[7.02-05.24] Spike’s reflection

Goof seen in: Beneath You at 05.24

When we first see Spike in the basement, moving toward the rat, his reflection can be seen on the wall to the left of the screen.

Related Trivia:
  • [7.06-30.48] Spike’s reflection
  • [5.07-31.15] Spike’s reflection
  • [4.09-23.50] Spike’s reflection
  • [2.03-28.12] Spike’s reflection
  • [5.15-26.28] Spike’s reflection
  • [6.19-24.37] Spike’s reflection
  • [7.06-38.29] Spike’s reflection
  • [5.04-36.55] Spike’s reflection
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 24th September 2004
    Updated: › 23rd May, 2005
    Hits: › 414  

    One Comment about “[7.02-05.24] Spike’s reflection”

    1. Wynter says:

      Sorry, I know I’m being picky, but it wasn’t a wall, it was the side of a filing cabinet.

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