David’s return

David Boreanaz returns to Sunnydale in End of Days for the first time since season five’s Forever. The season finale of Angel aired the week previously, which left David free to return to Sunnydale.

Related Trivia:
  • David’s finger
  • David’s knee
  • The Ritual of Restoration
  • [7.18-05.45] Willow’s outfit
  • Return of Holland
  • Halfrek as the First
  • Red Dwarf
  • Psychologist
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 18th July 2005
    Hits: › 1029  

    27 Comments about “David’s return”

    1. ant4buffy says:

      I am kinda glad he was back. Wouldn’t have been the last episode of Buffy without Angel.
      I just wish that Joss would have let Buffy be in the last episode of Angel.

    2. Abby M. says:

      I agree. It seemed weird not seeing her in the last episode. I mean, if it weren’t for Buffy he wouldn’t have even had his thing going on.

    3. ant4buffy says:

      I agree with Joss that Angel had become its own show so not needing Buffy’s support.

    4. Jess says:

      Me too - Angel didn’t need Buffy the Vampire Slayer to prop it up after season three. It was, as ant4buffy says, it’s own show. People and shows move on - as did both Angel and Buffy.

    5. Mel says:

      Also, if Buffy had appeared in the Angel finale, I feel that it would have taken the spotlight away from Angel and his team - because all the fans would be more excited about Buffy and Angel than just Angel himself with his wonderful team!

      Although, I have to admit, at one point I did say to my husband that one potential ending that I think would have been good was, just as all the demons and dragons that the Senior Partners had sent came into the alley - the camera pans up over Angel Inc’s heads and reveals Buffy, Faith, Willow, Xander, Giles and the potentials all standing there ready for action!

      I know, that would have done the exact same thing as having Buffy there but if it was just inthe last few seconds then that might have worked….lol.

      The only person I wouldn’t have minded seeing in the Angel finale would have been Faith, as she was always there for Angel as he was for her so if she had appeared wanting to help, that wouldn’t be so bad.

    6. Abby M. says:

      I like your ending Mel, it would have been cool to see everyone there ready for action. I think it would brought the show(s) to a full circle: Angel came from Sunnydale and the Scoobies and he always showed up sneakily to help so now they are doing the same for him.

    7. mairceridwen says:

      Angel came from Ireland (why didn’t they get him an acting coach for that brough, WHY?) and has been fighting vampires and demons long before Buffy or any of the scoobies so I see absolutely no reason to have any of them there aside from cowtowing to Buffy fans.

    8. Abby M. says:

      Like I said, I think it would have brought the show and character Angel to a circle. He didn’t really do anything productive with his new soul except feel sorry for himself until Whistler brought Buffy into his life. So, it would have been cool to see the person and persons that really started his quest for redemtion at his final battle. Kind of like: You can move on but don’t forget your past and where you came from.

    9. mairceridwen says:

      I see the point that Angel wasn’t much of anything in terms of demon hunting before Whistler and Buffy. I just think that “Angel” can/should have his own moment. Having Buffy there is one thing, or even faith, but the scenario described with the whole gang just sounds cheesy beyond belief.

    10. mairceridwen says:

      Also, I think I don’t think that having Angel on Buffy’s series finale is the same has having Buffy on Angel’s because thier relationship was an integral part of her show, not his.

    11. Blondie-Bear says:

      I haven’t watched the season finales of either yet, but I really like the sound of Mel’s ending, it would have been a nice touch.

    12. ant4buffy says:

      So having the gang there would have been cheesy? so you are saying that when it was shown on sky the part after the “lets go to work” bit:

      Cheesy american accent “Thanks for watching 5 years of ANGEL!”
      That was rubbish. I think that Mel’s idea is much better - that would have given them that final chance because i don’t know what other people thought but i didn’t think Angel and co will be there when the dust clears.

    13. Mel says:

      Thanks ant!

      I am hoping against hope that at least some of the gang survived (I am still holding out for a movie!).

      But I think that even I have to admit that there is hardly any chance that they all made it.

