Urn of Osiris

The Scoobies needed this to perform their resurrection spell on Buffy in Bargaining. Anya found the last known urn on Ebay, which she brought from desert gnome in Cairo (along with a Backstreet Boys lunchbox). The Urn was broken by demons called Hellions.

Related Trivia:
  • Osiris
  • Resurrection
  • Backstreet Boys
  • eBay
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 30th September 2004
    Hits: › 566  

    10 Comments about “Urn of Osiris”

    1. MagicBone says:

      Isn’t the Urn of Osiris mentioned in Blood Ties? When Spike and Dawn go the Magic Box to read Giles’ notes about the Key. The next day, Anya gets mad and says “Who’s been using the Urn of Osiris as an ashtray?” And in Forever, Dawn has an urn and calls upon Osiris to bring back Joyce (that one could just be some random urn though.)

    2. slightlyembarrased says:

      I believe Spike used a different urn as an ashtray (I think it was the Urn of Marlboro), but am simply too lazy to go check. Is there a searchable database online with the scripts for all episodes?

    3. MagicBone says:



    4. MagicBone says:

      No, its the Urn of Ishtar, not Osiris.

    5. somethingblue says:

      Also, www.buffyworld.com, but I’m not sure if the transcripts are searchable. I just usually go to the ep I think I need and skim through it.

    6. somethingblue says:

      And the answer to which urn does Spike use as an ashtray? ANYA: “Ew! Who’s been using the urn of Ishtar as an ashtray?” courtesty of twiztv.com - MagicBone has is it right. But while I was checking that transcript, I noticed that the Knight of Byzantium that’s in the mental ward at Sunnydale is named Orlando and when you read the transcript, “Orlando” and “Dawn” are talking to each other - kind of cracked me up, now all we need is “Tony”

    7. slightlyembarrased says:

      Joss Whedon frequently refers to Anthony Stewart Head as “Tony”. NOW all we need is one of those eff-in’ yellow ribbons tied around the oak tree in front of 1630 Revelo….

    8. hannah_wish01 says:

      erm am i missing something about Orlando Dawn and Tony?? and Yellow Ribbon. perhapse im just ignorant :S

    9. AnyaRocks says:

      I don’t get it either. Maybe it’s an American thing.

    10. cardboardy says:

      sounds like some wack old movie.

      and, funny haha, Xander mistakenly calls it the Urn of Cirrhosis in Bargaining pt 2

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