Angel and Spike travel to Rome with plans to rescue Buffy from their old nemesis The Immortal. While in Italy, they also attempt to retrieve the head of a fallen demon leader to prevent a perilous power struggle between several warring demon clans.
Angel: Ours is a forever love.
Spike: I had a relationship with her, too.
Angel: Okay, sleeping together is not a relationship.
Spike: It is if you do it enough times.
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Greewalt’s finale
David Greenwalt left Angel at the end of season three, but returned in the final season to direct the episode The Girl in Question.
Cast and Crew Trivia
Character Trivia

Roger and Trish Burkle
Fred’s parents, Roger and Trish Burkle were devastated when their beloved daughter disappeared. They hired a private eye to locate her which led them to Angel Investigations. The gang initially thought Fred was frightened of her parents, and believed they were untrustworthy. They were in fact perfect parents, and, after a fight with giant insect demons, they ask Fred to go home to Texas with them. Fred decided to stay with Angel, but remained in close contact with her parents.
Drowning in footwear
In Chosen, Spike wakes suddenly from a dream saying, “I’m drowning in footwear”. In the Angel episode The Girl In Question, Ilona, the CEO of the Italian Wolfram & Hart, says to Spike, “I’m glad you like, because I sent another 10 of them to Los Angeles for you along with a fine assortment of shoes.”
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia

Homestar Runner
In Chosen, whilst playing Dungeons and Dragons, Andrew refers to “Trogdor, the Burninator.” This is a reference to the HomestarRunner.com cartoon site.
Joss Whedon was pictured wearing a Strong Bad t-shirt, which was noticed by the guys at Homestar in this interview. Andrew can also be seen wearing a Strong Bad shirt in the Angel episode The Girl in Question.
Spike: Hop on, little mama.
Angel: I'm not riding on the back.
Ilona Costa Bianchi: Now, what happened to the drop? No grazie, prego, kiss, kiss?
Angel: Grazie. Prego. Kaboom.
Ilona Costa Bianchi: The gypsies are filthy people. (spits) And we shall speak of them no more.
Angel: Ours is a forever love.
Spike: I had a relationship with her, too.
Angel: Okay, sleeping together is not a relationship.
Spike: It is if you do it enough times.
Spike: How do you say 'wank off' in Italian?
Spike: Every time he shows up, I either lose my girl, get beaten by an angry mob, or get thrown in prison for tax evasion.... Long story.
Darla: Concurrently.
Angelus: Concurrently? You never let us do that.
Spike: I just want to see you happy. Not too happy though or I might have to stake you. Second thought... have at it.
Angel: You want a drink?
Spike: God yes!
Angel: (about Buffy) But she's not finished baking yet. I gotta wait till she's done baking, you know, till she finds herself, 'cause that's the drill. Fine. I'm waitin' patiently, and meanwhile, The Immortal's eatin' cookie dough!
Spike: Can't we just...lock her away in a box where no one can ever touch her? You know? Like we did with Pavayne?
Angel: I don't think she'd let us. Uh, she's pretty strong.
Andrew: Spike, is Angel crying?
Spike: No...not yet.
Darla: Come on Dru let's take a bath.
Drusilla: Will you hold me under the water?
Angel: (On Buffy) She'd never fall for a centuries old guy with a dark past who may or may not be evil.
Demon: Oh, look - the Americans are relying on violence to solve their problems. What a surprise.
Spike: The man has no sense of indecency. You remember Frankfurt. He hatches the Rathruhn egg personally, and then just decides to give those nuns safe passage.
Angelus: Those were my nuns!
Angelus: Go ahead. Take your best shot. I'll snatch your little wee sticks out of the air and spend the next fortnight shoving them slowly up your arse.
Spike: Can you really do that?