Dead and buried?


In After Life, Spike empathises with Buffy as he says he knows how it feels to dig your way out of your own grave. Many people have felt that his comment was made defunct in the episode Lies My Parents Told Me. In that episode, Spike was sired by Drusilla and returned home to his mother - who did not know he was dead and so therefore had not buried him. This seeming mistake can be explained by the mythology seen in Angel - in the episode ‘Reunion‘, it’s mentioned that Drusilla’s a traditionalist. She takes away the bodies of those she’s sired (such as Spike and Darla) and buries them. Therefore it makes sense that Spike would have dug out of his grave. Drusilla had put him there, not his family. Also, in the Angel episode, ‘Not Fade Away‘, Spike says in response to the line, “It’s your funeral” that “It’s okay. I never had a proper one.”

Related Trivia:
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  • Gleaves
  • Suggested by: Puja
    Added: › 23rd May 2005
    Updated: › 6th March, 2006
    Hits: › 757  

    19 Comments about “Dead and buried?”

    1. swamp rat 13 says:

      if I remember correctly Darla sired Angel, Angel sired Drucilla, Drucilla sired Spike

    2. Puja says:

      Swamp rat: Drusilla re-sired Darla in Angel, after Darla was resurrected and became human again. So Darla is Drusilla’s granddam, but also her childe.


    3. Jess says:

      It’s not the siring that’s the issue - it’s whether Spike was buried afterwards or not.

    4. Puja says:

      I know Jess, was just informing swamp rat on the incestuous siring and resiring of Darla. Sorry to hijack.

    5. James says:

      In that episode where Dru re-sired Darla didn’t they say people MUST be buried before they become vamps? I can’t quite remember but they definately buried Darla.

      But saying the I think I’ve seen people be turned without being buried.

    6. James says:

      Ooo, ooo! That episode with the crazy vamp and Buffy lost her powers! He turned Malcolm Reed into a vamp without burying him.

      Maybe Dru buried Darla. She probably buried Spike as well then.

    7. Jess says:

      No they don’t need to be buried. I think Angel said Dru was a kind of traditionalist vampire, which is why she buried the people she sired. She definitely buried Darla - I can’t remember the name of that episode though.

      Puja - sorry I wasn’t having a go at anyone!

    8. Puja says:

      I think the main reason Dru buries people is that she’s as mad as a box of frogs. There have been several Buffyverse vamps that haven’t been buried - the one in The Body, the one in Why We Fight, etc.

      Jess: Darla was bitten in ‘The Trial’ and buried and raised in ‘Reunion’


    9. Saintsaucey says:

      also in phases the girl rases in the funeral home, and the same thing happens in help i believe

    10. MagicBone says:

      Was Darla buried the first time she was sired, by the Master? And I have 2 questions: The Master said that Darla told him to come in but if she called for a priest, how could he come in because he isn’t an actual priest? And, if a vampire is sired inside a house and wakes up from being dead and turns into a vampire in a house, do they have to be invited in if they want to come back in? I mean, if it isn’t their house, or the house of some other vampire.

    11. Jet says:

      yeah..i haven’t gotten season 2 yet and i haven’t seen it since the original air date…and that was literally years ago…so yeah. thanks TTGG…

    12. somethingblue says:

      Joss Whedon wrote in “The Chosen Collection” booklet that “Fool For Love”, Buffy season 5, episode 7 is one of his favorite episodes not written by himself. He suggests watching this episode and then watching “Darla” from Angel as they fit together well and fill in a lot of Angel, Spike, Darla, Dru backstory.

    13. hannah_wish01 says:

      just a random thought, but in ‘anne’ we see a vampire climbing out of a grave, however he does not have bloodied nukcles, this would condradict how spike says about buffy and her bloodied fists in bargaining pt 2 (i think)

    14. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      Also, In “The Freshman” and “Lessons” (as well as others), we see vampires coming out of their graves without bloodied nuckles, so Spike’s statement is really contradicted. Also, how come nobody who climbs out of their coffen is ever dirty?

    15. MissKittyFantastico says:

      Buffy was kind of dirty when she climbed outta hers but yeah, i can’t remember aby of the others we see being dirty when they climb out of theirs….

    16. slightlyembarrased says:

      For those who saw the episode of “Angel” in which Druscilla “re-sired” Darla, you no doubt noticed that Darla was buried in loose dirt, very much above ground; ERGO, if Dru employed the same method on Spike, then he would not have had to claw through a coffin, let alone “six feet” of earth, and would surely not have lacerated his hands in a manner similar to Buffy.

      I think it is fair to say that Spike’s pains for Buffy were purely sympathetic and not empathetic.

    17. slightlyembarrased says:

      [And kudos to Jess…it would seem the site is functioning as it once did. Good job!]

    18. Jess says:

      Thanks, guys, hopefully the site will be ok from now on. I’ve added a Forum to the site. It’s not connected to the rest of the site so it should work if the site goes down again. So bookmark it now!

      You’ll have to register your name on the forum again, but it’s there for all kinds of Buffy and non-related Buffy chat. I’m hoping to take some of the off-topic talk off the trivia comments so please use the forum as much as possible!

    19. MagicBone says:


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