Angel learns that there may be a connection between the Beast and Connor, only to discover that Connor is trapped inside the Wolfram & Hart offices, where the Beast is on a bloody rampage.
Wesley: (On the Beast in Wolfram & Hart) It's killing everything that moves in there.
Gunn: I've heard worse news.
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Cast and Crew Trivia

Kay Panabaker
Kay Panabaker played the little girl in the White Room on Angel in Forgiving and Habeas Corpses. She was aged 12 and 13 when she was on Angel. Kay also appeared in the television series’ CSI: Crime Scene Invesigation, ER, Seventh Heaven, The Division, The Brothers Garcia, Phil of the Future, Medium and Summerland and the films Life is Ruff, Dead Heat and Monsters, Inc.
Character Trivia
Lilah’s survival
Lilah Morgan survives two Wolfram & Hart massacres - when locked in a cellar with Darla and Drusilla and by The Beast in Habeas Corpses.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia

Mommie Dearest
Buffy says in The Witch, “So mommie dearest is really… Mommie Dearest.” In Inca Mummy Girl, Buffy says, “Ok, I’ll still get Xander before he gets smoochy with Mummy Dearest.” Mommie Dearest was an autobiography by Christina Crawford about her abusive mother, the movie actress Joan Crawford. It was made into a movie in 1981, starring Faye Dunaway.
In Habeas Corpses, Cordy says “Listen up, Daddy Dearest”.
Seen at 07.08 minutes:
In Habeas Corpses, Cordelia rolls onto her back just after Connor asks, “makes what harder?”, but in the next shot of Connor, you can see she is still lying on her side with Connor is still rubbing her arm. Then in the next shot she is on her back again.
Lilah: Do you have any idea what this thing wants?
Connor: Everybody dead.
Gunn: So what's it say about the Big Bad Wolf if he can just stride right in and suck the energy out of Evil Red Riding Hood?
Lilah: Tell him to stop whining and make a report.
Cordelia: I'm just glad everyone is back together.
Angel: Me too. Now take your new boyfriend and get out of here.
Lilah: Funny thing about black and white: you mix it together and you get gray. And it doesn't matter how much white you try and put back in, you're never gonna get anything but gray.
Angel: The only way to kill a zombie is to stop its brain activity. Cut off it's head, smash it's skull... luckily, they're slow and stupid so we have a decent chance of beating them... Unless, of course, there's hundreds of 'em.
Wesley: (On the Beast in Wolfram & Hart) It's killing everything that moves in there.
Gunn: I've heard worse news.
Gunn: I don't remember seeing him that down after a fight.
Angel: Gavin is a zombie. It's an undead thing.
Connor: Like you?
Angel: No! Zombies are slow-moving, dimwitted things that crave human flesh.
Connor: Like you.
Lilah: What are you more afraid of, a murderous demon or me?
Gavin: Be right back.
Angel: Cordelia, I don't want you there. It's too dangerous, way too dangerous. I can't risk it. Fred! Get a move on.