Xander bumps into Nancy, whose dog was eaten by a huge worm-like creature living underground. Spike helps the Scoobies in tracking down the monster, but they still feel uneasy about him being around. They discover that Anya is behind the demon, but they manage to get her to reverse her vengeance spell. Buffy discovers Spike has a soul. Meanwhile, Willow has mixed emotions as she prepares to leave England and return to Sunnydale.
Airdate: | 1 October 2002 |
Writer: | Doug Petrie |
Director: | Nick Marck |
Cast: |
Spike: "When exactly did your sister get unbelievably scary?"
Behind the Scenes Trivia

Hallway etiquette
The following line of Xander’s was deleted from the episode Beneath You:
“I forgot the high school’s unwritten rules of hallway etiquette. Of course, no one ever explained them to me. They’d just stuff me in a locker till I drew my own conclusion.”
Cast and Crew Trivia
Benita Krista Nall
Benita Krista Nall, who played the girl talking to Anya in the Bronze in Beneath You, has been in 13 Going On 30, Catch Me If You Can and Minority Report.
Kaarina Aufranc
Kaarina Aufranc played the third ‘Nancy’ in Buffy the Vampire Slayer - the girl whose dog was eaten in Beneath You. The other two Nancys were the White Hat who helped Giles in The Wish and the clever girl in Buffy’s English class in Earshot. Kaarina has also been in Deadly Swarm, Purpose, The West Wing and CSI.
Tess Hall
Tess Hall who plays the pink-haired punk girl in Beneath You, also appeared in The Ring.
Character Trivia

Nancy was a Sunnydale High resident whose small dog was consumed by a giant subterranean worm-like demon in Beneath You. She met Xander in the aftermath of this traumatic event, who took her to Buffy’s house to try and help her. It was later revealed that the worm-demon was actually Nancy’s ex-boyfriend Ronnie. Nancy had unwittingly wished he was a worm in front of newly-formed vengeance demon Anya (who exaggerated the actual size of the ‘worm’). Xander finally convinced Anya to change Ronnie back, although she said that she’d get in trouble for
doing so. Having seen the bizarre love-twists of the Scooby gang, and getting freaked out by the whole ex-boyfriend and worm affair, Nancy decided she wanted nothing more to do with poor old Xander.

Beneath me
In Beneath You, Buffy finds out that Spike has earned himself a soul in an attempt to be worthy of her. The title could hark back to the episode Fool For Love, in which Spike is told by both Cecily and Buffy, “You’re beneath me”.
Eaten alive
In Beneath You, Buffy tells Principal Wood about the fate of Principal Flutie, who was eaten alive by a group of hyena-possessed students in The Pack.
It’s got teeth
In Beneath You, Willow says to Giles:
“Well, for starters, the Hellmouth’s getting all rumbly again. And now I know it’s got teeth. And are those literal teeth?”
You could say that they are literal teeth - in Chosen Buffy and the gang go into the Hellmouth and it is full of very toothy Turok-Han.
Spike’s pet name for Dawn is “Niblet”, heard in Blood Ties, Seeing Red, Beneath You and Lies My Parents Told Me.
Music Trivia
Stillste Stund
We hear the German techno song ‘Von Der Tiefe’ by Stillste Stund in Beneath You, when the potential Slayer is murdered. The lyrics, “Von der Tiefe verschlingt es”, heard at the beginning of Beneath You, translates roughly to “from the depth it devours.”
Mythology Trivia
Sluggoth demon
The Sluggoth demon is a large worm-like creature with sharp teeth, seen in Beneath You. Spike says, “It’s a very large, very nasty, natural predator who died around the crusades.” The demon lives underground but comes out of the earth for food. It kind of looks like the penis-creature from Doublemeat Palace.

The comic Batman, by DC Comics, is mentioned several times in Buffy.
- In Some Assembly Required, Buffy says to Willow, “Sorry to interrupt, Willow, but it’s the Bat-Signal.” She’s alluding to the ‘Bat-Signal’ in Gotham city which is used to alert Batman that he is needed.
- In Halloween, Xander says to Cordelia, “Catwoman, you’re with me.” In the Batman comics, Catwoman is a cat-burglar, and the alter ego of Selina Kyle.
- In The Yoko Factor, Xander says, “You and Willow go do the superpower thing, I’ll stay behind and putt around the Batcave with crusty old Alfred here.” The Batcave was Batman’s high-tech base and Alfred was his loyal butler.
- The nerds’ freeze ray gun in Smashed may have been inspired by Batman’s Mr Freeze, who used a similar device.
- In Beneath You, Spike says, “A little touchy-feely, and you’re off to the Batpoles?” He’s referring to the 1960s TV show Batman in which Batman and Robin would slide down poles to the Batcave when they were needed.
- In Bring on the Night, Andrew mentions Batman’s foe The Riddler.
- Vincent Schiavelli, who played Jenny’s uncle in Surprise and Innocence played the Organ Grinder in the movie Batman Returns.
- In the Angel episode Lonely Hearts, Doyle says, “It’s not like you have a signal folks can shine in the sky whenever they need help, you know?”, referring to the Batsignal.
- In ‘In the Dark‘, Spike says of Angel, “quickly to the Angelmobile, away” - another Batman reference.
- In Benediction, Lilah says of Connor,”Who’s the boy wonder?” This is the name often given to Batman’s sidekick, Robin.
Run Lola Run
The punk girl scenes at the beginning of the episode Beneath You could be an homage to the film Run Lola Run.
The sluggoth demon in Beneath You looks as though it was inspired by the worm demon in the movie Tremors, which stars Kevin Bacon.
Seen at 05.24 minutes:
When we first see Spike in the basement, moving toward the rat, his reflection can be seen on the wall to the left of the screen.
Seen at 07.58 minutes:
Why is Buffy’s private counselling office in such a public place? Kids who come to her can easily be overheard.
Seen at 13.26 minutes:
Xander seems surprised when Nancy runs into him, but he was walking in the direction of the hole and would have seen and heard all the commotion when her dog was eaten.
Seen at 13.34 minutes:
When Nancy tells the Scoobies about her ordeal, there is a white first aid box on the table next to Buffy, on her left. In the next shot, it’s gone without her moving it. Later she picks the box up from her right and places it where we saw it originally.
Seen at 26.05 minutes:
In the Bronze, Buffy puts her sword on Anya’s table. During the fight, the sword disappears and there are also fewer glasses on the table.
Seen at 28.46 minutes:
When Spike and Anya fight in the Bronze, Anya throws Spike onto the pool table and the front panel of the table falls off, revealing pale wood. In the next shot of Spike on the table, the original dark panel has been replaced.
Dawn: "Should we round up the gang?"
Xander: "Good thinking, except...this is the gang."
Xander: "Sunnydale: come for the food, stay for the dismemberment."
Spike: "When exactly did your sister get unbelievably scary?"
Giles: "Taxi's here. And in keeping with quaint old British tradition, you would now be expected to get in."