![]() Prior to playing Vampire-With-A-Soul™ Angel, David Boreanaz played ‘Vampire’s victim’ in the film A Macabre Pair of Shorts. He was famously ‘discovered’ whilst walking his dog and cast for the part of Angel the next day. David has appeared n the fourth Crow movie, and starred in the movie Valentine. In 2004 he directed an episode of Angel called ‘Soul Purpose‘. David voiced the character of Leon in the video game Kingdom Hearts. Since leaving Angel, David has starred in the movies Mr. Fix-It and The Hard Easy and will appear in a new TV show entitled Bones. Date of birth: 16 May, 1969 Appeared in: Welcome to the Hellmouth, The Harvest, Teacher's Pet, Never Kill a Boy on the First Date, Angel, Out of Mind, Out of Sight, Prophecy Girl then every episode in season two (except Inca Mummy Girl) and season three. Guest star appearances in the following episodes: Pangs, The Yoko Factor, Fool For Love, Forever, End of Days, Chosen |
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Suggested by: | › Jess |
Added: | › 24th August 2004 |
Updated: | › 9th April, 2006 |
Hits: | › 6073 |
July 30th, 2005 at 10:27 pm
Angel is lame. His hair grows straight up and he’s bloody stupid.
I love this line. It’s funny because it’s true.
August 5th, 2005 at 2:58 pm
Angel’s self-righteous brooding grates on me after a while. And he’s not funny. Spike is funny. Don’t get me wrong, Angel is fine, and I wouldn’t change a thing. Boreanaz (aside from the tragically bad brogue) played the part well, but I like funny.
August 28th, 2005 at 7:56 pm
How can he possibly try to be a member of PETA after all those leather jackets he’s worn on tv? He’s spent 8 years glorifying wearing animal skin and turning it into this sexy, glamourus thing, and then goes on to say that kicking puppies is wrong.
Don’t get me wrong, I am in no way a supporter of PETA, I just think it’s way hypocritical.
August 28th, 2005 at 11:35 pm
When I first started to understand the consept of a vampire with a soul, I thought Angel was the coolest thing since sliced bread. But then the whole “I’m such a tortured soul” thing got annoying after a while. I still think he is cool but he just got to be annoying and way to “I feel sorry for myself”. When Spike went out and fought for his soul, I was like, “Whoa!” Spike actually fought for it, that is way cooler then brooding Angel. Spike sees the soul as a blessing rather Angel who sees it as a curse.
August 29th, 2005 at 12:00 am
I didn’t think Spike was fighting for his soul; he was fighting to get the chip out of his head or somehow disable it (by magic?), to get back the “way he was before.” It was the demon who interpreted as a way to give him his soul back, which was what made it so exciting. When he went to Africa, Spike wanted to get his demon on again, and wreck havok on Sunnydale, he didn’t want his soul back.
Angel sees having a soul as a curse, because it IS a curse.
August 29th, 2005 at 12:15 am
Thats what I first thought. But then he actually says in an episode something about how he fought for his soul for her.
Angel did have a curse but he had a bad attitude. He could have been a bit more manly.
August 29th, 2005 at 2:48 am
That’s interesting.
Angel was a total brat sometimes, his brooding was a bit too much.
August 30th, 2005 at 10:55 am
And because he “loves” Buffy so much, the first thing he did when he was “unghosted” was ‘do it’ with Harmony. what kind of love is that? The worst… or the worst…
August 30th, 2005 at 11:23 am
Have you forgotten the way Angel acted with Darla when he had a soul? He slept with her and then threw her out of the appartment. Some guys treat girls badly … it has nothing to do with havin a soul. Its making mistakes and learning from them. Spike made mistakes but so did Angel.
August 30th, 2005 at 11:59 am
Buffy & Angel 4EVER;
That was how Spike was. He did love buffy, and she loved him too. When Spike was made corporeal he needed a realease as he hadn’t had sex with anyone for ages so he wanted feel again. And if you are using the Spike and Harmony thing as an excuse to say that Angel loves Buffy more than anyone then how about when Angel sleeps with werewolf girl in the penultimate episode of “Angel”? Just one episode before Spike and Angel were looking desperately for Buffy and couldn’t find her so Angel moved on. So if you want to argue then Angel and Spike are just as bad as eachother. Also, you don’t have to press submit twice. just press it once and then click back and refresh.
