Emma on Anya’s death


The character of Anya is killed suddenly and violently in the final episode, Chosen. Many fans were disappointed with her death - feeling that it had happened to quickly or that her death wasn’t honoured enough by the Scoobies at the end of the episode. Emma Caulfield, who played Anya, had the following to say about her character’s death at the Starfury Fusion Event in Blackpool, England, 2004:

“I don’t think I’d change the way Anya died. It was so harsh and out of the blue. When I read it, ‘What?’ it just seemed like there was no build-up, you didn’t see it coming; I liked that. And I liked that she died doing good, she kind of really had come into her own, which I think made it more sad. I knew I was going to die but I didn’t know it was going to be like that.”

Related Trivia:
  • Anya’s luck
  • Emma Caulfield
  • Practical joke - Emma and Alyson
  • Emma’s promotion
  • Aud and Olaf’s Swedish scene
  • Where were you
  • Bandwagon
  • Anthony on kissing Emma
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 25th August 2004
    Updated: › 13th August, 2005
    Hits: › 1724  

    33 Comments about “Emma on Anya’s death”

    1. Dawn says:

      I cried….

      and they could have made a spin off about Anya being a vengance demon… how funny would that be?

    2. Angel242 says:

      Haha, that would be great! :D
      But I think Angel makes a better show in the end. He has a much broodier past they can work with and make stories of.

    3. Dawn says:

      Yeah I know…
      but they could have made a comedy around Anya’s character…

      about cheating guys and girls wanting revenge… would be funny….

      I do hope Emma comes back soon to our tv screen… she always make me smile

    4. mairceridwen says:

      Like sequels/prequels, spin-offs are generally terrible, with the following exceptions*: The Jeffersons, Mork and Mindy, Laverne and Shirley, Law and Order: SVU, Green Acres, and The Simpsons.

      *I’m not making a case for the quality of these shows overall, just thinking of how they compare to the original and how entertaining I personally found them. There may be others. Angel is not one of them.

    5. Jess says:

      You’re not a fan of Angel? I like it but don’t think it’s quality was as good as Buffy - it seemed too patchy. It’s episodes veered between humour and dark subjects and never seemed to find a comfortable place between as Buffy did.

      Saying this, one of my all-time favourite scenes is the demon seen in a sewer (forget the episode name) who appears to be breathing heavily and with menace but is actually just finishing his soda was a straw.

    6. Jess says:

      Did I really just say soda? Where am I from all of a sudden?

    7. mairceridwen says:

      After the first season, I couldn’t get into Angel.

    8. mairceridwen says:

      what do you normally call it? i call it soda, my boyfriend calls it pop. a lot of people just say *coke* generically. people in massachusetts around my nana’s “time” called it tonic.

    9. Smash says:

      I call it disgusting. I hate drinking that much sugar - and the bubbles…just unatural!

    10. NotFadeAway says:

      I’m from Georgia and we just call it Coke.

    11. Mel says:

      The episode with the soda (?) drinking demon is called That Old Gang of Mine and is one of my favourite Angel episodes.

      It’s a good Gunn episode and I like conversation that happens with Angel & Gunn at the end of the episode:

      Gunn: “No matter what else, I think I proved that you can trust me when I could have killed you and I didn’t.”

      Angel: “No. You’ll prove that I can trust you when the day comes that you have to kill me - and you do.”

    12. mairceridwen says:

      Yeah, but that’s because Georgia IS coke-country.

      Bubbles aren’t unnatural. I drink carbonated water all the time.

    13. Jess says:

      I’m English so don’t say soda - I guess I’d just use the brand name or ’soft drink’ usually. I don’t drink them though - I’m a sparkling water girl.

    14. Dawn says:

      I know that a lot of spin offs are lame…
      Angel was kinda good… not as good as buffy… but what made it good for me was that Buffy characters did come to Angel (Darla, Drusilla, Harmony, Faith, Oz & ofcourse Cordy)

      but I hope Emma comes back with another show (not something like Buffy just another comedy or something like that…

    15. mairceridwen says:

      Angel let me down, not just because I wanted it to be as good as Buffy, but because I felt that it had a lot of potential in its own right and it didn’t live up to its potential. I liked Doyle though.

