Wesley preoccupies himself with protecting Connor and foiling a prophecy that Angel will devour his son. Meanwhile, Gunn and Fred investigate a vampire nest, unaware that the woman who hired them is one of Holtz’s lackeys.
Airdate: | 26 February 2002 |
Writer: | Mere Smith |
Director: | James A. Contner |
Angel: You're right to protect him. Holtz is one of the good guys. He has every right to hate me, and if he ever comes close to any of my people ever again or tries to touch a hair on my son's head, I'll kill him. And anyone who gets in the way. You might want to mention that.
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Hockey boy
David Boreanaz is a hockey fan - he even took part in a celebrity game when the NHL All-Star game was held in Los Angeles. In Loyalty, Angel buys Connor a mini hockey shirt and sticks, and he can be seen watching a game in Life of the Party.
No Cordy
Though she’s credited, Charisma Carpenter does not appear in the episode Loyalty.
Cast and Crew Trivia
Wendy Davis
Wendy Davis played Aubrey in Loyalty. She has also been in Grey’s Anatomy, Mother Ghost, The District, Cursed, Any Day Now, Between Brothers, Coach, Return to Two Moon Junction and Powder Heads.
Character Trivia
Aubrey was a member of Holtz’s crew sent to gather information on the various members of Angel Investigations. She attempted to bond with Wesley and he saw through her guise. Her son Timothy was turned into a vampire and subsequently destroyed from sunlight when she would not let him in the house.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia
Angel: Mr. Dad. Check me out. I'm Mr. Dad.
Angel: Okay, I know it's a little bit too early to be thinking about stuff like this, but I can't wait to watch him, you know, grow up. For him to lose his first tooth. Learn how to ride a bike. I want to help him pick out a tux for his senior prom. I just can't wait to see who he's going to be. I know that it's mushy, but he just, he makes me so happy.
Angel: When somebody becomes a vampire, there's no turning back. No matter how much you want to believe there's some part of them you can save, all that's left is an evil thing.
Wesley: Fred, we're not here to date, we're here to do a job.
Lilah: (as Sahjhan appears out of thin air) You don't have an appointment.
Sahjhan: That's it? No, 'wow, how'd he do that?'. No screaming in terror? You 21st century types are so jaded.
Lilah: I hate to disappoint you, but Wolfram & Hart's official policy is to let Angel live until he becomes useful. I'm sworn to obey that policy. (holds up a 'Count me in' sign) Is there some other way we can help you.
The Loa: Your insolence is disappointing.
Wesley: Try chatting with a cranky hamburger.
Angel: You're right to protect him. Holtz is one of the good guys. He has every right to hate me, and if he ever comes close to any of my people ever again or tries to touch a hair on my son's head, I'll kill him. And anyone who gets in the way. You might want to mention that.
Angel: I used to think that. I thought love was something that swallowed you whole, ripped you up inside. But you know, what I feel for Connor, even that fear, it's... it's not terrible. It's beautiful.