

Skip was a metal-clad unclassified demon who worked for the Powers That Be, by overlooking Billy’s torture in an unknown hell dimension in That Vision Thing. His will kept Billy locked in the cage of flames while robbing him of his ability to scream. He fought Angel, who freed Billy to help Cordelia. Skip later appeared as Cordelia’s demon guide when her visions made her slip into a coma in Birthday. He was responsible for showing her how her life could be without Angel, and making her part-demon when she refused to turn her back on her friend.
He assisted Cordelia to ascend and become a higher being, and later tried to further Jasmine’s coming by telling Angel to kill Cordelia in order to save the world. He was eventually shot and killed by Wesley.

Played by: David Denman
Related Trivia:
  • Skip Stellrecht
  • Inside Out
  • David Denman
  • Andrew’s antics
  • Cordelia Chase
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 29th April 2006
    Updated: › 13th May, 2006
    Hits: › 135  

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