

Steven Spielberg’s 1975 shark movie Jaws is alluded to a few times in Buffy.
In Go Fish, Xander says, “This was no boating accident” - which is a line from the first Jaws movie.
In Graduation Day (Part 1), Xander and Giles open a page of a book to see a giant monster they may have to face. Xander says, “We’re going to need a bigger boat”, which was the phrase used by Brody (Roy Scheider) in the movie when he first sees the size of the great white shark he’s hunting.
In the episode Anne, Oz suggests that Willow uses the phrase “This time it’s personal” as it’s a “classic”. He’s quoting from the fourth Jaws movie.
Anya makes an explicit reference to the movie in End of Days when she suggests killing demons with gas cylinders, “They’d only be useful if something big was attacking, and then we could shove one down their throat and blow ‘em up like Roy Scheider did with that shark in Jaws.”
In Empty Places, Xander mentions the abysmal third movie in the Jaws series, made in 1983. After he loses his eye, Xander says, “Oh, you know what the best part is? No one will ever make me watch Jaws 3-D again.”
In Soul Purpose, whilst dissecting Angel in his dream, Fred holds up a Mexican license plate saying, “Hmm. Came up the gulf stream, huh?” This is a reference to the first Jaws movie,in which Hooper opens the dead shark and says, “Ah. Just like I thought. He came up with the Gulf Stream - from southern waters” before holding up a licence plate from Louisiana.

Suggested by: Jess
Added: › 28th October 2004
Updated: › 11th June, 2006
Hits: › 654  

5 Comments about “Jaws”

  1. Angel242 says:

    “Oh, you know what the best part is? No one will ever make me watch Jaws 3-D again!”
    This is the best line regarding jaws I think.
    And if you’ve seen Jaws 3D you will get what I mean. It’s pure horror.
    There are times in that movie I nearly wish that I could lose my 3D sight too.
    I’ve a fear of sharks though..

  2. Seddah says:

    I am terrified of sharks, but I find them really fascinating! ^____^ But you’re right, that’s freaky, Jaws 3D. I love watching it at my friends house because she’s got an aquarium that’s so big it takes up an entire wall behind her TV and it casts a creepy light on the room when all other lights are off. *Laughs* But I hate that poor Xander lost his eye.

  3. Seddah says:

    “Sometimes I shouldn’t say words.” *Laughs* Yeah, he did make the best of a terrible situation.

  4. Seddah says:

    Aw, I know! I thought he was gonna cry! And then I thought, “Oh, no! Don’t cry, it might hurt the lack of eye!”

  5. AnyasFloppyEars says:

    Jaws refs are the big thing in Hollyweird - Kevin Smith has at least one in each of his films, and Van Der Beek was always twittering on about it in the Dawson.

    I’m just disappointed that somewhere in Buffy there wasn’t a “smile, you sonofabitch” for Xander. The Potter tease trod all over it in one episode of the Creek, if I remember rightly, so TPTB may have thought it over-used.

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