    16. Dawn says:

      yeah its a shame that doyle died in the show… and the actor in real life…

      but the thing that made me want 2 buy the angel dvd’s was actually… Cordelia…

    17. NotFadeAway says:

      I love Angel (I like it almost as much as Buffy the Vampire Slayer), yet I really hated it when characters from BTVS showed up on Angel (aside from Faith.) Also, I don’t think Angel was all that good in season one, but became great with the change in direction in season two (helped largely by the introduction of many new characters that were not from the other show.) Also, mairceridwen, you’re not wrong about this being Coke country. You never here the word soda around here.

    18. marvin21st says:

      Mairceridwen what spin offs are you talking about we dont (unfortunatly) see anything unless americans think its good.

      Australians only make lame ass drama shows. We have some good comedians though.

      Also we do the same as Jess brand name soft drink or fizzy drink.

    19. mairceridwen says:

      I attend Emory, which is nicknamed Coca-Cola University because they fund our endowment.

      Bad Spinoffs include (but are not limited to):

      Joey, Just the Ten of Us, Joanie loves Chachi, Trapper John, MD*, Rhoda, Time of Your Life, Family Matters, A Man Called Hawk, Booker, The Ropers, Three’s a Crowd, and The Lone Gunman (which, in my opinion could have been good).

      *This was not actually a bad show, it just PALED in comparison to its parent show, which was just about the best thing television ever produced (M*A*S*H)

      Speaking of Happy Days: Pat Morita, Rest In Peace

      By the way, I’m not that old (though probably one of the oldest posters here), I just watched a lot of syndicated television and Nick at Nite. Also, I used a website to jog my memory a bit.

    20. mairceridwen says:

      Jess, something is wrong, when I go to the Comments page, I just get characters….

    21. Jess says:

      Sorry - characters briefly took over the site - should be ok now…

    22. mairceridwen says:

      ok. and sorry to use this thread to make the point, i just didn’t know where else to post it.

    23. Jess says:

      no problem

    24. marvin21st says:

      wow theres only 3 there I konw and 2 of them that I watched. But what prequels and sequels are you talking about in relationship to the simpsons?

    25. Smash says:

      I think Emma is way too good for sit-coms. The laugh track would just cheapen her comedic genius.

    26. blinkey says:

      but back to the point of this thread…the way anya died…i just thought it was similar to the way wesley died in angel, a show which i thought was funnier than buffy (seen the episode smile time anyone?)

    27. somethingblue says:

      Love Smile Time, husband and kids just gave me the replica battle damaged Angel puppet for my birthday (they are SO good to me) Hate it when Wesley died, but at least Llyria was holding him. Anya just died so quickly. Actually, it was similar to the way Wash died in Serenity - which sucked (the death part), it happened so quickly and no one really got to have a full reaction (just like Anya)

    28. MagicBone says:

      Oh God. The first time I watched Chosen: bawled like a baby. But in a very mature way. And when Wash died, more bawling. It was wrong, sick and wrong. He was halfway through his “I am a leaf on the wind” thing and … ah. And Wesley, all he wanted to see was Fred and Illyria did the thing and then blew Cyvus Vail’s head the hell up. Sweet Illyria-type revenge.

    29. somethingblue says:

      I still haven’t watched Serenity again since my first viewing because of Wash’s death, leaf in the wind (damn I am still angry he died)

      Same with me and Chosen. And Wesley. And Fred. Joss is an evil bastard sometimes, isnt’ he? Now I’m just angry at him for taking these beloved characters from. Sometimes I pretend that they didn’t die…do you think that makes me strange?

    30. MagicBone says:

      No. I fast forward through the parts of Serenity and Chosen when Anya and Wash die. I still haven’t had the chance to buy season five of Angel so I just don’t watch those episodes when they are on TV. I made my mom and sister watch Serenity with me but they talked through it asking dumb questions (”Which one is from Buffy?” “Wait, who died?” “Is he hot?”) and they felt no emotions when people started dying. And I have a love/hate relationship with Joss, depending on the episode or scene or whatever. I still can’t believe he killed Anya and Wes and Wash (and Fred and Tara … and Molly and Amanda, the 2 bestest potentials ever).

    31. Abby M. says:

      And don’t even get me started on him killing Jenny and Spike (the fans were not aware he was going to Angel for a few months). The death of Wash was so sudden and I cried. It was just so sad and sudden. We love Joss for the same reason we hate him: He is a really awesome storyteller!

    32. MagicBone says:

      Well said Abby!

    33. Abby M. says:

      Thank you!

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