Vamps in cars

In Passion, Cordelia remembers that she invited Angel into her car once, seen in Some Assembly Required. She eventually swaps it with her grandmother.

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  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 5th April 2005
    Hits: › 375  

    2 Comments about “Vamps in cars”

    1. Abby M. says:

      I have always wondered: I know you need an invite to get inside a private home if you are a vampire, but do you really need an invite to get inside a car? Was that Cordelia just being paranoid/trying to appear as the victim in the situation or does a vampire actually need an invite to get inside someones car?

    2. Lilwenn says:

      I believe Cordelia’s just being paranoid.
      It doesn’t seem logical that vampires would need an invitation to get into someone’s car. I’m sure there’s something prooving this in the series somewhere.

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