[6.02-52.33] Weapon chest

Goof seen in: Bargaining (Part 2) at 52.33

Spike moans about the lack of weapons in the Summers’ house. Where did all the weapons (last seen in The Gift) from the trunk go?

Related Trivia:
  • Tortured Angel
  • [6.20-39.30] Warren’s chest
  • No weapon forged
  • [2.21-02.29] Darla’s nail
  • Acathla
  • Sword through the chest
  • Jack McGee
  • [7.21-09.22] Scythe
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 23rd September 2004
    Updated: › 25th May, 2005
    Hits: › 421  

    One Comment about “[6.02-52.33] Weapon chest”

    1. Mullsen says:

      Maybe they kept them at the Magic Box. Xander did refer to it as NORAD.

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