Angel and Spike return from England defeated, knowing that the ancient demon Illyria has completely taken over Fred’s body and soul. Upon learning that Knox and Gunn have each contributed to her demise, Wesley is bent on revenge and Angel tries everything to restore Fred, including calling on an old friend from Sunnydale. Meanwhile, Illyria tries to locate an ancient temple where she believes she will find an army ready to help her destroy mankind.
Angel: What the hell did you do?
Wesley: What I had to.
Angel: I don't remember seeing "stab Gunn" on the agenda this morning.
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Set again
The library main entrance in Belonging is the same building where Faith shot her crossbow at Angel in Five By Five. It was later reused as the lobby where Illyria opens a portal in Shells.
Cast and Crew Trivia
Character Trivia

Knox worked in the Wolfram & Hart science lab under Fred’s management. A geeky but seemingly non-evil type, he had a crush on Fred, who (eventually) made it clear that she has no romantic intentions towards him. He was a devoted follower of Illyria, one of the old ones, and was her self-appointed Qwa’ha Xahn. Knox’s feelings for Fred lead him to choose her as the worthy recipient of Illyria’s essence, though the process killed her. Knox revealed that he had been part of a million year old plan for Illyria’s return preparing in the ancient ways by keeping ancient sacraments under his skin close to his heart. Knox was shot dead by Wesley, who was still grieving for his lost love, Fred.
Wesley’s axe mania
Wesley likes to attack the women in his life with axes - in Billy, he chased after Fred with an axe; he beheaded Lilah with one in Calvary; and attempted to kill Illyria with one in Shells.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia
Dixie Chicks
Fred hangs a poster of the Dixie Chicks in her lab in Conviction (we see the poster again in Shells). Fred also tells Harmony in Harm’s Way, “Anyway, if you want to hang out again sometime, we could grab some wine, jam to the Dixie Chicks.” The Dixie Chicks are a Dallas-based all-female country music trio, with hit songs such as “Wide Open Spaces”, “Cowboy Take Me Away”, and “Long Time Gone“. They became known for their outspoken views, particularly when member Natalie Maines’ made a public criticism of President George W. Bush on the eve of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Monty Python
British comedy team Monty Python have been referenced a few times in Buffy: In Life Serial, Andrew and Warren mimic Monty Python’s parrot sketch when watching Buffy’s adventures with the Mummy hand (Warren: “This mummy hand has ceased to be!” Andrew: “It is an ex-mummy hand!”).
In the episode Primeval, when Spike and Adam realize that Spike failed to do what Adam wanted, Spike says “Let’s not quarrel about who failed who.” This could be a nod to Monty Python and the Holy Grail in which Sir Lancelot slaughters many people at a party and the King says “Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who.”
In Him, Dawn says, “Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition” and in Touched, Spike says, “The dreaded torture device, the comfy chair.” These are references to The Spanish Inquisition sketch from Monty Python’s Flying Circus. The inquisitors try to torture people by making them sit in the comfy chair.
In End of Days, Spike says, “the holy hand grenade or whatever the hell that is”. The “holy hand grenade” is what the knights throw at the killer rabbit in Monty Python’s Holy Grail.
In Shells, Spike says he was, “flash fried in a pillar of fire, saving the world… I got better.” This is a reference to a line from Monty Python and the Holy Grail in which one of the witch-accusing peasants shouts, “She turned me into a newt!… I got better.”
Additionally, Alan Tudyk (who played Wash in Firefly and Serenity) took over the role of Lancelot from Hank Azaria in the Monty Python musical, Spamalot, between June to November 2005.
Angel: What the hell did you do?
Wesley: What I had to.
Angel: I don't remember seeing "stab Gunn" on the agenda this morning.
Illyria: My world is gone.
Wesley: Now, you know how I feel.
Illyria: You've destroyed my Qwa'ha Xahn.
Spike: Yeah, okay, but you've gotta admit, he had it coming.
Harmony: You gonna torture him?
Gunn: Thinkin' about it.
Spike: Can't even get drunk. Why would anyone ever make a bottle this small? It's inhuman.
Harmony: Come on, I got a degree in tearing things up.
Spike: Never a truer word.
Angel: What'd you get out of the doctor?
Spike: Screams. Various fluids. And a name.
Illyria: The Wolf, Ram, and Hart? In my time, they were weak... barely above the vampire...
Knox: Well, uh, guess they beefed up...
Angel: It's the soul that matters.
Spike: Trust us. We're kind of experts.
Spike: Things are gonna get ugly. That's where I live.
Angel: Did she toss you out a window?
Harmony: No.
Angel: Then you're one up on me.
Spike: It's like a bloody tease. Here's what a bottle of Jack would look like if you actually had one.
Illyria: Your breed is fragile. How is it they came to control this world?
Knox: Opposable thumbs. Fire. Television.
Illyria: Two half-breeds and a band of primitives. Is this all that challenges me now?
Angel: That, and a whole lot of bullets.
Illyria: My last Qua'Ha'Zon was taller.
Wesley: You tied Knox up.
Harmony: We're gonna torture him.
Wesley: Good. Why?
Wesley: I've been unreasonable, because I've lost all reason.
Illyria: This is grief. I'm watching human grief - it's like offal in my mouth.