Number of Kills

Please note: This trivia was suggested by Newbie. It has not been approved.

In the season four episode A New Man, when the Professor and Riley brag that he’s bagged 17 HSTs and then ask Buffy how many she’s killed they cut away. Then Riley and Buffy are walking through the quad and he is obviously reeling with her numbers. Question is: what are her numbers? I mean, if you figure 2 a week, it’s her 19th birthday episode; that means she’s been slaying 4 years. 52 weeks x 4 x 2 = 416. BUT, she’s had summers off…

I know several websites purport to have kill stats for every episode but I have checked them and they are never accurate.

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  • Suggested by: Newbie
    Added: › 7th February 2006
    Updated: › 1st April, 2006
    Hits: › 124  

    One Comment about “Number of Kills”

    1. Abby M. says:

      Yeah, but even during the summers she isn’t out of town, she probably still slays on the side and that isn’t counting all the vamps and demons she slays off screen during the seasons.

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