It did once

In the Angel episode ‘The Price‘, Angel is holding a snow globe and says, “It never snows in California” to which Cordelia replies, “It did once.” This is a reference to Amends, when it snowed for the first time in Sunnydale history.

Suggested by: MagicBone
Added: › 19th February 2006
Updated: › 30th April, 2006
Hits: › 445  

11 Comments about “It did once”

  1. Angel242 says:

    …which you think Angel would remember. But maybe he was too worked up about his sucide attempt.

  2. Abby M. says:

    Hmmm, you’re right. I never caught the fact that he should remember it snowed too. Did he show any recognition of it after Cordy said, “It did once”?

  3. MagicBone says:

    No, it’s possible that that was because he was sad because it post-Connor and Holtz and it was Connor’s snowglobe.

  4. Angel242 says:

    Oh God, the Connor-Angel- Father-son relationship was way to sad & complicated for me.

  5. TwoToGo-Grave says:

    Angel wasn’t saying it never snowed, just that is never does (won’t again). It is one of the niftiest allusion to the past that either show has had, i think. Oh, and the Connor-Angel story was so sad and depressing, but that’s what makes it so good (at least in my opinion).

  6. Abby M. says:

    True dat (sorry for the use of ‘dat’)

    I can perfectly picture Angel’s face when Holtz has Conner at the portal of the hell dimension and Angel was crying. Holtz asks to take Conner to protect him and Angel just says, “Take him” like, “If it means my sons well being, of course take him!” So emotional!

  7. MagicBone says:

    I know. He looks like he’s had his heart ripped out. And then Holtz tried to put it back in, but he didn’t do it very well. That’s a lot like the puppy-with-a-live-bee thing. We should all forget about it.

    It was sad. And baby Connor was soo cute.

  8. Abby M. says:

    He was cute! One of my favorite memories of Angel is right before we learn of the prophecy of “The father will kill the son”, Angel walks in on Wesley with Conner and says, “I’m not alone” and he is holding Conner and playing with him. So cute and happy!

  9. MagicBone says:

    Angel was so happy when he was with Connor. It was so sweet. I liked when they bought the tiny hockey stuff and were playing in the hotel lobby. Gunn: You know this is like the whitest sport ever? Angel: Yes, but the games are inside and usually at night. Hee hee.

  10. Abby M. says:

    Yeah! Another favorite Conner moment was when Angel was trying to get Conner to stop crying and he was making all the faces and said, “I have one more left” and vamped out and Conner stopped crying! Angel just held him and said, “That’s my boy!” So cute!

  11. tadpole says:

    No disrespect to Vincent; his performances were great, but the whole Connor storyline went awry. Wesley’s brooding righteousness was the only thing that kept me watching.

    I have no ‘favourite Connor moment.’

    Back to buffy, the snow thing was one of the completely unreal moments that i knew was unreal and still completely accepted because of the power of the moment.

    Getting me to accept the existence of vampires is simple. Snowing on an unusually warm Sunnydale eve? nicely done. (and, by the way, the snow at the end of ‘Amends’ is the fakest looking snow, ever.)

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