Angel Investigations may be together again, but is the family ready to add a new sister? While the crew tracks down a cult of vampires with a very odd M.O., Cordelia gets a surprise visit from her old high-school buddy — the now vampiric Harmony.
Airdate: | 17 April 2001 |
Writer: | David Fury |
Director: | Fred Keller |
Wesley: It's all right to speak freely in front of her, she's a vampire.
Gunn: Don't we kill them anymore?
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Bloody mugs
The original opening scene of Disharmony, like Eternity and Reprise, began with a misdirection:
We probably don’t know where we are as we open close on Cordelia and Gunn, both scrutinising something off camera.
Gunn: “Found ‘em just like this. Blood all over”
Cordelia: “Dried blood. This wasn’t recent. No telling how long they’ve been here”
Gunn: (shaking his head) “Look, I don’t care what darkside detour Angel goes off on…”
WIDEN to reveal Gunn holding up a couple of COFFEE MUGS with DRIED BLOOD caked inside and around the edges.
Gunn: “The man’s gotta stop leaving his dirty cups all over the damn place”.
Envious Wes
The ending of the original script for Disharmony ends with Wesley feeling a bit envious over the new clothes Angel brought for Cordelia:
Wesley: “I could use a DVD player”.
Harmony’s tagline
The WB promoted the Angel episode Disharmony, starring Harmony Kendall, with the tagline “Evil has never been so blond”.
Cast and Crew Trivia

Mercedes McNab
Mercedes, who played Harmony Kendall, has been acting professionally since she was 10 years old. She is probably most widely recognised as playing the Girl Scout in the film Addams Family and as Amanda in Addams Family Values. Other feature films Mercedes has appeared in include a starring role in Savage Land, and a lead role in Fantastic Four. She also appeared in an episode of Dawson’s Creek.
Character Trivia

Harmony Kendall
Harmony was a pretty and popular girl who was also selfish, mean and empty-headed. Best friend of Cordelia Chase. Harmony spent most of her school life hanging out with friends and bitching about those less fortunate than herself. During the huge battle with the Mayor, Harmony was bitten by, and turned into, a vampire. She was a fairly unsuccessful vampire, never fully at ease with her new life. Harmony briefly dated Spike: she left him once when he tried to stake her then went back to him again. She eventually broke up with him when she realised that Drusilla and Buffy were more important to him than she was. Harmony went to L.A. where she eventually got a job at evil law firm Wolfram and Hart.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia
Sesame Street
Xander says in Buffy vs Dracula, “where’d you get that accent, Sesame Street?”, and he impersonates Count von Count from the children’s show. In Disharmony, the following conversation refers to the character Big Bird, from Sesame Street:
Cordy: “Whoa. Big bird”
Gunn: “Big Bird?”
Cordelia: “Not the muppet, dumbass…”
The Birdman of Alcatraz
In Disharmony, Cordy says “What am I, the bird lady of Alcatraz?” The 1962 movie The Birdman of Alcatraz, starring Burt Lancaster, told the true story of convict Robert Stroud. The multiple-murderer became fascinated by birds during one of his many terms in Alcatraz prison and wrote books on the subject.
Seen at 06.26 minutes:
In the scene where Harmony and Cordelia meet up for the first time in Disharmony, Harmony’s hair alternates from being in front of her shoulder to behind it in different shots.
Seen at 41.03 minutes:
When Angel is leaving Wesley’s office at the end of Disharmony, you can see his reflection in the window of the door.
Cordelia: This is torture for you isn't it?
Angel: Yes.
Wesley: Good.
Angel: Man, atonement's a bitch.
Cordelia: (having a vision) Whoa. And big bird.
Gunn: Big Bird?
Cordelia: Not the muppet, dumb ass.
Cordelia: Do you have a place to stay?
Harmony: You offering.
Cordelia: Do I have to say it?
Harmony: Yeah.
Angel: Yeah, you know, to say thanks. Sorry about the migraines. You know, I appreciate you.
Wesley: Yes and while your at it, pick me up one of those "Sorry you were shot in the gut" bouquets.
Cordelia: It's hard to explain. It's like, I don't know. I had these air pockets inside of me. And the work I'm doing, we're doing, it's like the pockets keep getting filled and I'm becoming me ... and me has had WAY too much to drink and me, shut up!
Harmony: You have no idea how hard it is to stay away from you. I mean, seeing you there looking so, so luscious.
Willow: Cordelia? Okay, we're all clear on the fact that Harmony's a vampire.
Cordelia: Oh, Harmony's a vampire? That's why she... Oh, my god. I'm so embarrassed. All this time, I thought she was a great big lesbo. (listening) Oh yeah? Really? That's great! Good for you.
Wesley: I suggest someone put a stake through that woman's heart if she persists in popping her bloody chewing gum!
Wesley: What are you doing?! This book is twelve centuries old!
Harmony: Okay, so it's not like I ruined a new one.
Wesley: It's all right to speak freely in front of her, she's a vampire.
Gunn: Don't we kill them anymore?