    14. Mel says:

      “Also, I think I don’t think that having Angel on Buffy’s series finale is the same has having Buffy on Angel’s because thier relationship was an integral part of her show, not his.” - posted by mairceridwen.

      I dont agree with this at all. I do agree that Angel came into it’s own and was a great show but the two shows are connected no matter how much we debate it!

      Buffy and Angel’s relationship was mentioned quite a few times in Angel. Apart from the obvious I Will Remember You, as far on as season 4 we still get references to their relationship. In Awakening when the gang are trying to bring back Angelus, Angel goes through a perfect happiness scenario, and although he is supposed to be in love with Cordy at this point, when he has finally reached perfect happiness and loses his soul, it’s Buffy’s name he calls out.

      And not to mention all the arguments between him and Spike in season 5 about Buffy.

      The relationship was there in both shows even if Buffy herself never featured in Angel that often.

    15. ant4buffy says:

      All good points. on another note - it was great when wesley died in that final ep wasn’t it? i loved that scene “do you want me to lie to you now?” i think that Alexis has come on magnificently since joining buffy. When fred spat blood he yelled for medical, i was really worried. (yes i do show my feelings). it was really sad when she died.

    16. Jess says:

      And so sudden. I only started liking Fred during the episode (the name escapes me) when she realised what Jasmine was and went on the run.

    17. Mel says:

      Fred went on the run the Shiny Happy People, which was a great episode.

      Fred dying was such a shock and of course it had to happen just after her and Wesley got together!

      But, even though I missed Fred, I though that Illyria was great. Her and Spike together were funny and Amy Acker was so good at making the transition from sweet mousy Fred to hard, out spoken Illyria.

    18. mairceridwen says:

      I never said that the two shows weren’t connected, just that the relationship between Buffy and Angel was actually part of the plot (as opposed to a conveient reference to try to compensate for otherwise bad writing), was a HUGE part of the show’s foundation in a way that it wasn’t for Angel. References do not a foundation make, they give Angel a “past” are, they are integral to his character, but not to the show.

      “So having the gang there would have been cheesy? so you are saying that when it was shown on sky the part after the “lets go to work” bit:”

      I don’t understand a word of this.

      I barely recall the Angel series finale, other than the fact that it (like much of the show after the first season) was pretty poorly done.

    19. ant4buffy says:

      It was the really rubbish bit after the season finale on sky where an american said “thanks for watching five years of angel” and then showed clips of the series. Cheesy.

    20. Jess says:

      Ant4buffy - was that on Sky One? I don’t remember that, but then again I may have blotted it out of my memory, as I’m trying to do with the Cordy/Connor sex scene.

    21. Mel says:

      The Thank You was on Sky One, but its not on the box sets.

      I know what you mean about the Cordy/Connor sex scene - I blot that out as much as the Angel/Cordy sex scene - both were just eeuurrghh!

    22. ant4buffy says:

      Thank god it aint on the box sets! Terrible thing to do. Hopefully there will be a film with all of the cast returning!

    23. Mel says:

      I am ever the optmist - holding out for a film…

      I think I read somewhere that David Boreanaz said at a convention that he would be up for a film is the script was right.

      We can but hope!

    24. bakabunny says:

      The only reason Buffy wasn’t in the last episode is because she thought she would be over in Japan filming the Grudge. Later she found out she could have filmed the last episode of Angel, but by then it was too late. That is why she didn’t make an appearance for the finale of Angel.

    25. ant4buffy says:

      Says otherwise that Joss would not let her appear on it because, as other people have said, Angel was its own show that had gone in its own direction. It didn’t want to be taken back to Buffy when it had come so far.

    26. Puja says:

      ant4buffy: I would’ve thought he could at least have tried to get Buffy into ‘The Girl In Question’ if there was even the slightest chance of film schedules coinciding. That episode was a travesty with the fake Buffy.

      Mel: When Buffy’s there, Angel turns into the sidekick. That couldn’t have happened for the season finale.


    27. ant4buffy says:

      He tried to get Sarah for some guest spots in season 5 but she was off filming the Grudge. She became free for the last episode but by then Joss didn’t want her in it.

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