Job done.
August 30th, 2005 at 2:14 pm
Thank you ant4buffy! I was trying to make that point earlier too but couldn’t quite find the words!! I like both Angel and Spike but don’t think for a second that they were meant to be perfect - noone is and Joss knows that. In the beginning Angel was made to look great just before Buffy found out about him being a vampire and all the things he had done before. Just wanted to say that I totally agree with you though!
August 30th, 2005 at 2:57 pm
Back to the wanting a soul back thing: just because Spike says afterwards, to Buffy, that he wanted it back, doesn’t make it true
August 30th, 2005 at 4:12 pm
yeah, I caught that episode yesterday. He went through the trials for/because of her, but we can’t say for certain that he knew he’d get his soul back.
August 30th, 2005 at 8:22 pm
According to Joss he went to get his soul back, it was just written that way to make us think Spike wanted his chip taken out.
September 1st, 2005 at 11:26 am
By the way… Buffy never loved spike. He says that in the finale episode of buffy
September 5th, 2005 at 11:59 am
She loves him in a different way to Angel. and when does she say she doesn’t love him? when she tells him she loves him he says “No you don’t”. Spike doesnt know how Buffy feels.
And by the way… This is David Boreanaz’s page but Spike was a part of the Angel/Buffy relationship so i think it is relevent.
September 5th, 2005 at 1:41 pm
But vampires can sense stuff. And in an interview with Sarah Michelle Gellar, they ask her who does Buffy really Love, she says that Angel is her true love, but Buffy and spike (:p) share an understanding.
October 24th, 2005 at 12:37 am
I know that Joyce didn’t know that Angel was a vampire when she found out that he and Buffy had sex, but even if she did, could they charge a vampire w/ statutory rape? could they charge him w/ anything since he’s not really a person or registered as anything anywhere???? just wondering
October 24th, 2005 at 2:43 pm
not even angel told her. i thought that was a great ep. problem was that he didn’t want to be human but then the whole shanshu thing at the end of the first season states that he will eventually become human and that is what the entire series of angel is about. seems weird as he had only just given up the hope of being human and wanted to be turned back.
Also how fickle is Buffy? she is with Riley and as soon as Angel proves he is human she has sex constantly with him. Naughty girl.
October 24th, 2005 at 2:45 pm
Actually i just realised that she wasn’t with riley at this point. i think this was post parker so sorry for that mix up.
October 24th, 2005 at 4:01 pm
i will remember you was post parker but pre Riley and the only person who knew about that was Angel and Doyle after he told him, but Doyle died soon after that so he never got to tell anyone about it….did Cordy know???
October 24th, 2005 at 4:36 pm
It didn’t happen onscreen but actually if you think about it she said that when she had ascended (being a higher being) she knew all about his past. so this must mean that she knew about the re-wound day because the powers that be actually did rewind it. she must know but did never tell anyone. And then she died. Bit of a cack life for poor Cordy.
October 24th, 2005 at 7:50 pm
Buffy never knew that Angel was human and that they were together for that whole day.
The only person who would remember was Angel and he only told Doyle, who told Cordy.
October 24th, 2005 at 8:17 pm
I think Buffy would have been devestated* to find out that he changed his mind about being human, even if it was for the right reason. Angel knew how it would affect her and felt it better to protect her feelings.
I’m taking about huge, emotionally crippling devestation, not to mention feeling betrayed and outraged about that.
October 24th, 2005 at 8:42 pm
Think about how angry she was about the fact that he had turned up in Sunnydale without telling her, now think about how she would have felt knowing that they could have been together but Angel changed it back.
She would have been devastated, not only that, but Angel has to live with the knowledge of that day himself, it would have tore him up knowing that Buffy knew as well.
He was doing what he thought was right, protecting Buffy in both getting the day swallowed and by never letting her find out.
October 24th, 2005 at 10:42 pm
That would have ruined her life if Angel told her about the changed-back-day but it would have been cool to have Buffy & Angel back together even if Angel had to be human, but personally I’m glad he didn’t stay human because as a human, he was kind of a wuss.
