Backstreet Boys


In Bargaining (Part 1), Anya says the desert gnome in Cairo who sold her the Urn of Osiris also threw in a Backstreet Boys lunch box for Xand…. ahem… a “friend”. Backstreet Boys were an American boy band whose hits included ‘Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)’ and ‘Quit Playing Games (with My Heart)’.

Related Trivia:
  • Urn of Osiris
  • Beastie Boys
  • Frat boy slaughter
  • Michele Waitman
  • 28 Days
  • Sub-T 67119
  • Cresswell College
  • Reptile Boy’s Costume
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 27th May 2005
    Updated: › 18th February, 2006
    Hits: › 474  

    6 Comments about “Backstreet Boys”

    1. MissKittyFantastico says:

      Xander clearly had great taste in boybands - I loved the Backstreet Boys!! (But then I also loved Busted and cried when they split up)… I think I’m a bit sad really!!

    2. AnyaRocks says:

      My best friend cried when Busted split up, too. They were a great band though.

    3. MissKittyFantastico says:

      And Charlie is a sex god too !! :o)

    4. hannah_wish01 says:

      hmm charlie i agree, plus his new band are great Fightstar!

    5. MissKittyFantastico says:

      Fightstar are fab - I went to a really small gig of theirs earlier this year with a mate from work, and it was great! I couldn’t hear myself think for most of the evening but it was a fab gig!

    6. dru says:

      Last I heard they were actually headed back to the studio for summer…

      Saw them last Sept. Guess I’m getting old because the screaming teenyboppers bugged me.

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