Angel is still haunted by memories of his 150-year relationship with Darla and asks Gunn to help him track her down. He soon discovers, however, that he is faced with an impossible choice: watch her die from a terminal illness or “save” her by turning her once again into a soulless monster.
Airdate: | 28 November 2000 |
Writer: | Doug Petrie (teleplay), Tim Minear (teleplay), David Greenwalt (story) |
Director: | Bruce Seth Green |
Angel: Do you love her, Lindsey? Is that what this is? Look at you. A few short months with her and you go all school boy. I was with her for a hundred and fifty years.
Behind the Scenes Trivia
The original script for The Trial describes the ’shempire’ that Darla tried to get to sire her:
Darla is seated in a booth at the back of this seedy bar. Across for her is a total SHEMP VAMPIRE (or “shempire”), he sports an eighties mullet hairdo. He bares his fangs and tries to talk all evil-sexy.
Cast and Crew Trivia
Doug Petrie
Doug Petrie was a co-executive producer, writer and director on Buffy. He also wrote the Angel episodes ‘The Trial‘ and ‘In the Dark‘. Doug is a huge fan of comics. He’s written several Buffy comics and worked on the screenplay for the upcoming Fantastic Four feature film. There are loads of comic book references in Doug’s episodes. He has also worked on Tru Calling, Harriet the Spy and Clarissa Explains it All.
Character Trivia
The Valet
The Valet was the assistant for the trial Angel undertook in attempt to save Darla from dying in The Trial. An impartial and formal English man, he cryptically led Angel through the three levels of The Trial. When he realised that he was unable to save Darla, he apologised, saying she was already on her second chance.
Hey, it’s like a metaphor
The flower jasmine has been compared to vampires twice in the Buffyverse. In I Only Have Eyes For You:
Drusilla: “Wow! Look. Jasmine.”
Angelus: “Night blooming.”
Drusilla: “Like us.”
And then in Angel’s The Trial, Darla says of the jasmine in the courtyard at the Hyperion Hotel, “Hmm, jasmine. It blooms at night. I remember what that was like.” Season four’s entity Jasmine was named after the same plant looked at by Darla.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia
Anne Rice
Anne Rice was the author of a popular best-selling series of vampire novels, including Interview with the Vampire, The Vampire Lestat and Queen of the Damned. In School Hard, Spike says to Angel, “People still fall for that old Anne Rice routine?”
In Buffy vs Dracula, Buffy tells Dracula, “I’ve fought more than a couple pimply, overweight vamps that called themselves Lestat.” She’s referring to the main charismatic vampire character of Anne Rice’s The Vampire Chronicles.
The story in Lies My Parents Told Me of Spike siring his mother as a vampire may come from Anne Rice’s The Vampire Chronicles. In the book, the character Lestat sired his mother Gabrielle, because she was ill and to prevent her from dying.
When Darla tries to get a vampire to sire her in The Trial, they have the following conversation:
Darla: “Weird?! It’s mythic!”
Shempire: “No, you been reading too much Anne Rice, lady. You got no idea how this thing works.”
In Origin, Connor asks Angel, “Do you spend all your time making out with other vampires, like in Anne Rice novels?”
Cordelia: He barely says "Good morning and get me a glass of blood" anymore.
Angel: Mmm. Don't you just love it when they're still warm from the dryer? Wrinkle-free? Right! After you iron for, like, 15 minutes!
Cordelia: You lied to us.
Angel: I did, I know.
Wesley: Why?
Angel: I figured you'd nag.
Lindsey: Thanks for coming in.
Darla: Did I ever have a choice?
Darla: It wasn't my will to be here in the first place. I never asked for this life.
Darla: Well, we stay in the best hotels. Order room service, eat the waiters. People talk.
Darla: Why do you think I came into this bar, for the snacks?
Vamp: Sweetheart, in this bar you are the snacks.
Vamp: So what -- I make you, and then you'd be like my immortal babe?
Darla: Yes.
Vamp: Well then, that kind of sounds like commitment to me.
Darla: I wasn't in any danger, Angelus. Believe me. I picked a stupid one. I always pick the stupid ones. Didn't you know that? I can take care of myself.
Darla: What do you care? This isn't your Darla. Just because we had a thing for 150 years, don't presume you know me.
Lindsey: Does it really look like you need to throttle me for information?
Angel: Do you love her, Lindsey? Is that what this is? Look at you. A few short months with her and you go all school boy. I was with her for a hundred and fifty years.
Cordelia: I'm sorry, but after 400 years of death and destruction it seems to me, you get voted off the island. Am I right?
Darla: Into an empty pool?
Angel: Cause if you add water, you'd miss out on all that skull crushing.
Trial Judge: This is very embarrassing.
Lindsey: How did you think this would end?