A black and white oval sticker with the letters “WP” can often be seen in Sunnydale. The sticker is for a band called Widespread Panic. Examples of episodes in which this is seen include:
Inca Mummy Girl: behind Xander when he says to Ampata, “Why’d you run away?”.
Halloween: next to Cordelia when she’s dressed as a cat and talking to Oz (on Oz’s locker door), and when Willow walks into the library when she’s a ghost, there is one on the bulletin board to her right. There is also a sticker on the bathroom wall, seen behind Buffy’s right shoulder when she an Willow look through the book.
Reptile Boy: at the beginning of the episode, behind Xander’s left shoulder in Buffy’s room.
Bad Eggs: behind Jonathon’s right shoulder on the locker when he is being attacked.
Surprise: on the locker behind Cordelia when she is talking to Xander and behind Xander when he calls Giles a party weasel. A colourful Widespread Panic poster can also be seen behind Joyce in Buffy’s dream.
Phases: when Buffy is in the Bronze looking for the werewolf, a WP sticker can be seen on a pillar behind her right shoulder.
Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered: poster in Xander’s room and behind Xander when Harmony tells him he should learn a second language so more girls can reject him. A sticker can also be seen on the locker behind Cordelia when Harmony is telling her off for breaking up with Xander.
Becoming (Part 2): at the beginning of the episode, when the cop is arresting Buffy in the hall, you can see a WP sticker on the lockers behind her.
Dead Man’s Party: on a guitar case behind the drums during the party.
A New Man: behind Giles when he’s at Buffy’s party.
Wild at Heart: a colourful WP poster (not the sticker) can be seen to the right of Oz’s bedroom door.
The Yoko Factor: in Buffy and Willow’s dorm room.
The Replacement: on the payphone that Xander uses to call Buffy.
July 4th, 2005 at 9:19 pm
The WP stickr can be seen in Halloween a lot! It is behind Cordelia in her cat costume, one is in Oz’s locker door, one is over Oz’s right shoulder when he stands up after closing his locker, and as soon as you see Willow walk into the library via the wall, you can quickly glance at one on the bulletin board to her right. There is also quite a colorful WP poster to the right of Oz’s bedroom door. You can see it in Wild at Heart.
July 6th, 2005 at 12:40 pm
Thanks, I’ve added that in.
July 11th, 2005 at 9:31 am
I put this same info in the ‘Suggest Some Trivia’ but I didn’t know if to put it there or here so I’ll put in both places: Another sticker can be seen in Halloween on the bathroom wall (when Wil and Buffy are looking through the book) behind Buffy’s right shoulder. Also, in Reptile Boy, in the very beginning, behind Xander’s left shoulder in Buffy’s room.
July 14th, 2005 at 9:12 pm
Boy, I am getting good at this! I think you have listed the Surprise WP sticker spots under the episode title Bad Eggs because Xander calls Giles a funky party weasel in Surprise. A WP sticker is in Bad Eggs though: You have to look quickly but there is one behind Johnathon’s right shoulder on the locker when he is being attacked.
July 17th, 2005 at 6:28 am
Hey! I spotted another, yeah me! In Phases when Buffy is in the Bronze looking for (werewolf) Oz, it is on a pillar behind Buffy’s right shoulder. The camera moves fast so it is kind of blurry but I relized it is definitely a WP sticker after I took a closer.
August 4th, 2005 at 1:06 am
Spotted another WP. In ‘Dead Man’s Party’ on the guitar case behind the drums during the party. This perpetual searching for WP stickers could turn into an uber pathetic drinking game pretty fast.
August 14th, 2005 at 1:36 am
God knows I’d be drunk pretty quick (if I was old enough to drink that is)! :)
August 15th, 2005 at 12:39 am
Found another! Becoming Part 2, right at the beginning when the cop is arresting Buffy in the hall, you can see a WP sticker on the lockers behind her.
December 15th, 2005 at 1:05 am
Here we go, back on my game! There is one behind Willow’s right shoulder on a locker in I Only Have Eyes for You right before she runs into Giles
December 15th, 2005 at 1:43 am
beagle trivia, I kept seeing these wp stickers on cars and stuff and those are my initials so I was like, what is this about? Now I was already a huge buffy nut. So when I google “wp sticker” one of the first hits was this site. And that’s the first time I knew restlessbtvs existed. Not sure if i had noticed the stickers watching and rewatching episodes but I’ve googled buffy blah blah blah a zillion times but never got here (the best btvs site ever) . Destiny?