew Broderick which disappointed many fans (like Xander and Andrew).
In Redefinition, Merl says “I heard about your girls - Godzilla, Darcilla, whatever”.
Cordelia: "One thing you can say about Angel, at least he's consistent. It's always some little blonde driving him over the edge."
Virginia: "You had to impersonate him to rescue me, and you were too good an Angel!"
Wesley: "... I don't think so."
Lilah: "Oh, what's wrong Lindsey? You bitter cause your girlfriend didn't slit my throat?"
Lindsey: "I think you might be overstating it. I'd say more like 'bummed.'"
Darla: "Sweetpea, if we wanted you dead, you'd have never made it out of the wine cellar."
Dru: "He's got cow eyes, big and black... Moo!"
Darla: "Smart young lawyers, hungry for their big break and whoops, the boss gets eaten."
Darla: "See, Lindsey, during my stint as Wolfram & Hart's puppet, something occured to me. I loathe being used. If I recall, I sent a 15-body memo to that effect."
Darla: I spent 250 years without Angel. You think just because I went through a little human phase, I'd go all gooey?
Wesley: Come to find your destiny have you? Who was going to help you with that?
Cordelia: Shania Twain or Madonna. I hadn't decided.
Demon: "I never heard of ya." (Dru rips his ears off)
Darla: "Now, you never will."
Darla: "Me and my girl, we're not just the new thing in town. We're the only thing in town. And we're in the market for some... well, one doesn't really want to use the term, 'muscle slaves'. Actually, one does."
Dru: "Eyes like needles."
Darla: "Dru, I'm working here."
Darla: "If you think you have what it takes to join us, auditions are tonight, here, at this address. Winners will have the opportunity to foment mass destruction. Losers will be gutted and left for dead. Have a nice night."
Cordelia: You have an obsession, you pretty much squeeze it into your schedule no matter what.
Dru: "Didn't like that barkeeper. Mm... can't get his eyes off my fingers."
Dru: "My little bird is anxious."
Darla: "Yeah, well, recruiting a legion of demons is stressful, Dru."
Darla: "I don't miss my heartbeat Dru. It was a symptom of a disease I've since been cured of. You know, in a perfect world, Angel would be here right now helping me burn this city to the ground. This is *his* job I'm doing. But where is he, probably flogging himself in a church somewhere."
Wesley: I just thought you'd like to know that we're keeping the agency open. You may have turned your back on your mission but we haven't. Someone has to fight the good fight.