October 29th, 2005 at 8:09 pm
She would feel betrayed because Angel made the desision without telling her, not to mention the fact that he messed with her memory WHICH NEVER WORKS OUT WELL (except maybe in this instance actually). She’d be outraged…because, well, that’s what Buffy does when emotionally stessed. When things don’t go as planned, she tends to get mad at whoever is responsible. I think it comes from killing things all the time. Not to put words in Mairceridwen’s mouth of course, but I think tht’s what she’s getting at.
October 29th, 2005 at 8:11 pm
I thought it was pretty straightforward myself.
October 31st, 2005 at 5:42 pm
yes, yes to Smash you listen
“I thought it was pretty straightforward myself”
it was.
November 2nd, 2005 at 1:23 am
I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I for one am glad she and Angel didn’t stay together. I like Buffy best when she’s single.
November 2nd, 2005 at 1:29 am
Really? I loved it in season 6 when she was with Spike and only Tara knew and Tara kept talking to Spike and he wasn’t sure if she knew or not at the birthday party in Older And Far Away. That was hilarious. But very off topis, this trivia is actually about David Boreanaz. Oh well.
November 2nd, 2005 at 2:32 am
Yeah, this topic has warped more than any other on the site I think. Oh well, it’s also one of the longest, so it must be fun.
November 7th, 2005 at 11:57 pm
My friend told me that David Boreanaz is going to be on the show Punk’d next Sunday…Very exciting!
November 8th, 2005 at 1:31 am
November 16th, 2005 at 1:21 am
Don’t mean to be crude, but I’ve always wondered how sleeping with a vampire would be NOT impossible / creepy. Firstly, they have no circulation, secondly, they’re room temperature.
All in all, NOT the sexiest of circumstances, surely?
November 20th, 2005 at 4:19 pm
this must be one of the most commented piece of trivia on the site.
November 22nd, 2005 at 2:06 am
David’s new show - Bones - has been picked up by Sky One so us British viewers can see it.
It premieres on Thursday, January 12th.
Thought you David fans would want to know.
November 22nd, 2005 at 3:42 pm
also I think I saw David on the Tv channel Star! that he was working on a new movie, These girls.
November 25th, 2005 at 8:17 am
i absolutely love david boreanaz!
he is so cute, and mysterious!
if you ever look at these sites david, pls know that i love you! along with alot of other people in the world,i presume!
thank you for being such a wonderful character in “buffy” and for being such a total babe and heart-throb!
luv ausbabehollie
November 25th, 2005 at 8:15 pm
I predict David Boreanz is going to marry this girl….Hell, I would..
November 25th, 2005 at 8:24 pm
Who? Isn’t he already married to the St. Pauli Girl?
November 25th, 2005 at 8:25 pm
Not if “ausbabehollie (see two comments above) has anything to say about it…
December 10th, 2005 at 10:19 pm
both beagle and smash make excellent points. I really like smash’s take that vampires are kind of like people, some are good, some are bad and there are all of those shades of gray in between. That helps me to make sense of the vast difference between Spike and Angelus. Thank you!
December 10th, 2005 at 10:23 pm
“Of course I believe I am largely an Objectivist so I think all actions are self serving.”
Beags..have you been dipping into the Ayn Rand again? That stuff’ll kill ya…
December 10th, 2005 at 10:30 pm
My mother read Atlas Shrugged when she went to college in the early ’60s, she wanted me to read it (I have her actual original paperback) after I bitterly left the corporate world, but I haven’t been able to do that yet, every time I start reading it, it hits too close to home (maybe someday) Did you boys know there’s an Ayn Rand Institute for the center of Objectivism here http://www.aynrand.org/site/PageServer (and I keep having to pull out my dictionary, but that’s ok, cause I’m learning so much!)
December 10th, 2005 at 11:46 pm
omg, Three people in one place who know who Ayn Rand is! I’m one step closer to discovering the genetic link to buffyism.
December 11th, 2005 at 12:09 am
I am not a big fan of Ms. Rand, and, apologies to beags, consider her “objectivism” to be, pretty much, diet philosophy. That said, s’blue, “The Fountainhead” is a much better read the “Atlas Shrugged”, if for no other reason than the implied kinky sex. And in my book, implied kinky sex is better than no kinky sex at all…..
