

Caleb posed as a Southern preacher, but was in actual fact the right-hand man of the First. He was in charge of the eyeless Harbingers who killed potential slayers in an effort to destroy the slayer line. He took an active part in this also, by blowing up the Watcher’s Council headquarters in England, and by setting a bomb in an effort to Faith and some of the potentials. During a battle with the Scoobies, Caleb pushed Xander’s eye out with his thumb, blinding him. Buffy’s power was no match for the strength of Caleb but she eventually split him in two - twice - using the scythe she found in his lair.

Played by: Nathan Fillion
Appeared in: Dirty Girls, Empty Places, Touched, End of Days, Chosen
Related Trivia:
  • Passive-aggressive Buffy
  • Seeing. Knowing.
  • Following the preacher
  • Ray Charles
  • Molly
  • Bombarama
  • Rona
  • Xander’s patch
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 5th September 2004
    Updated: › 12th August, 2005
    Hits: › 2590  

    2 Comments about “Caleb”

    1. Jet says:

      nathan fillion is awesome!

    2. MagicBone says:

      Every semester, or quarter perhaps, my school has a spirit week. Each day is something “special,” like hat day or something and this time they had famous person or whatever day and this kid came to school with black makeup coming down from eyes and mouth and everything. I thought he was Caleb after Buffy sticks the scythe in his stomach and I got excited and went up to talk to him but then a friend of mine said that he was like supposed to be the drummer of a band or somebody. It was extremely disappointing.

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