Cordelia’s has a vision, which reveals that the Beast once knew Angelus. Since Angel has no memory of this, the gang realizes that there is only one thing to do. They must find a way to bring forth Angelus.
Wesley: You don't have a choice!
Angel: Yeah, I do. That was it. You wanna hear it again?
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Indiana Jones
Warren calls Jonathan “Short Round” in Conversations with Dead People and Entropy. He was Indiana Jones’ partner, played by Jonathan Ke Quan, in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. In All the Way, Zach says to Janice, “Pumpkins, very dangerous, you go first”. This is a reference to Raiders of the Lost Ark in which Indiana Jones sees snakes in his way. His friend Salla says “Asps, very dangerous, you go first”.
In Awakening, Angel says, “Wood. Why did it have to be wood?” after he sets off the booby trap. This is a paraphrase of Indiana Jones’s famous line “Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?” from the 1981 film Raiders of the Lost Ark. Much of the action in Angel’s fantasy in Awakening is inspired by Indiana Jones movies. In Soulless, Angelus says to Wesley, “Here’s one for you. What’s the deal with Angel and Raiders of the Lost Ark?”
Beast: Oh the boy joins his father in death.
Connor: No! In kicking your rocky ass!
Cordelia: Angel, you don't have to do this.
Angel: Now she tells me.
Lorne: Is there any part of this guy that doesn't have writing all over it? Scratch that - I don't want to know.
Connor: It's all your fault! I never should have been born!
Angel: Grow up! You think you're the only one who ever felt like that? Who wished his father were dead?
Connor: Yeah, but mine already is.
Cordelia: (glancing at her chest) I knew you two would get me in trouble someday.
Cordelia: The sword of the Bash'ma'ad.
Wesley: Slayer of the Beast.
Gunn: Oooo... can I play with it?
Wesley: I was careless. Made a mistake that almost cost you your life. Would've made pulling you out of the ocean a big waste of my time.
Angel: Yeah, that would've been a drag.
Angel: You hear that? There's a sword. A sword to kill the beast. And you wanted to turn me into Angelus by having an evil shaman cut off my head. Not that that wasn't a swell plan too.
Wesley: You don't have a choice!
Angel: Yeah, I do. That was it. You wanna hear it again?
Beast: We could rule this world. Why do you oppose me?
Angel: Rain of fire; Blocking out the sun; and you just kinda piss me off
Lorne: (after Angel sings) Sorry, bucko, I get nothing. Although, your choice of "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia," might have thrown me a wee. Personally, not huge with the Vicki Lawrence love.
Gunn: So that's why we couldn't find anything written about The Beast in the books - these jokers are walking around with it written on their asses.
Connor: You're the reason my life sucks.
Angel: Get over it
Angel: (Beast comes crashing in) Oh, there he is...
Gunn: (slices table in half) My bad...
Cordelia: Who booby traps a dead end? That's just not right!
Angel: If anything should go wrong with Angelus, you're gonna have to kill me.
Connor: Okay.
Angel: If anything goes wrong.