When Illyria’s powers become unstable and cause her to erratically jump through time, she learns that the gang intends to kill her. Upon returning to the present, Illyria decides that she must kill everyone else before they are able to attack her. Angel, caught in Illyria’s time distortion is pulled into the past and must find a way to alter the course of events.
Hamilton: Let me ask you something Angel. Have you ever heard of the term "Surgical Strike"?
Angel: You ever heard the term "Appointment"?
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Cast and Crew Trivia

Jamie Bergman
Jamie Bergman apperaed as the pregnant woman, Amanda, in the Angel episode Time Bomb, starring alongside her real life husband, David Boreanaz. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, Jamie was the January 1999 Playboy Playmate of the Month. She has also appeared in Gone in Sixty Seconds, Any Given Sunday, Daybreak, Son of the Beach, Brutally Normal, Shasta McNasty, Beverly Hills, 90210, Dawson’s Creek and The Love Boat: The Next Wave.
Character Trivia

Amanda came to Wolfram & Hart to settle an agreement between herself and a group of demons called The Fell Brethren. Throughout Amanda’s pregnancy the Brethren had been taking care of her because they believed the child she was carrying was of importance to their kind. Amanda was initially brought to Wolfram & Hart to sign final documents to give up her child when it was born, as she felt they could offer the child a better life than she could. Angel and Gunn tried to persuade her not to give up her child, as he would be sacrificed when he turned thirteen. However, Angel had an inexplicable change of heart and aided the Brethren with their contract.

Illyria was one of the legendary Old Ones - an original pure demon who ruled from her citadel (Vahla ha’nesh) in modern day Los Angeles. She was murdered by rivals and her corpse was placed in stone sarcophagus, with her powers drained and placed in jewels embedded on her coffin. Her sarcophagus was placed in a mystical graveyard known as the Deeper Well along with the coffins of other Old Ones. A warrior of good and his army were assigned to guard the Deeper Well to prevent anyone from extracting one of the coffins, as the Old Ones are capable of resurrection.
Illyria’s sarcophagus was teleported to Los Angeles, but was held up by customs officials, but Gunn was convinced into releasing the sarcophagus. Masterminded by Knox, Fred’s colleague and Illyria’s self-fashioned Qwa’ha Xahn (High Priest), the sarcophagus was delivered to Fred at the Wolfram & Hart labs. Illyria’s essence was released into Fred’s body after she touched one of the coffin’s embedded jewels.
Illyria’s essence acted as an infection that liquified Fred’s organs, hardened her skin and consumed her soul. After hours of agony, Fred’s body was completely taken over by Illyria, who in the process absorbed her memories. Illyria, with the aid of Knox, attempted to bring about the destruction of humans by resurrecting her vicious ancient army, but soon discovered that it had been destroyed long ago. Lost and without purpose, Illyria agreed to learn how to adjust to the modern world with the help of Wesley, who felt drawn to her due to his love of Fred. Spike was assigned to spend time with the Old One, to discover how powerful she was. Her powers included altering the flow of time, superhuman strength, agility and reflexes, and altering her physical appereance on a basic level.
Eventually, Illyria’s power became too much for her new body to hold. Illyria was thrown out of linear progression of the time line, altering her perspective as the power sought a way to escape. Wesley used a device called a “Mutari generator” to extract the power bleeding out of the shell, ending the threat, but this robbed the Old One of her former power. She was brutally beaten and humiliated by Marcus Hamilton, which fueled the her with anger and motivated her to join the final battle against the Senior Partners.
In the series finale, when Wesley was dying, Illyria comforted him in Fred’s form. Grieving for him, she joined the final battle against the Senior Partners.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia

Fell Brethren
The Fell Brethren came to Wolfram & Hart in Time Bomb to finalise a contract with Amanda, a young human woman who was pregnant with a child they believed to be the ‘Vessel’ - a holy child. The contract stated that Amanda would give over her child to the Brethren, and they would raise him with great reverence on a diet of berries, panda meat and consecrated urine. When the child was thirteen, they aimed to ritually sacrifice him in the Rights of Gordabach. Their leader was in the Circle of the Black Thorn, so Angel allowed the contract to go ahead. In the final battle in Not Fade Away, Spike destroyed the Brethren and returned the baby to Amanda. The Brethren wore hooded robes, and had wrinkled, mottled, green skin, large hooked noses and liked organic cola.
The Poseidon Adventure
In Tome Bomb, Gunn says, “This place just went Poseidon on my ass. I don’t know which way is up.” He’s referring to the movie The Poseidon Adventure in which a passenger ship capsizes upside down.
Hamilton: Curing cancer Mr. Wyndham-Pryce?
Wesley: Wouldn't be cost effective.
Hamilton: You're right, the patent holder is a client.
Hamilton: Let me ask you something Angel. Have you ever heard of the term "Surgical Strike"?
Angel: You ever heard the term "Appointment"?
Lorne: (about Hamilton) Well, I'll tell you what, still like him better then Eve.
Angel: Illyria's blown all her gaskets, man. She's outta her mind!
Spike: How can you tell? Yesterday she spent two hours mind-melding with a potted fern.
Illyria: You ask me to allow you to murder me?
Spike: It's not murder if you say yes.
Illyria: Touch me and die vermin.
Wesley: I'm not in love with this thing Angel. But for some reason, I need it right now.
Angel: Yeah, that's just weird.
Illyria: When the world met me, it shuddered, groaned. It knelt at my feet.
Spike: "Dear Penthouse, I don't normally write letters like this, but—"
Lorne: (in the walkie talkie) I repeat, bluebird got wise. Secret Demon's cover is blown. Over. Hel-hello?! Is this on?
Amanda: Well, they are very religious... their religion not the God one.
Gunn: So she's like a TV star?
Wesley: No, nothing that bad. Bit more violent though.
Lorne: Angel wants me to start tailing Illyria. I got a little walkie-talkie and everything.