![]() Angel was born Liam in Galway, Ireland and sired as a vampire by Darla in 1753. He then became known as Angelus and the two terrorized humankind, murdering and torturing anyone who crossed their path. Angel was then cursed by gypsies who ensoulled him, making him suffer horrible guilt over his actions as a vampire. He fell in love with Buffy, but when they made love Angel lost his soul (Surprise). Angel joined forces with his old comrades Spike and Drusilla. Willow returned Angel’s soul too late and Buffy was forced to send Angel to Hell (Becoming). He later (and mysteriously) returned to Sunnydale where he began a patchy relationship with Buffy again until he decided it wasn’t fair on her and left for L.A. (Graduation Day (Part 2)). In Los Angeles, Angel met Doyle, who persuaded him to help helpless people, guided by visions sent to Doyle by the Powers That Be. Cordelia came to work for Angel and the three formed Angel Investigations. After Doyle’s death, the team were joined by ex-Watcher Wesley Wyndham Pryce. Evil law firm Wolfram and Hart (W&H) brought Angel’s sire, Darla, back to life as a human. When Drusilla once again turned Darla into a vampire, Angel felt he had failed to save her and after firing his Angel Investigations crew embarked on a one-man vendetta against W&H. In a moment of despair, Angel attempted to get rid of his soul by sleeping with Darla but instead experienced an epiphany in which he realised his true path was still good. Angel then reconciled himself with his old Angel Invsetigations team, on the understanding that Wesley would be boss. Angel realised that he was starting to see Cordelia as more than just a friend, but before he had a chance to confess his feelings to her Darla returned - inexplicably pregnant with his son, Connor. Various tragic circumstances, led to Darla’s death, and Angel lost his son to an old enemy, who abducted Connor soon after his birth, taking him to a hell dimension where time moved differently. When Connor returned, he was a young man who was raised to believe that Angel was still a soulless monster. Connor acted out his retribution by sending Angel to the bottom of the ocean in a steel coffin. At the same time, Cordelia suddenly ascended to a higher plane, the feelings shared between her and Angel still left unspoken. Wesley rescued Angel from the bottom of the sea, and Angel attempted to help Connor, despite his son’s actions. Cordelia retured to Earth, but had amnesia. She found that Connor was the person she trusted most, despite his possible link to new big bad The Beast. Angel was forced to unleash his evil alter ego Angelus in order to defeat the Beast, and it’s mysterious boss. After a a few complications, during which Cordelia was put in a coma, Angel was inexplicably offered the LA branch of W&H as a reward for ending world peace. Angel acted against all of his instincts and made a deal with his sworn enemy, which would ensure that Connor could live a normal life, erasing his memories of Angel. Angel’s old comrade, and nemesis, Spike materialized suddenly from an amulet, last seen by Angel in Buffy’s hands. Now both possessing souls and both still in love with Buffy, the two eventually accepted that they must work together. Cordelia “woke” from a coma and took the opportunity to set the champion back on his true path. With her final gift of a vision, Angel finally understood that he will never be able to stop evil, but he can ruin the Senior Partners hold on Earth by destroying the secret Circle of the Black Thorn. Together with Spike, Gunn, Wesley, Illyria, Lorne and Lindsey, Angel set about in the ultimate battle against evil. Played by: David BoreanazAppeared in: Welcome to the Hellmouth, The Harvest, Teacher's Pet, Never Kill a Boy on the First Date, Angel, Out of Mind, Out of Sight, Prophecy Girl then every episode in season two (except Inca Mummy Girl) and season three. Guest star appearances in the following episodes: Pangs, The Yoko Factor, Fool For Love, Forever, End of Days, Chosen |
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Suggested by: | › Jess |
Added: | › 5th September 2004 |
Updated: | › 9th April, 2006 |
Hits: | › 3781 |
August 14th, 2005 at 2:19 am
He is handsome but he got really annoying after a while: I’m such a tortured soul! I want to make amends for what my demon did! Spike was right: He is just a big fluffy puppy with bad teeth. :)
August 2nd, 2006 at 6:44 am
Angel is probably one of my favorite characters. Although sometimes he can be annoying he’s still an awesome character. He, unlike some characters, has levels. He’s not 2D; he’s more like 10D. He turns evil for gods sakes!
Angelus is the coolest vampire in the Buffy universe especially when he’s paired up with his sire Darla. Along with Drusilla and Spike.
Also Buffy and Angel is my favorite relationship on TV. Period. The Romeo and Juliet theme is spectacular! It’s just great!