Buffy struggles with Faith’s lack of remorse over the murder. She confesses to Willow but when she goes to Giles, she discovers that Faith has beat her to it and told him it was Buffy who staked Finch. Giles later tells Buffy he realises that Faith was lying but he is worried that they seem to have a rogue slayer on their hands. The Watcher’s Council attempt to kidnap Faith. She escapes easily and the gang think she can be saved, but while they discuss it, she heads to the Mayor to offer herself as a replacement to Mr. Trick.
Faith: "First word: jail; second word: bait."
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Save it for Hallmark
The episode Consequences had the following conversation between Angel and Faith cut:
Angel: “You and me, Faith, we’re a lot alike.”
Faith: “Well, you’re kind of dead…”
Angel: “Like I said. A lot alike.”
Faith: “Sorry, buddy. I’m alive and kicking. In fact, I’ve got a bodily function that needs attending to pretty quick here.”
Angel: “You’re not alive. You’re just running. Afraid to feel. Afraid to be touched…”
Faith: “Save it for Hallmark. I have to pee.”
Wesley killed
There is a rumour that in the original storyline for the episode Consequences, Wesley was supposed to have been killed by Faith when she escapes from the Council’s custody.
Cast and Crew Trivia
Amy Powell
Amy Powell, who played the newsreader in Consequences, played the same role in Goodbye, Iowa and Who Are You? Amy also played a reporter in The Bird Cage and Showtime.
James G. MacDonald
James G. MacDonald made his first appearance as Detective Stein in the episode Ted, questioning Buffy over Ted’s death. James appeared as the same character in Consequences and Becoming (Part 2). James has also appeared in Phone Booth, Sour Grapes, Vanishing Point, Malcolm X and Roswell.
Character Trivia
Detective Stein
Detective Stein questioned Buffy over the deaths of Ted Buchanan (in Ted), Kendra (in Becoming (Part 2) - when he talked to Joyce about Buffy) and the deputy Mayor, Alan Finch (in Consequences).

Mr. Trick
Mr. Trick was a modern African-American vampire who first came to Sunnydale as a minion of Kakistos in Faith, Hope and Trick (though he was more of a PA), but left the ancient vampire as soon as he realised he was in danger. Recruited by The Mayor after creating Slayerfest ‘98 in Homecoming. Mr. Trick was staked by Faith when he tried to kill Buffy in Consequences, and Faith went on to take his job.

Channel 14 News
The Channel 14 News is seen in a few episodes: Consequences (Joyce and Buffy watch the news about Alan Finch’s murder), Goodbye, Iowa (when Adam kills a boy), The Harsh Light of Day (when a road caves in due to Spike’s tunnelling) and Who Are You? (when hostages are held in a church by vampires).
Faith Aid
Angel tries to reason with Faith in Consequences, which he does again later in season one of Angel (’Five By Five‘) when Faith “cries for help” by torturing Wesley.
Faith’s dark side
Faith finally turns to the dark side at the end of Consequences by going to the Mayor to ask for a job.
I will not rest…
The Mayor seemed to have a nice smooth patter down for talking about deaths for the press. Well, a Mayor of Sunnydale, you’d have to, wouldn’t you? In both Gingerbread and Consequences he talks about ‘not resting’ until a murder is solved and the murderer brought to justice. Odd, considering he makes no real attempt to solve in Gingerbread and doesn’t attempt to bring Faith to justice after Consequences.
Manacle sharing
The manacles at Angel’s mansion were used on Angel in Beauty and the Beasts, Faith in Consequences, and on Buffy in Enemies.

