Lack of Giles


The following dialogue from Hell’s Bells, which explains Giles’s absence from Xander and Anya’s wedding, was deleted from the episode:

Dawn: “I thought Xander and Anya couldn’t afford flowers.”
Willow: “Giles sent ‘em. Aren’t they gorgeous?”
Dawn: “Yeah. I wish Giles was here.”
Willow: “Me too. And I’m sure he’d much rather be here than fighting that nasty demon-”
Dawn: “Da-e-mon. In England, it’s daemon.”
Willow: “Daemon, too right. But Giles’s got responsibilities. And so Anya and Xander have flowers. And flowers. And more flowers. Ooh, it’s going to be so pretty.”

Source:The Watchers Guide 3, by Paul Ruditis, Pocket Books (2004)
Related Trivia:
  • [6.02-52.33] Weapon chest
  • [1.04-00.50] No heart
  • Shaving and blood
  • No music
  • Zeppo misunderstanding
  • Male buddies
  • Snack job
  • Lyrics: Walk Through The Fire (Reprise)
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 16th May 2005
    Updated: › 3rd November, 2005
    Hits: › 773  

    4 Comments about “Lack of Giles”

    1. Abby M. says:

      Wonder why they deleted it? Maybe so no one mentioned Giles until his kick-ass entrance in Two to Go?

    2. Comfortador says:

      He doesn’t come to their wedding and apparently nobody bothered to let him know that Xander left Anya at the alter since Buffy had to tell him in Grave. It seems that he didn’t care enough to call and find out how the wedding went either. Or maybe he’s just really British…

    3. Abby M. says:

      Yeah, character wise it was really bad to have Giles completely cut off from the show for a year. But the writers/Joss did it so his entrance in Two to Go would be really surprising and cool.

    4. Jess says:

      Thanks, Boysp, I did a bit of tidying up yesterday on the site.

      I thought the show really missed Giles during season 6, but that was the point of that season - for Buffy to feel increasingly isolated. It was a great moment when he returned.

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