December 11th, 2005 at 12:16 am
Most would agree slightly. We can’t all face our own dirty secrets. I think were most people stumble on objectivism is they believe it means we’re all selfish/bad. That’s not it at all, good people still do good things, it’s just they do it for themselves, not others. Anyway, I’ve never met another objectivist and that includes a lot of friends that I consider smarter and wiser than myself. Of course I’ve never met another buffyolic either.
December 11th, 2005 at 2:04 am
PET PEEVE ALERT: In beags’ previous post, he uses the term “Buffyolic”. Like “chocoholic” or “shopaholic”, Buffyolic is an improper word combination. The so-called suffix “-oholic” is derived from the word “alcoholic”, which, obviously, combines the root word “alcohol” with the suffix, “-ic”, not “alco” and “holic”….SO, when one treats “-oholic” or “-olic” as a suffix, they have employed a non-existent suffix. Thus, unless you are drinking alcoholic beverages while watching Buffy (which well some of might), one who is addicted to the show is, more properly, a “Buffyic”.
I don’t mean to single out beags, as many here use this improper word combination. And, yes, I know…I’m really boring.
December 11th, 2005 at 2:19 am
I’d like to comment on the objectivism of humans, as I took a personality test for a corporate position last year and believe it to be one of the reasons I didn’t get the job. Here it is…my sister had me take a test for her staffing company as well, just to see what it said in relation to the aforementioned test and found that I am truly a “high A” personality and feel strongly about my amibition and aggressiveness, but also that while I am plowing over people to get my way, I often feel guilty about doing so. Thus, I am always struggling against my true personality to make myself more accepted in the world. I’d like to submit that objectivism, if I understand it correctly, is simply one aspect or outlook of human behavior and that there is no singular answer to the mystery of it all, hence the constant battle I am supposedly having by trying to rule the world while feeling guilty about it…wow!
December 11th, 2005 at 3:43 am
I just read Anthem by Ayn Rand, really well written work on collectivism. I recommend it.
December 11th, 2005 at 4:43 am
beags…If you are interested, you should read some of the writing of 18th Century philosopher David Hume, and some of his musings on teleological/consequentialist ethics analysis, specifically comparing and contrasting the ideas of “ethical egoism”, “ethical altruism” and “utilitarianism”. Hume offers some fascinating insights into the subject of “why we do good”…you know, fascinating if you are a big philosophy/theology geek like me.
December 11th, 2005 at 4:54 am
We’ve taken this topic from “David Boreanaz” to “David Hume”…are we freakin’ eclectic, or what?
December 12th, 2005 at 1:16 am
“Vampire-With-A-Soul” really TMed?
December 12th, 2005 at 2:08 am
I have always wondered that too…
December 16th, 2005 at 9:22 pm
For all you Boreanaz oglers:
December 16th, 2005 at 11:24 pm
Yeah right, like I can take David Boreanez seriously as an animal rights activists after all those years of leather jackets. I guess he’s one of those people who only think the cute animals deserve to be treated well.
The flesh of dead things makes me hungry.
December 17th, 2005 at 2:28 am
Me too!
December 21st, 2005 at 2:23 pm
Yeah. I have some ‘dead animal’ jokes up my sleeve. My best friend is a vegetarian and I always give him a hard time about it. For instance: When we go to a McDonalds or something like that, he’ll order the fish sandwhich and I’ll order (word from word, not kidding) processed dead animal flesh with cheese. It freaks out the cashier too, it’s great.
Sorry dido!
December 21st, 2005 at 3:22 pm
Sounds like I should try that some time. However, fish sandwich–that doesn’t sound all vegitarian-like, now does it?
December 21st, 2005 at 3:43 pm
Well, he is mostly concerned with the whole ‘meat’ thing. I guess cows should be saved but not fish.
December 21st, 2005 at 4:14 pm
I guess so. I do want to try that at a retaurant some time though. It might be sort of funny.
