Drusilla has turned Darla back into a vampire, and Angel must catch them before she rises again and the two go back to their old ways. As he becomes more and more frantic, Angel begins to go off the deep end, and his staff worries that they are the only thing standing between Angel and real darkness.
Airdate: | 19 December, 2000 |
Writer: | Tim Minear and Shawn Ryan |
Director: | James A. Contner |
Dru: Angelus is on his way here now... He's very cross.
Behind the Scenes Trivia
That was so cool
From the stage directions for Reunion, when Angel locks the wine cellar doors on the lawyers and the vampires
Stunned looks all around. Even from Darla and Dru, but they’re stunned with delight. They share a “that was so cool!” look.
Cast and Crew Trivia

Sam Anderson
Sam Anderson played Holland Manners in Angel. Hailing from North Dakota, his numerous television credits include WKRP in Cincinnati, St. Elsewhere, T.J. Hooker, Hill Street Blues, Dallas, Magnum, P.I., The Golden Girls, 21 Jump Street, Growing Pains, Perfect Strangers, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Alien Nation, Picket Fences, Millennium, The X-Files, Friends, Ally McBeal, ER and Lost.
Anderson is married and is the father of twins.
Character Trivia

Holland Manners
Holland Manners was Vice President of Special Projects at Wolfram and Hart. He coordinated the resurrection and subsequent siring of Darla, and overlooked his protégés Lindsey, Lilah, and Lee. After forgiving Lindsey in his conspiracy with Angel in Blind Date, and Lilah’s failed assignment to hire Faith to kill Angel, Manners had Lee killed after discovering he was undertaking secret negotiations with the competition. Manners was killed by Darla at a party in his wine cellar, but his contract at W&H did not end, as we saw when he took Angel on an elevator ride to the “home office”. Upon his death, Lilah and Lindsay were giving the joint temporary role of overseeing Special Projects at the law form.
Lilah’s survival
Lilah Morgan survives two Wolfram & Hart massacres - when locked in a cellar with Darla and Drusilla and by The Beast in Habeas Corpses.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia
Rice Krispies
Cordy says in Reunion, “Easy, boss. This kid’s ready to snap, crackle and pop. I felt it in my vision”. ‘Snap, crackle and pop’ is the slogan for Kellog’s breakfast cereal Rice Krispies.
Angel: I have to find her. (rummages through cabinet)
Cordelia: Drusilla?
Gunn: She probably ain't in there.
Gunn: What I'm saying is, that means the granddaughter remade the grandmother.
Cordelia: What's the plan? Stand outside his door and make remarks?
Lindsey: Can she hear you?
Dru: She's dead.
Lindsey: Oh, of course.
Cordelia: Still not narrowing. Whole planet, pretty much made up of earth.
Angel: Everyone gear up, grab something sharp. We need to move fast.
Cordelia: Hitting the pause button, Wolfram & Heart? As in, vampire detectors, crack security system and armed guards? Good plan, General Custer!
Gunn: You had me at "everyone gear up."
Dru: Angelus is on his way here now... He's very cross.
Dru: I'm ringing! Do you hear it? I'm ringing all over... [Darla reveals Dru's cell phone] Oh, yeah. Forgot about that.
Darla: A massacre?
Dru: Oh, I like that sound of that.
Holland: You don't kill humans.
Angel: You don't qualify.
Lindsey: Give him a nice holding cell, officers. Southern exposure preferred.
Dru: Pretty lawyers all in a row!
Dru: You have beautiful skin.
Lilah: I-I moisturize.
Dru: That was very thoughtful of you.
Darla: You brought me back as human... a dying one, at that... let me wallow with a soul, then sent me crawling back to Angel, begging him to restore me.
Lindsey: I care. I guess I just don't mind.
Darla: Dru, honey, in our new digs we have to put in a people cellar.
Holland: Angel, please. People are going to die!
Angel: And yet somehow, I just can't seem to care.
Wesley: And you... just walked away?
Angel: No, I walked to my car then I drove away.
Wesley: Right now the three of us are all that's standing between you and real darkness!
Gunn: You best believe that, man.
Angel: I do... You're all fired.