Michael, Amy and Willow
Willow meets fellow wicca Michael off-screen in Consequences, and the two attempt to de-rat Amy Madison. Amy turned herself into a rat in Gingerbread, which is the first episode in which we met Michael. They don’t succeed and it takes Willow nearly 3 years to free Amy.
Quentin, please
In Consequences, Wesley calls the Watcher’s Council and asks to speak to Quentin Travers, who first appeared in the episode Helpless.
Sunnydale Press
Sunnydale’s local newspaper was called the Sunnydale Press. It can be seen in the episodes Never Kill a Boy on the First Date, Reptile Boy, Becoming (Part 1), Bad Girls, Consequences, Graduation Day (Part 1), Hush and Once More, With Feeling.
We are the law
In Selfless, Buffy stands up to Xander when she thinks she must kill Anya. She says, “I am the law”. In Consequences, she didn’t agree with Faith’s argument that, as Slayers, “We don’t need the law - we are the law”. It’s a symbol of Buffy’s changing attitude to her work.
Xander’s girls
Willow discovers that Xander slept with Faith in The Zeppo, which upsets her greatly. Seems he only likes girls that Willow doesn’t like (Cordelia, Faith and later, Anya).
Music Trivia
Kathleen Wilhoite
We hear Kathleen Wilhoite’s song ‘Wish We Never Met’ in Consequences, when Willow cries in the bathroom after finding out Xander slept with Faith. Kathleen is also an actress. She played the recurring character Chloe Lewis on ER.
Mythology Trivia
Watcher’s tough team
The Watcher’s Council Disciplinary Committee attempt to kidnap Faith to take her to England in Consequences but she escapes. They try this again in season four’s Who Are You?, and manage to bungle the job yet again.
Freud and Jung
Cordelia checks out books by Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung for her psychology class in Consequences.

In Anne, Buffy says, “Hey, Ken, wanna see my impression of Gandhi?” She then kills Ken and says, “Well, you know, if he was really pissed off.” Peace-loving Gandhi (1869 - 1948) worked for over 20 years to help secure rights for Indians in South Africa. He then spent the rest of his life trying to free India from British rule. He was assassinated by a religious extremist. In Consequences, after Faith killed Alan Finch, she said, “The guy I offed was no Gandhi.”

