[1.08-08.13] Buffy’s birthday

Goof seen in: I Robot, You Jane at 08.13

Moloch sends Fritz details of Buffy via the school’s computer system. We see two different versions of her school record on the computer. In the second one, her status changes from ’sophomore’ to ’senior’. Her date of birth also changes from 24 October 1980 to 6 May 1979. In Nightmares, Buffy’s date of birth on her gravestone reads 1981-1997, and in The Gift, it says 1981-2001.

Related Trivia:
  • Elizabeth’s birthday treat
  • Bad birthdays
  • Happy Birthday
  • Birthday gal
  • Bubble blower
  • [6.14-02.26] Buffy’s demon
  • Tara’s grave
  • Buffy’s 21st
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 19th September 2004
    Updated: › 21st February, 2005
    Hits: › 791  

    13 Comments about “[1.08-08.13] Buffy’s birthday”

    1. swamp rat 13 says:

      In “Nightmares” Giles has no knowledge that Buffy will die on any certain date. The gravestone could only be dated at the time that they were at that day, otherwise they would know which day Buffy was really going to die.

    2. Rozzi says:

      I thought she was a “Capricorn”

    3. Jess says:

      I think she tells Riley that she’s “Capricorn on the cusp of Aquarius” in Doomed.

    4. w00hoo says:

      Also, having just rewatched the start of series 1 with dates in mind, in “The Harvest” at 30:28 Joyce says to Buffy ‘everything is life or death when you are a 16 year old girl.’ Then in the following episode, “Witch” we see a white board for the Cheerleader try outs announcing ‘Welcome to 1996 Cheerleading tryouts’ which means she had to be born in 1980 for the math to work.

    5. Abby M. says:

      That episode actually aired in 97 because it was a mid-season filler so the dates are going to be off.

    6. ildjarn says:

      Well, we all know that Joss is bad with dates (see also Angel’s birthday battle…)

    7. arkaná says:

      I recently rewatched s1 too, and noticed the same thing, w00hoo. Even though the eps started airing in 97, weren´t she supposed to have transferred to Sunnydale for the fall term? Hence she started school in 96 and ended her sophomore year in 97. We know she graduates in 99, which fits this theory. But then I don´t know how old you are when you graduate from high school in the US…

    8. mairceridwen says:

      17 or 18.

    9. Lisa30 says:

      Buffy’s birthday is always celebrated in episodes first aired around January 20th, which fits with the “Capricorn on the cusp of Aquarius”.

    10. Abby M. says:

      That is cool because my birthday is Jan 22 and I am aquarius. Plus, this year is my sophmore year so I am about the age that Buffy was when the series started. It’s cool if your me…(also, it reminds me of how old the actors looked. My boyfriend is 16 and doesn’t look nearly as old as season 1 Xander)…

    11. MagicBone says:

      Very cool Abby. Happy way belated birthday.

      And also, wasn’t Nick Brendon like 25 when he started playing Xander?

    12. Abby M. says:

      Thanks MagicBone!

      Yeah, there is a piece of trivia on how when Nick Brendon was 25 and working as Xander in season 1, Robia LaMorte (who is supposed to be his early 30’s teacher) was only 26!

    13. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      I personally thought that it was strange when I first saw Robia LaMorte playing an older character on BTVS, as she had appeared on 90210 only three years earlier playing Jason Preistly’s love interest (and supposedly college aged). She sure did get old fast, huh?

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