Cordelia wakes up from her coma and is shocked and unhappy to discover that Angel and the gang are no longer fighting Wolfram & Hart, they’re running it. When she realizes that Angel has lost his conviction to be a hero, she gives him the information and support he needs to get back on track. Meanwhile, while Angel has security keeping an eye on Eve, her partner Lindsay prepares to bring about Angel’s demise.
Lorne: Why can't it ever call for unclean urine? I've got plenty of unclean urine. Look -- I think I'm making some right now.
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Unhappy 100
You’re Welcome was the 100th episode of Angel to be made. The show was cancelled just 9 days after it aired. The episode finally dealt with the end of Cordelia’s storyline, including her death.
Cast and Crew Trivia
Character Trivia
Death to the cast
Many of the main Angel cast have been killed or near death. Angel was killed and vamped in 1753; Doyle was killed in Hero; Gunn was electrocuted by Gwen and revived in Ground State; Wesley’s throat was slashed in Sleep Tight, he was shot in The Thin Dead Line and finally killed in Not Fade Away; Cordelia was comatose for most of season five before dying in You’re Welcome; and Fred was killed when Illyria took over her body in A Hole in the World.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia

Comicbook hero Superman has been epitomised in many comics (by DC Comics), movies (starring the late Christopher Reeve), TV shows (eg. Lois and Clarke, Smallville), cartoons (eg. The Adventures of Superman) and even a musical. He and the world he lives in have been referenced many times in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel:
- In Never Kill a Boy on the First Date, Buffy says, “even Clark Kent has a job”, alluding to Superman’s alter-ego.
- In Reptile Boy, Xander’s chances of ever belonging to a fraternity of rich and powerful men are rubbished by Cordy as likely only “in the Bizarro world.” The Bizarro world is a weird, back-to-front version of the real world in Superman.
- In the episode Ted, Cordelia says of Buffy, “But she’s like this Superman.”
- In The Wish, Cordelia says to vamps Willow and Xander, “No. No! No way! I wish us into Bizarro Land, and you guys are still together?! I cannot win!”
- In Helpless, Oz and Xander discuss which colour Kryptonite hurts Superman. Writer David Fury said in his DVD commentary for the episode that he wasn’t sure which Kryptonite was which so wrote this scene as such.
- In The Zeppo, there area few references to Superman: Xander’s line, “But, gee, Mr White, if Clark and Lois get all the good stories I’ll never be a good reporter”, which he acknowledges as a “Jimmy Olsen joke”. He also name-checks the Daily Planet’s editor Perry White, Superman’s alter ego Clark Kent, and his colleague Lois Lane. Cordelia’s jibe “You must feel like Jimmy Olsen” is another reference to the Daily Planet’s youngest photographer.
- In Doomed, Forrest says to Riley, “Granted they’re a little rarer than the one’s you grew up with on that little farm in Smallville.” Smallville, Kansas, was the small town where Clark Kent (Superman) grew up.
- In Superstar, Xander mentions Kryptonite again.
- In Real Me, Xander says, “She can turn this place into the fortress of solitude again”. Superman built the Fortress of Solitude in the North Pole as a place where he could relax and keep his souvenirs.
- In Gone, Andrew mentions Superman’s nemesis Lex Luthor. Buffy also mentions Bizarro World again.
- In Two To Go, Andrew says, “Lex Luthor had a false epidermis escape kit in Superman Versus the Amazing Spider-Man Treasury edition”.
- In Bring on the Night, Andrew says, “An evil name should be something like Lex” He’s referring to Superman’s nemesis Lex Luthor.
- In the Angel episode Blind Date, Wesley says, “The human eye is only capable of registering a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. But if Brewer were somehow equipped to see outside that range…” to which Cordelia replies, “She’d be Superman.”
- In You’re Welcome, Cordelia ends her seeming obsession with the Bizarro world when she says, “What Bizarro-world did I wake up in?”
Spike: (to zombies) Why so down? We're all dead men here.
Cordelia: Doyle pissed me off so righteously going out like that. But he knew. He knew what he had to do, didn't compromise. Gave his last breath to make sure you'd keep fighting. I get that now.
Angel: The thing that really pisses me off is this guy seems to be going by the name of Doyle.
Eve: Doesn't ring a bell.
Cordelia: Well it does to me! It rings a big frickin' gong! And I wanna know who has the nerve to be using that name.
Angel: All those tattoos, all those new tricks you've learned... just don't matter. Doesn't matter what you try. Doesn't matter where I am or how badass you think you've become. 'Cause you know what? I'm Angel. I beat the bad guys.
Angel: I remember when we first met. You put on a show. Told how I couldn't touch your client.
Lindsey: Then you pushed him out of a window.
Cordelia: Oh, so you two are groin buddies? And I thought Darla was rock bottom.
Cordy: I naturally assumed you'd be lost with me, but this?
Angel: I am lost without you.
Cordy: Sweetie, your epidermis is showing.
Spike: (to Angel) You called me a hero?
Angel: I didn't know you were eating people.
Angel: He's a Wolfram & Hart client. Our client. Oh, and he's evil. What are the odds?
Eve: You weren't home upstairs. Didn't think you'd mind me using your private elevator.
Angel: Eve, I mind you breathing. Get out.
Lorne: (to Cordelia) Hey, listen, crumbcake, when you're ready to splash back into that acting pool, just say the word. I'll have you lunching with Colin Farrell like that.
Angel: Harmony, she's talking.
Harmony: She is? Already? That sucks!
Angel: People don't change.
Lindsey: I did.
Cordelia: I thought he had a soul.
Spike: I thought she didn't.
Cordelia: I do.
Spike: So do I.
Cordelia: Well, clearly mine's better.
Angel: I'm not gonna risk anybody I care about.
Spike: I'll go.
Angel Okay.
Fred: Oh God.
Wesley: I think God is out at the moment.
Angel: Harmony, guard Eve. If she moves, eat her.
Harmony: Really? Thanks!
Lorne: Why can't it ever call for unclean urine? I've got plenty of unclean urine. Look -- I think I'm making some right now.
Cordelia: Spike's a hero and you're CEO of hell incorporated. What freakin' bizzaro world did I wake up in?
Cordelia: (To Eve) Let's go, Lilah junior.
Cordelia: Oh...and you're welcome.