Angel helps a newly infected werewolf named Nina, who is being hunted by a mysterious and wealthy organization. Nina is offered shelter at Wolfram & Hart, but when it turns out that the hunters have a mole in the company, Nina’s sanctuary may become a trap.
Fred: Oh that's weird, why don't I just approach the mysteriously ajar door.
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Cast and Crew Trivia

Jenny Mollen
Jenny Mollen played Nina in season five of Angel. Born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1979, Jenny attended UCLA’s school of theatre, film, and television. While at UCLA, she wrote and produced a one woman show called Not A Pretty Girl. She has also studied and lived in Paris, France and Heidelberg, Germany and is fluent in both German and French.
She has appeared in Ring Around the Rosie, Return of the Living Dead 5: Rave to the Grave, Cattle Call, The Raven, D.E.B.S. and Strong Medicine.
Character Trivia

Nina Ash
Nina was attacked by a werewolf whilst out jogging, in the Angel episode Unleashed. She managed to escape but had been bitten, and so became a werewolf herself. Angel found her before she attacked her niece, and kept safe at Wolfram & Hart. She bonded with Angel as they both had to control the beast inside themselves. After accepting her new situation, Nina returned home to her family with the arrangement to return to W & H every full moon.
Nina developed feelings for Angel, who remained unaware of how she felt until she asked him to breakfast one day. Their relationship grew and Nina wanted the two to go away on a holiday together. Angel finally produced plane tickets - but not for her dream break away. He asked her to leave the country with her sister and niece, to get away from the coming fight with the Senior Partners. Unhappy at the prospect of leaving Angel she agreed to go, understanding that it was for the best.
Puppy saving
In Unleashed, Fred says of Angel, “Girls, guys… puppies. He’s pretty much an equal-opportunity saver.” This could be a reference to the episode Orpheus, when Faith witnessed Angel’s past life - including saving a puppy.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia
In Unleashed, Royce uses Calendula to block Lorne from reading him whilst singing. Calendula is in fact a flower with yellow or orange flowers - related to the Marigold. In medicine, it has properties that reduce inflammation, control bleeding and soothe irritated tissue.
Fred: Oh that's weird, why don't I just approach the mysteriously ajar door.
Spike: I'm a bloody phantom. And you and your serious girl spectacles were gonna help me with my bloody little problem.
Fred: I know, and I bloody will.
Nina: How do you live with it? Knowing that you've killed people.
Angel: Nina, they were going to eat you for dinner!
Spike: I had a wee spat with a werewolf myself once. Fought for over an hour. Brutal, vicious. Almost lost my--
Fred: Angel killed him with a pen.
Nina: Next you're going to tell me you actually like being a vampire.
Angel: Well... being nearly indestructable is cool.
Nina: Guess he saves a lot of girls, huh?
Fred: Girls, guys... puppies. He's pretty much an equal-opportunity saver.
Wesley: These people, the ones you're spending so much time with lately. Knox, for example.
Fred: We're, you know, friendly, but he's under me...or I'm on top of him...professionally.
Fred: Oh my God. You're so full of crap!
Nina: So you're like a family?
Fred: Yeah, a demon-hunting, helpless helping, disfunctional family.
Angel: Being nearly destructable is kinda cool.
Angel: I'm buyin'
Lorne: Ladies and gentlemen, hell just froze over.
Angel: You know that "whoosh" thing that you do where you're not there anymore? I love that.
Wesley: I did get a rather nice pen. Sterling. Has my name on it.