After being inadvertently sucked into a dimensional portal, Cordelia finds herself stuck in Lorne’s home world, Pylea, a place where demons rule and human beings are slaves at best. Back in L.A., Angel is determined to find a way to rescue Cordelia, but when it seems that travelling to Pylea is the only answer, Lorne begins to get cold feet. After spending years in L.A., he is not at all happy at the idea of a homecoming.
Airdate: | 8 May 2001 |
Writer: | Mere Smith |
Director: | Fred Keller |
Cordelia: (clicks her heels three times) Worth a shot.
Behind the Scenes Trivia
The following scene with Lorne was cut due to length from Over the Rainbow:
Constable: “Krevlornswath of the Deathwok Clan, you and the cow trash are not to speak.”
Host: “Aw, debunch your panties, Narwek. We weren’t speaking, we were just kvetching.”
Constable: (suspicious) “Ka-vatching? What is this?”
The Host opens his mouth, then thinks better of it,
Host: “Forget it.”
Cast and Crew Trivia

Daniel Dae Kim
Daniel Dae Kim played W&H lawyer Gavin Park in Angel. Born in Pusan, Korea, his family immigrated to the US when he was two years old, and he grew up in Pennsylvania. Daniel earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Haverford College in Theatre & Political Science, and spent a semester studying at the National Theatre Institute at the Eugene O’Neill Theater Center in Waterford, Connecticut. In 1993, Daniel started the MFA acting program at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, and graduated with a Masters in Acting in 1996. While in New York, he performed in original comedies that he co-wrote and performed in while part of an improv group.
After moving to Los Angeles in 1997, he has appeared in Lost, Crash, Spider-Man 2, 24, ER, Enterprise, Miss Match, Hulk, Cradle 2 the Grave, CSI, Charmed, Star Trek: Voyager, For Love of the Game, Party of Five, Seinfeld, The Jackal, Beverly Hills, 90210, Addicted to Love and Law & Order.
Daniel is married and has one son.
Michael Phenicie
Michael Phenicie played the Pylean head priest Silas in There’s No Place Like Plrtz Glrb, Through the Looking Glass, and Over the Rainbow. He has also been in Alias, Ghosts Never Sleep, The Shield, Judging Amy, The Pretender, Gentleman’s Bet, Knots Landing and Desperate Moves.
Character Trivia

Gavin Park
Gavin Park was transferred from the Real Estate Division of Wolfram & Hart to the Special Projects Division, much to the surprise of Lilah Morgan. Parks decided to fight Angel his own way - by burying him in bureaucratic red tape, and building code violations. In the guise of showing interest in buying the Hyperion Hotel once its lease was up, he had the hotel checked for termites - and bugged. When Linwood was executed by his rival Lilah, Gavin began to grudgingly work for her. Gavin was turned into a zombie when The Beast rose from the ground and slaughtered all in Wolfram & Hart. He was killed by Gunn.

Silas was the head priest of the Covenant of the Tromboli in Pylea. He ruled Pylea with racial and religious persecution. He appointed Cordelia as the princess of Pylea, because of her visions. He planned to kill her after she had mated with the Groosalugg. Silas ordered that the The Host be beheaded and was ironically beheaded himself by Cordelia during the human revolt.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia

The Wizard of Oz
The movie The Wizard of Oz, made in 1939, in mentioned several times in Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
Buffy refers to the hyena-possessed bullies in The Pack as the “winged monkeys”. The phrase comes from the scene in The Wizard of Oz in which the Wicked Witch of the West sends her loyal winged monkeys to collect Dorothy and the ruby slippers. In Flooded, Andrew says he trained flying demon monkeys to disrupt the school play.
In Nightmares, Billy Palmer awakens from his coma and, seeing the Scoobies around his bed, says, “I had the strangest dream. And you were in it, and you”. This is a reference to when Dorothy wakes in her bed and sees her friends around her.
In What’s My Line? (Part 2), Xander says, “Welcome my little pretties”. In The Wizard of Oz, the Wicked Witch of the West called Dorothy her “pretty”.
In The Yoko Factor, Willow says, “If ever a whiz there was.” This is a line from the song in the film ‘Follow the Yellow Brick Road’ / ‘We’re Off To See the Wizard’.
The episode No Place Like Home takes it’s name from Dorothy clicking her heels together and repeating the phrase, “There’s no place like home” in order to get back to her Kansas home. A similar reference to this phrase is in the Angel episode There’s No Place Like Plrtz Glrb.
In Grave, Willow says, “Fly my pretty…fly!” when she sends her ball of fire to find Andrew and Jonathan. This is what the wicked witch says to her flying monkeys when she sends them off. In Empty Places, Rona says, “Ding, dong, the witch is dead.” This is from a song in The Wizard of Oz.
The title of the Angel episode Over the Rainbow is another reference to The Wizard of Oz, in which the land of Oz is said to be ‘over the rainbow’. In that episode, Cordelia clicks her heels three times (as Dorothy does in the film) and says, “Worth a shot.”
Cordelia: Angel? Wesley? Mr. Green Mojo Guys Cousin? HELP! Right. Good one Cor. Scream very loudly so the hell beasts come to you.
Cordelia: (clicks her heels three times) Worth a shot.
Wesley: Suppose I could try a binding spell of some kind. Something that would fuse us together as we enter the portal.
Angel: Good let's do that. That's...
Wesley: However, we could emerge on the other side as a freakishly hybridized Siamese twin.
Angel: Keep looking?
Cordelia: I wanna go home. I wanna be in my bed. I wanna order some Thai food. I wanna read the latest issue of Marie Claire. I wanna be doing anything but shoveling demon horse poo.
The Host. You mean he actually says Eureka?
Angel: Ah... Sun. The Daylight. Quick someone hand me a blanket, I'm gonna catch on fire. Hand me a blanket. I'm gonna catch on fire. Why am I not on fire?
Wesley: And we're together. And we didn't merge into a freakish four man Siamese twin.
Gunn: That was risk? How come no one told me that was a risk?
The Host: Ya know, ordinarily I handle bad news really well. I just drown my sorrows in an iced cold gin and tonic little squeeze of lime, except THEY DON'T HAVE THEM HERE!