Hoping that Lindsay has information on the Senior Partners’ ultimate plans, Angel, Spike and Gunn track him down in a bizarre and terrifying suburban hell. Meanwhile, a nearly invincible stranger sent by the Senior Partners, infiltrates Wolfram & Hart looking for Eve.
Eve: What do you want me to say? I'm a leprechaun. I'm from Brigadoon!
Spike: If I heard a nickel for every time I heard that one.
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Same tunnel
The tunnel to Lindsey’s suburban hell dimension in Underneath is the same tunnel which served as the entrance to Toon Town in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?.
Cast and Crew Trivia

Adam Baldwin
Adam Baldwin, who played Marcus Hamilton in Angel’s season five, is best known to Joss Whedon fans as Jayne Cobb in the TV series Firefly and movie Serenity. He also played Knowle Rohrer in several episodes of The X Files and Animal Mother in Stanley Kubrick’s film Full Metal Jacket. Adam has also appeared in My Bodyguard, D.C. Cab, Independence Day, Smoke Jumpers, Radio Flyer, From the Earth to the Moon, Men in Black: The Series, Stargate SG-1, The Inside, and Bones. He appeared in the 2005 television remake of The Poseidon Adventure.
Character Trivia

Marcus Hamilton
Marcus Hamilton took over from Eve as the new Wolfram & Hart Senior Partners liaison to Angel in the episode Underneath. Smartly dressed, strong and pushy, Hamilton remained wary of Angel, even when he joined the Circle of the Black Thorn. On realising that Angel had been feeding him wrong information via Harmony, Hamilton set about destroying the vampire. The two fought a huge battle which resulted in Angel drinking from Hamilton, and gaining his power through the liaison’s blood. Angel’s own blood became supercharged and he eventually broke Hamilton’s neck.
Bad things happen
In Underneath, when Angel is talking to Spike about how he should have never let Fred leave Pylea, he says, “bad things always happen here”. Fred said the same line when referring to Pylea in Through The Looking Glass.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia
Knight Rider
In Underneath, Spike says of the Camaro, “You never heard of Knight Rider? Knight 2000? K.I.T.T.?” He’s referring to Kinght Rider, an Eighties TV show starring David Hasselhof, which featured his car with artificial intelligence.
Lindsey: The world keeps sliding towards entropy and degradation, and what do you do? You sit in your big chair, and you sign your checks, just like the Senior Partners planned. The war's here, Angel. And you're already two soldiers down.
Spike: This isn't hell. This is the burbs. Close enough.
Eve: What could you possibly do to me? I've been trapped in this house for weeks like a...
Spike: Rat? Snake? Beady little rat snake?
Lorne: (asking Eve) This thing coming after you. how bad is it on a scale from one to terminator?
Lorne: I think I'm tired. I think I'm sick and tired of wearing bells on my toes and making like everything's gonna be ok. I think it's pathetic that lately I'm too scared and sad to tell people the truth so I just say what they wanna hear instead. Most of all, I think the term "Happy Hour" should be banned from the English language. There's nothing happy about this hour or any other.
Angel: This is Lindsey's punishment? For trying to kill me? Hunh! Maybe it's a reward.
Illyria: You drank a great deal of that poison, you called me a lot of names meant to hurt feelings I no longer have, and then you sat there for hours making noise with your nose.
Spike: What? I'm listening. With beer.
Angel: Forget it. This isn't a meeting. This is you being annoying.
Eve: Brilliant. Really. They'll never look for me here. I'm gonna die.
Spike: You make it hard for me to want to help you.
Eve: What do you want me to say? I'm a leprechaun. I'm from Brigadoon!
Spike: If I heard a nickel for every time I heard that one.
Spike: I hope it's Toy-poodle hell. I've had my fill of fire.
Illyria: Now... I'm trapped... on a roof. Just one roof.... in this time and this place, with an unstable human who drinks too much whiskey and called me a smurf. You don't worship me at all, do you?
Angel: (on Hamilton) Damn, he is well dressed.
Illyria: I walked worlds of smoke and half-truths, intangible. Worlds of torment, and of unnameable beauty. Opaline towers as high as small moons. Glaciers that rippled with incensing lust. And one world with nothing but shrimp. I tired of that one quickly.