Lindsey McDonald is given an amazing bonus by his bosses at Wolfram & Hart — a new hand to replace the one he lost fighting Angel. When the new hand begins acting strangely, Lindsey becomes suspicious, and when he runs into Angel and the gang researching body parts that seem to be turning on their owners, he must make a life-altering decision.
Airdate: | 24 April 2001 |
Writer: | David Greenwalt |
Director: | James A Contner |
Wesley: Let's start by calling the hospitals.
Gunn: And saying what? Did my Uncle check in with a knife in his eye? They only give out information to relatives... I just got the call on the hospitals job didn't I?
Behind the Scenes Trivia
How you doin’?
A scene from Dead End in which Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn observing Angel after his night out with Lindsey for signs of reversion to the dark side was cut for length:
Gunn: “How you doin’?”
Angel: (so dark and grim) “How am I doing’? How am I doin’? How’s it look like I’m doin’?
(The three exchange a look: uh-oh)
Wesley: “Angel… you need to get a grip on yourself”
Angel: “No, I need to get a grip on… (grabs Wes)… you!”
(I’m not saying Wes hollers like a girl as Angel bursts out laughing)
Angel: “That was so great, the look on your faces”
Cordelia: “That was not great. There was no greatness about that”
(She hits him with a book or something)
Angel: “What, I can’t have any fun?”
Gunn: “Didn’t fool me”
(Gunn slips the stake he had in his hand back under the reception desk).
Cast and Crew Trivia
Character Trivia
Eve sings
In the Angel episode, A Hole In The World, Lorne, Spike and Angel go to Lindsey’s apartment to look for him and find Eve there. Lorne tells Eve to sing for him and she sings a line from the song, ‘L. A.’, that Lindsey sang in Dead End: “Pretty as a picture. She is like a golden ring”
Music Trivia
Executive producer David Greenwalt wrote the song, entitled ‘L.A.’, that Christian Kane (Lindsay) sings in the episode Dead End. Here are the lyrics:
Pretty girl on every corner
Sunshine turns the sky to gold
Warm, warm, it’s always warm here
I can’t take the coldStreets littered with diamond
Everyone is glistening
This whole world shines so brightly
I can’t see a thingShe is pretty as a picture
She is like a golden ring
Circles me with love and laughter
I can’t feel a thingBridge:
Sky’s gonna open
People gonna pray and crawl
Gonna rain down fire
Gonna burn us allSky’s gonna open
People gonna pray and sing
I can’t feel a thing
Mythology Trivia
48 Hours
Lorne references the 1982 film 48 Hours, starring Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte in Dead End.
Lorne: “Two enemies, one case, it’s all coming together in a beautiful buddy movie kind of way”
Gunn: “They’re supposed to work together on this?”
Lindsey: “Work with him? Work with him?
Lorne: “Am I the only one who saw 48 Hours?”
Lindsey: Angel? He's up, he's down, he's good, he's bad; he's a barrel of damn monkeys.
Wesley: Let's start by calling the hospitals.
Gunn: And saying what? Did my Uncle check in with a knife in his eye? They only give out information to relatives... I just got the call on the hospitals job didn't I?
Gunn: She's been pretty quiet. She grunted once around noon and then got on with the maniacal cleaning.
Angel: Hey. Boy, I mean you can see your reflection in that glass. I mean, I couldn't cause of the whole vampire situation. But a normal person. Whew.
Angel: Keep the change.
Delivery Man: Wow, a whole dollar just for me. I'm the luckiest delivery man ever.
The Host: Angel cakes, don't make me ask you to leave.
Lindsey: I need help.
Angel: I'll say. You might want to start with his singing.
Angel: Excuse me, I'm on a case here Lindsey. Does everything have to be about killing you all the time?
Lindsey: You know, I know you're Mr. Save-a-Soul now, but at least you used to throw down with your enemies, what do you want to do now, you want a share?