
Spike and Halfrek recognise each other in Older and Far Away - she even calls him William. This is a reference to the fact that Kali Rocha, who plays Halfrek, played Spike’s love interest, Cecily Adams, in Fool For Love. Cecily seems to have been made into a vengeance demon by D’Hoffryn.

Related Trivia:
  • William Burroughs
  • 1880 crossover
  • William variants
  • Cecily
  • William Monaghan
  • William Forward
  • William Cowper
  • Bloody William
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 2nd June 2005
    Hits: › 998  

    8 Comments about “William?”

    1. Rozzi says:

      Ha! I knew it. I knew it was the same actress i just figured it was a mistake

    2. Saintsaucey says:

      Yet they don’t comment on it in entropy when she and spike and anya are in the magic box

    3. Puja says:

      There’s a raised eyebrow and significant looks between Halfreck and Spike, but the main clue is when Halfreck calls Spike “William?” in Older and Farther Away.

      Personally, I didn’t get the significance until I read this site.


    4. Saintsaucey says:

      New news on this subject. In a comic book that just came out this afternoon. It’s revealed that Halfrek was actually a Vengeance Demon long before the events of Fool For Love.

      In the comic book. The mustached man (In the book he is given the name Thomas Wexler) Follows William out into the street. Having over heard their opinions of his poetry. William tells Wexler that “I WISH you were the bloody ones.” Wexler returns to the party and informs everyone of William’s bad mood and that he over heard their conversation about him, Cecily persuades Wexler to tell her What William said and Cecily tells Wexler that her response to that is (As Halfrek) “Wish Granted.” Wexler begins to ask what that means when be and the others begin bleeding from the eyes/ears/noses and one who can’t see stumbles into a table with a lamp on it. The lamp lights the place on fire and no one can get out because Cesily has locked the door.

      After Spike and Buffy break up in As you Were. Spike makes a trip to LA to annoy Angel. Weather or not he comes into contact with Angel is not mentioned. He does run into Halfrek at a bar. Presumably it’s the sameone he attends in Angel season five “Not Fade Away” Halfrek is there observing one of her long term projects. The decendent of Wexler is doomed to die on before his thirtieth birth day. (It appears he was the real reason she was at the party. His descendents have all died before turning thirty) Spike takes it upon him self to protect the man not knowing who he is at first. After a long battle of wits between Spike and Halfrek, and many mockeries of her name. Spike and Wexler take refuge in an orphanage. Spike convinces Halfrek that she can’t kill Wexler because she’d either hurt the children doing it. Or she’d traumatize them if she killed him her self. She agrees and Wexler is so estatic that he falls out a window. Later. At Bela Lugosi’s grave site. Spike is paying his respects. He refers to him as a better Dracula than Dracula. More stylish, lots scarrier. Halfrek tells Spike that she can still hear her voice, Still see her pleading face, A young girl she once cared for was taken from her village by an “invading celt” (I don’t know what celt is.) A man celbrating his thirtieth birthday took the girl as his present to him self and the girl killed her self rather than submit. Halfrek cursed him and got the attention of D’Hoffryn. The rest is history she tells Spike. She also tells Spike she liked his poetry back in the old days and Spike makes his move. As she’s lying on the ground waiting. Anticipating. Spike tells her she is beneath him. Gets up and walks away. She calls him a right bastard and he tells her he prefers “Justice Demon”

      I know this is a coimc book and most people don’t consider books of any type to be cannon. But Peter David is a well known science fiction and comic writer. I’m sure he would have had to get clearance on the story.

      One last thing and I’ll shut right the hell up. In the book Halfrek refers to Spike as William Pratt. Wether or not this is the “Official last name” for William is up to jess to decide.

    5. superdinosaurboy says:

      The Celts were a wide expansion of tribes who lived in ancient times in Spain, France, Northern Italy, Britain and Ireland, and spoke varieties of the Celtic languages. The modern descendants of these languages are Irish Gaelic (and its cousins Scots Gaelic and Manx), Welsh, Breton (spoken in Brittany in Northern France) and Cornish.

      The Celts occupied Britain before the arrival of the Romans, and lived in peaceful-ish co-existence (after original opposition, led by Boadicea/Boudicca, among others) for several hundred years until the Romans retreated from Britain. When the Anglo-Saxons invaded, the Celts were pushed into the margins of Britain, like Wales and Cornwall.

      I don’t know whether there’s any firm date for the arrival of the Celts in Britain and Ireland, but it must have been at least several hundred years before 0 AD. Of course, Halfrek’s village could have been in Italy - Rome was sacked by the Celts in 386BC -, or Spain.

      Basically, if Halfrek came into contact with Celtic invaders she must be REALLY old. Far older than Anya.

    6. Esual says:

      Well, if you watch “fool for love” you can see that she is a little bit too harsh. Harsh enough to be a Vengeance demon. However, if she was a Vengeance demon, how come she has stayed around in that one place long enough for William to fall in love with her. Dont they usually kinda teleport around looking for people who want Vengeance?

    7. Sunnydalehigh says:

      Wow! I never put that together before, that Cecily was a vengeance demon back when William was writing poetry about her. I always just thought that Halfrek and Spike would’ve been around long enough that they just knew each other. I also thought that the same actress was just playing 2 different characters. It’s not like they’ve never done that before on the show. Cecily being a vengeance demon back then makes so much more sense. That’s so cool! I love it when I learn something new about the Buffyverse long after I’ve watched all the episodes again and again.

      It makes sense even without the non-canon comic to back it up. I happen to like the comics for that reason, just to give a different perspective on things, just for fun.

      Esual, maybe Halfrek, as Cecily, was just lurking around looking for a scorned woman. I’ll bet there were lots of them around back then. She could’ve granted many wishes from women who were around then, hence the staying in one place long enough for William to fall in love with her.

    8. NotFadeAway says:

      I have trouble with the idea that Cecily and Halfrek are the same person, as it was never mentioned on the show. I’ve always assumed that that moment in “Older and Far Away” that was mentioned was just a bit of a joke, what with Kali Rocha playing both of these roles.

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