[3.15-08.02] Time error

Goof seen in: Consequences at 08.02

In Bad Girls, the day after Finch’s murder, Buffy went to Faith’s place. This episode begins with Buffy waking up from a nightmare, then she goes to school. This means that it is at least the second day since the murder. But the detective questioning the witness at the scene of the crime says, “You heard the man scream at about what time last night?” Later that night, Buffy says to Faith, “Less than 24 hours ago, you killed a man.”

Related Trivia:
  • [3.15-08.02] Non-scream
  • [2.09-30.21] Time error
  • [5.18-22.34] Time error
  • [7.10-17.46] Time error
  • [6.19-33.10] Lighting error
  • [1.07-11.55] Time error
  • [7.12-10.36] Time error
  • [2.16-31.30] Time error
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 3rd October 2004
    Updated: › 19th April, 2005
    Hits: › 226  

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