December 21st, 2005 at 4:38 pm
Oh, the greatest restaurant prank I like to pull is go through the drive thru at Taco Bell and order a Big Mac. Also, going to a drive through and pretending you have terrets (is that how you spell the condition?) is also classic. I have lots of free time…
December 21st, 2005 at 11:23 pm
If your friend eats fish, he’s not a vegetarian. I hate that crap. I have no problem with people who eat some kinds of meat and not others, but don’t call yourself a vegetarian if you aren’t one.
December 22nd, 2005 at 3:27 pm
I don’t, he does.
December 22nd, 2005 at 3:28 pm
Sorry, in a bitchy mood this morning…
December 22nd, 2005 at 4:53 pm
no harm, no foul
i figured it was him, not you anyway.
December 28th, 2005 at 4:46 am
It’s not as bad as the ‘vegetarians’ who sit there, saying: ‘I don’t eat beef, but I eat chicken. And turkey. And poultry in general, I guess. And fish. And gelatine. And sometimes I have a pork pie when nobody’s looking. Oh, and the lamb at Sunday dinner.’
It’s SO freakin’ irritating. I’ve been veggie for 10 years now, & I stick to the rules. I don’t need some person who simply likes the label to detract from how difficult it is to maintain sometimes!
December 28th, 2005 at 9:17 am
“Tourettes” is not a joke, and it’s pretty lame to go around using a major mental disorder as an excuse to shout expletives and goof off. Sorry to be a killjoy, but it gets on my nerves like nothing else when people are ignorant about Tourettes syndrome. My best friend has it. No, she doesn’t shout swears or anything, she has involantary muscle spasms - like a nervous tic but ten times worse - that are obviously a little embarasing. It’s also pretty much impossible to cure, so that’s life for this girl. She also happens to be the most intellegent person I know. Think River from Firefly. Scary smart.
And the political correctness police strike again.
January 14th, 2006 at 8:06 am
lol! slightly embarrased, u r so rite!
January 29th, 2006 at 11:54 pm
I can’t belive he’s 37 now!
He is 37 right? Math was never my thing, still isn’t.
January 29th, 2006 at 11:55 pm
Yep, 37 - I can’t believe he’s that old (not that it’s old but you know what I mean!). Damn he looks good… but not as good as James :o)
January 30th, 2006 at 2:51 am
Brooding isn’t all he does.
There’s the application of copious amounts of hair gel. And he’s an excellent dancer, as seen on Angel. And Tai Chi. And …um… O.K. so mostly brooding.
January 30th, 2006 at 2:59 am
He can, uh, swordfight and kill things and he’s pretty hot too. But brooding, yeah, I guess.
January 30th, 2006 at 9:54 pm
Well, I guess we can admitt that he is good at some things, Let me do a list:
* sword fighting
* snap demon/human necks
* Brood
* Exelent hairgel appilicator
* Sexy Tai Chi performer (Though he looked extremly disturbed)
* Brood
* Good actor (as proven in nubers of episodes)
* Looks good in leather pants.
(Adn trust me on this on, it’s not a easy thing)
* Oh, I almost forgot, heäs also very skilled in the art of Brooding.
April 20th, 2006 at 11:55 pm
To bring the discussion right back to Angel…
The thing that bugged me most about the Angel/Buffy relationship is the fact that Angel seemed to always treat her as a child who needed to be helped and guided, even telling her in ‘When she was bad’ “You can’t do this alone, you aren’t as strong as you think” and also made decisions about their relationship ‘for her own good’ without discussing them with her. Patronising or what?
Admittedly when they met she was only 16 and a certain amount of protectiveness might be expected, although he made no effort to help her with her slaying duties, apart from issuing cryptic warnings, until towards the end of S3.
By the time he decided to leave town ‘for her own good’ she was 18, and surely mature enough to be consulted about the course her own life should take? They may well have arrived together at the same conclusion as Angel did himself… and that would have made it far easier for Buffy to accept… but who knows?
If that wasn’t enough, in the Angel episode ‘I will remember you’ he becomes human, which would solve their relationship problem… but once more he makes a unilateral decision, that makes Buffy lose their ‘perfect day’, and chooses to be turned back into a vampire so he could remain a champion. How come he feels it’s right to make these decisions that impact her life so deeply without discussing them with her beforehand, presenting them as fait accomplis instead? Also, with Angel’s constant brooding and Buffy’s tendency towards depression and catatonia when things go wrong, can’t you just picture the sulky silences going on for days when they quarrelled?
