

Rack was a warlock who dealed in highly addictive magic. Amy Madison introduced Willow to him and she quickly became an addict. He called her Strawberry. He warned Warren Meers about Willow’s power after Warren had killed Tara. Evil Willow killed Rack when she drained him to recharge her power.

Appeared in: Wrecked, Villains, Two To Go
Related Trivia:
  • Rack and ruin
  • [6.10-13.28] Amy and Rack
  • Skin troubles
  • A little tour
  • [6.21-21.35] Willow’s hand
  • Magic Box magazines
  • Warlocks
  • Wood’s knife
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 10th September 2004
    Updated: › 26th October, 2005
    Hits: › 884  

    14 Comments about “Rack”

    1. Abby M. says:

      How come Willow felt bad about killing an almost-evil guy (Warren) but didn’t have on ounce of guilt about killing Rack (yes, he was a ‘magic-dealer’ but he wasn’t evil and from what we know he was human)?

    2. Mullsen says:

      Rack was a bit of a creep, I doubt anyone would have felt bad about killing him.

      Plus, Warren was the first person she killed, that probably felt worse than whatever came after. I mean, she just didn’t seem as guilty about fighting and nearly killing her friends and almost ending the world either.

    3. star*naming says:

      uhmm..don’t you find it deeply disturbing when he calls willow “strawberry”? that is creepy on a level i hardly knew existed (as someone would of put it :P). makes me cringe every time i hear or read it.

    4. Abby M. says:

      Nice Ted reference.

      It gives me the jibblies as well.

    5. Smash says:

      I love it! It’s so creepy and wrong and icky, isn’t it wonderfull! Now that is good writing. When they make you cringe like that, they’re doing something right. That was another of my favorite moments of season six, because it was so out there and yet so real and harsh and diffucult to hear.
      I probably seem a litte all over the place here. Ashley will stop talking now.

    6. MagicBone says:

      It’s not even a creepy sexual aspect, it’s like a scary child molester thing. He had all of this control over her when she was magically stoned or wahtever. And it was so disturbing when explained why he was calling her strawberry (because thats what she tasted like). ‘Makes me want to heave.’

    7. Smash says:

      It amazes me what they can get away with on this show. I adore how so much of the sexual content of this show is implied, or told through metaphore (like Angel “feeding” off Buffy). It’s so much better than the One Tree Hill/O.C. type crap that they have on TV these days that puts no artistic thought whatsoever to sex. They just force feed you gratuitus sexual content to bring ratings up, while with Buffy it was so layered that it always had more meaning. With all the creepy death/sex/abuse elements, I applaud the writers for presenting it all they way they did.

    8. star*naming says:

      i know exactly what you mean. i guess it’s like spike put it in “dead things”: “you make it hurt in all the wrong places” and that’s what makes it amazing. “it” being the show in general and season 6 in particular.

    9. Abby M. says:

      Still, the thing my mom almost freaked out over while I was in awe of actually getting that on TV, was in Innocence when Angel writes “Was it Good for you too?” on the wall in blood. I thought it was great!

    10. margybee says:

      I feel a little dumb about this, but I never really understood what Angel meant by that, or who he was referring to…

    11. Angel242 says:

      He was refering to the sex they had the night before.
      And honesly I don’t get why some freked out about it. It’s not so serius.
      In sweden they show a lot of worse things, ok that kinda sounded like we Swedish people are perverts..but you get it.

    12. somethingblue says:

      But I do think Willow felt violated in some respect when Rack sucked the energy from her because in Two To Go (I think) she seemed to be getting a revenge/satisfaction thing from draining him. Kind of like a fantasy a victim would have of getting even with their attacker. Does that make sense? While I think she was caught up in the addiction, I’m not sure you can really say she was lovin it. Just my opinion, however.

    13. MagicBone says:

      I didn’t mean that Rack was an actual child molestor but he was creepy in a child-molestory kind of way. Willow’s addiction to magic was overpowering her and he had all of this control over her considering he gave her all of the power/magic. Plus he was kinda freaky lookin and had a weird voice.

    14. Comfortador says:

      When you have a creepy dude with a messed up eye and scars on his face telling you that you taste like strawberries you should run for the hills. If you don’t, you just might have an addiction problem…

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