Star Trek
There are many cast/crew links between Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the long-running cult sci-fi show Star Trek. Armin Shimerman (Principal Snyder) played Quark in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine for seven years. Dominic Keating, who played Blair in the episode Helpless, later went on to star in Star Trek: Enterprise as Lt. Reed. Jennifer Hetrick, who played the teacher Ms. Moran in Homecoming (whom Buffy asked for a reference) played the girlfriend of Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Buffy writer Jane Espenson wrote an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine called ‘Accession’. Star Trek has also been referenced numerous times in Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
- In Prophecy Girl, Xander says, “Calm may work for Locutus of Borg here, but I’m freaked and I intend to stay that way.” Upset by Giles’ reserve, he is referencing Star Trek’s emotionless cyborgs from the episode ‘The Best of Both Worlds’. Locutus was the name given to Captain Pickard (Patrick Stewart) when he was captured, and ‘assimilated, by the Borg.
- In Homecoming, Cordelia woos the nerds at Sunnydale High by saying, “Are you kidding? I’ve been doing the Vulcan death grip since I was 4.”
- In Consequences, Cordy calls Wesley, “Giles the next generation” in a reference to Star Trek: The Next Generation.
- In Out of My Mind, Buffy says, “You’re like my fairy godmother and Santa Claus and Q all wrapped up into one… Q from Bond not Star Trek“.
- In The Replacement, the two Xanders say, “Kill us both Spock” - a reference to a Star Trek episode where Kirk is split two - one being good and one bad.
- In Flooded, the nerds vote with the Star Trek Vulcan salute, which is the same salute that Cordelia used to impress the ‘geeks’ in Homecoming.
- In Smashed, Spike tells the nerds, “You can play holodeck another time” - he means the virtual reality technology used in Star Trek.
- The nerds compare Buffy’s time loop in Life Serial with an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation called ‘Cause and Effect’ (Andrew: “I just hope she solves it faster than Data did on the ep of TNG where the Enterprise kept blowing up.”)
- In As You Were, Buffy says. “they’re like really mean Tribbles”, referring to the popular, but quick breeding, pets on board the Starship Enterprise.
- After her visit to the nerds’ ‘lair’ in Doublemeat Palace, Willow says that they had numerous pictures of the “Vulcan women from Enterprise“. She’s referring to Jolene Blaylock, who played T’pol in UPN’s Star Trek show.
- The episode Normal Again is similar to the season five episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine called ‘Far Beyond the Stars’. In that episode, Captain Benjamin Sisko imagines that he is a science fiction writer living on 1950s Earth and writing about a station full of aliens called Deep Space Nine. He hallucinates that the people he knows in the 1950s are futuristic aliens and is thrown into an asylum.
- In Seeing Red, Andrew references Star Trek: The Next Generation when he discusses who’s boss of the nerds: “Warren’s the boss. He’s Picard, you’re Deanna Troi. Get used to the feeling, Betazoid.” In that episode, Xander realises that the nerds had love poems in their lair written in Klingon.
- In Grave, after the Magic Box has been destroyed, a William Shatner book can be seen on the floor.
- In Conversations with Dead People, we learn that Andrew learned Klingon (a language in Star Trek) from a dictionary in two and a half weeks.
- In Dirty Girls, Andrew hilariously confuses Faith’s murder of a Volcanologist with a Vulcan:
Andrew: “Nobody was immune to her trail of destruction. Not friends, not family, not even the most pacifist and logical of races…”
Amanda: “What the hell are you talking about? I thought Faith killed a volcanologist.”
Andrew: “Silly, silly Amanda. Why would Faith kill a person who studies Vulcans?”
The Song of the South
In Consequences, Buffy says Faith is “all zipidee doo dah” - a reference to the song from The Song of the South.
Seen at 08.02 minutes:
Detective Stein questions the witness and asks “You heard the man scream at what time?”, but Finch never actually screamed when Faith stabbed him.
Seen at 08.02 minutes:
In Bad Girls, the day after Finch’s murder, Buffy went to Faith’s place. This episode begins with Buffy waking up from a nightmare, then she goes to school. This means that it is at least the second day since the murder. But the detective questioning the witness at the scene of the crime says, “You heard the man scream at about what time last night?” Later that night, Buffy says to Faith, “Less than 24 hours ago, you killed a man.”
Seen at 16.17 minutes:
Buffy goes into Willow’s room and pulls the left door shut but in the next shot she’s just shutting the right door.
Seen at 33.52 minutes:
Where exactly did Wesley get the key to the chains that Angel had Faith in?
Seen at 34.05 minutes:
When Wesley takes the manacles off Faith and puts his own handcuffs on her, you can see that one of the cuffs falls off her wrist and Eliza quickly covers it with her hand.
Seen at 39.05 minutes:
While Buffy is pinned under the crate, and the camera focuses on Faith fighting, you can see Buffy’s stunt double crouching down to the right of the screen.
Seen at 39.52 minutes:
Faith stakes one of Mr. Trick’s vamps in the middle of his stomach rather than the heart. It’s the vampire who has the barrel over his head.
Cordelia: "Check out Giles: The Next Generation. What's your deal?"
Faith: "First word: jail; second word: bait."
Mayor: "Well, this is exciting. A Slayer up for Murder One. That's sunshine and roses to me. It really is."
Angel: "I'm sorry about the chains. It's not that I don't trust you... Actually, it is that I don't trust you."
Angel: "It's like talking to a wall. Only you get more from a wall."
Mayor: "Well, this *is* exciting. A Slayer up for Murder One. That's sunshine and roses to me. It really is."
Angel: "I'm sorry about the chains. It's not that I don't trust you... Actually, it is that I don't trust you."
Angel: "But you're not a god. You're not much more than a child. Going down this path will ruin you. You can't imagine the price for true evil."
Faith: "Yeah? I hope evil takes MasterCard."