Certainly not a partnership of equals… whereas Spike treated BuffyTheSlayer with respect right from their first encounter in ‘School Hard’, and while he might not always have treated BuffyTheGirl with respect later on when he started teasing and taunting her, he at least spoke and acted towards her as an equal, and never patronised her.
April 24th, 2006 at 10:50 pm
I just thought Angel wasn’t as funny as Spike, spike was self-deprecating and able to take a joke whereas Angel was constantly playing “Mr Mysterious-Nice-Loving-Boyfriend-Guy”.He just wasn’t the kind of guy that I find really attractive, at least Spike makes you laugh. And the whole brooding thing is fine for a coupla months but it starts to turn into a grumpy thing. He was great when he lost his soul again though :D
I also agree about Angel patronising Buffy, when we first met Angel he had a soul so you think that that may be why he’s less amusing. But even after Spike gets a soul, he pretty much stays as the same guy, he’s just more loving. Plus his English accent isn’t bad ^^ compared to Angel’s Irish one which was appalling.
Well, guess I’m a Spike girl through and through… although I suppose Angel does have some redeeming features… namely his dark good looks…
April 24th, 2006 at 11:56 pm
haha his “dark good looks”…
Boy, is he handsome…
April 28th, 2006 at 9:15 pm
I don’t think you can really compare Angel and Spike- they’re totally different! (I have to agree with you though - he is so good looking!)
May 4th, 2006 at 1:38 am
Spike is a better character.
May 4th, 2006 at 2:20 am
I loved the final season of Angel. Simply for the fact that Spike was on it.
Not because I like Spike more than Angel, but because they were both there. The dynamic between the two characters was amazingly funny. After everything they did to each other over the centuries they should rightfully hate each other. And even though they claim to hate each other but they really don’t. I think its a mutual respect, with a more than fair amount of annoyance, but not hate.
June 5th, 2006 at 4:41 am
I am going to argue a bit just for the sake of it. K? ok. For ‘When She Was Bad’ he was trying to get through to her about the fact that she wouldn’t be able to do everything by herself. Eventually she would lose if she kept this up or would get people hurt. Also, when he left her for her won good you have to think about what might happen if he stayed. They were already getting too close and then he would go evil. He played the strong one because he knew sooner or later one of them was going to give in. I may disagree with his dicision to leave but I can understand why. Once again, in ‘I’ll Remember You’ he made a dicision without her approval. But it was the right dicision because if he remained human he wouldn’t be able to save her or fight as well when the time came. The oracles told him that or something close to that. lol. Just for the fun of it, Spike respected her as an adversary. He knew that she is a great fighter and could respect her for being one. Angel had respect for her but continually made choices for her because he believed it would be better for her. Also, he considered himself unworthy of her because he was a demon. He thought that she would be better off without him and was determined for her to live a normal life. Unfortunately he forgot that she was the slayer and that normal wasn’t gonna happen. Spike is also a great character and funny Angel is also a great character. I’ve read several complaints about the brooding part too. It’s part of his character to be broody because he was very evil and did a lot of terribel things as Angelus. Spike may have been the Big Bad but he was not as terribly evil as Angelus and that’s why probably why he is less broody and more fun. I think I’m done venting now. lol.
June 6th, 2006 at 7:32 am
Going along with what Slayerthe17 was talking about in regards to “When She Was Bad”, let’s look at Becoming Part II:
Angelus: Now that’s everything, huh? No weapons… No friends… No
Angelus: Take all that away… and what’s left?
Buffy: Me. (proceeds to kick ass)
I don’t know whether these two things were really meant to work together like this, but I think that they tie season two up nicely… it begins with Buffy being told that she needs help, and ends with her proving to herself that she’s just fine on her own.
August 9th, 2006 at 12:39 am
I really loved the Buffy-Angel relationship but I also loved the Buffy-Spike relationship but for some reason I HATED her being with Riley. I really liked Riley but just not in a couple with Buffy.