authors listed in alphabetical order
Saber ShadowKitten | Sable Rose | Salamanca | Sali | Salice | Sami | Saria Angel | Serendipity | Serenity | Shadowlander | Shanna | Shannon | Shari | Sileya | Natalie Sims | Sky | Slvr Fyre | Snizzle | Spikes Red Queen & Faith | Spwaddict | Suika | Sunfire | Sunshine | Susannah | Susi| Susie | Suzanne | Sylver | |
The Magic of Computers ~R~
When Stars Collide ~PG-13~
Sword of the Vampire ~PG~
They All Fall Down ~PG~
~NC-17~ Cycles ~R~
Immortal Willow I: Awakening ~PG~
Immortal Willow II: Lessons ~PG~
Immortal Willow Interlude: Angel's
Grief ~PG~
Shadow and Light Series ~PG~
Looking Forward, Holding Back
Series ~PG~
Sounds of the Heart ~PG~
ShadowKitten (
Elaisias ~NC-17~
Synopsis: Willow tests her new created
computer game and suddenly she and her friends must play for their lives
Parts: Prologue-3
| 4-7
| 8-10
| 11-14
| 15-16
| 17-19
| 20-21
| 22-End
Status: Complete
Synopsis: Angel decides to put up
a website and hires a design-firm
Parts: 1-4
| 5-8
| 9-epilogue
Status: Complete
Rose (
Dark Soul ~NC-17~
Synopsis: Angel becomes obsessed
with Willow and does some not very nice things to her
Parts: Prologue-1
Status: 22-08-2004
Por Amor Al Pequeño Angel
Synopsis: An alternate universe/cross-over
where Angel is Zorro
Parts: 1
Status: Complete.
The Gift ~PG~
Synopsis: Gifts are extensions of
the heart
Parts: 1
Status: Complete.
Only In Dreams ~R~
Synopsis: Willow needs comfort
Parts: 1
Status: Incomplete
Porphyria's Lover ~NC-17~
Synopsis: Angelus wants to fill the gap in his family
with... Willow!
Parts: 1-8
Status: 31-07-2005
Angel (
Switched ~PG~
Synopsis: Willow has a 'little'
accident during a fight with a demon
Parts: 1-5
Status: Incomplete
Protector ~PG-13~
Synopsis: Angel gets his own watcher
Parts: 1-10
| 11-17
| 18-19
Status: Incomplete
Synopsis: Willow helps Angel get
his soul back, making her life all the more complicated
Parts: 1-10
| 11-20
| 21-26
Status: Complete
Always and Forever ~PG~
Synopsis: An apology
Parts: 1
Status: Complete ---> 04-01-2004
Coldfire ~PG~
Synopsis: Dru has got a plan to
get her 'daddy' back
Parts: 1-5
Status: Incomplete
Synopsis: An ancient legend and
a world gone mad
Parts: 1
Status: Incomplete
Better off Forgotten ~R~
Synopsis: Willow wakes up in LA
with amnesia and bad dreams, but are they only nightmares or is something
really after her?
Parts: 1-10
| 11-18
Status: Incomplete
Letting Her Go ~G~
Synopsis: Angel's thoughts
Parts: 1
Status: Complete ---> 13-10-2004
Not What It Appears ~PG~
Synopsis: Nothing is like it appears
Parts: 1-8
Status: Complete
Sequal to: Not What It Appears
Synopsis: The group has a plan to
bring all their foes down
Parts: 1-5
| 6-10
| 11-15
Status: Complete
Letters To Sunnydale ~PG~
Synopsis: Various POV's
Parts: 1. Dear
Buffy | 2. Hey
Wills | 3. Greetings,
Angel | 4. Spike,
You Dog |
Status: 22-08-2004
Synopsis: Spike is one bored ghost and explores better
living through pharmaceuticals...for Angel
Parts: 1-10
| 11
Status: 21-08-2005
A Thin Line Between Pleasure
And Pain ~NC-17~
Synopsis: Willow claims her mate
Parts: 1
Status: Complete.
Synopsis: Ummmm W/A pwp Plot I knew
I forgot something(lol)
Parts: 1
Status: Complete.
Synopsis: Ummm I am not telling
nuh nope you have to read it.
Parts: Prologue-3
Status: Incomplete
Fyre (
Blood Of My Blood ~PG~
Synopsis: Willow is the last in
a line of powerful Immortals
Parts: Prologue-3
Status: Incomplete
Synopsis: X-Over with Highlander.
Willow dies in the arms of Angel
Parts: 1-4
Status: Complete
Synopsis: Willows training goes
Parts: 1-6
| 7-8
Status: Incomplete
Synopsis: Angel tries to cope with
Willow's death
Parts: 1-9
Status: Incomplete
Synopsis: Ares and Gabrielle's daughter,
Willow Rosenberg, is sent back into time to get her parents together
Parts: 1-4
Status: Incomplete
Kiss Me Series ~PG~
Synopsis: Willow's dancing has an
unexpected audience
Parts: 1. Kiss
Me | 2. Lets
Dance On |
Status: Incomplete
Synopsis: Willow visits Angel and
Cordelia in L.A.
Parts: 1. Looking
Forward, Holding Back | 2. Lucky
Charms |
Status: Complete
Red Queen & Faith
Pandemonium ~R~
Synopsis: What if Willow went all
vein-y for a different reason and went after a certain soulful vampire?
Parts: 1
Status: Complete ---> 21-11-2004
Hate ~PG-13~
Synopsis: Angelus' return forces
Willow's thoughts and hate to resurface
Parts: 1
Status: Complete
LA, City of... ~PG-13~
Synopsis: Willow goes to LA after
killing Warren and Gunn and Fred are still out searching for Angel and
Parts: Prologue-5
Status: Incomplete
Family Ties ~PG-14~
Synopsis: Angelus' past has caught
up with him and wants revenge; and it has something in common with Spike
Parts: 1
Status: Incomplete
Synopsis: Willow is depressed and
only the friendship of two unexpected people can help her
Parts: 1-5
| 6-8
Status: 03-08-2003