With the help of a strange girl from L.A. named Fred, Angel struggles with the inner beast that Pylea brings out in him. Cordelia learns that her role as princess involves mating with a demon, and Wesley and Gunn band with rebel forces to overthrow the government and Her Majesty. The gang must solve the problems of an entire world, and still manage to find a way back to their own.
Airdate: | 22 May 2001 |
Writer: | David Greenwalt |
Director: | David Greenwalt |
Wesley: Should people be bowing in a free society?
Cordelia: These things take time.
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Cordy’s princess clothes
Charisma Carpenter said the following in a BBC interview about Cordelia’s Pylean princess outfit:
“I was scantily clad wasn’t I? And cold. It was tremendously cold. In fact in the last episode [of season two], we’re in Pylea. Groosalug and Angel are fighting and I run to Groosalug’s rescue. He’s fighting with Angel and Angel has to go ‘extra hellbeast’ to fight him, because he’s like the king of all fighting in Pylea.
At that moment I realise my love for Groosalug and I go to hug him, and he’s wearing a metal plate, and there was snow on the camera cases. So I’m in a bikini top with coins all over going brrrr - so cold.”
End credits
Cast listings in the closing credits in TV shows are usually reserved only for background characters with unimportant parts, or those with no speaking roles, but occasionally main characters are listed there when their appearance is to be a surprise. Examples of this in the Buffyverse are in Two To Go, in which Giles makes a dramatic entrance at the end of the episode; the Angel episode Judgement, in which Faith (Eliza Dushku) is visited by Angel; and There’s No Place Like Plrtz Glrb, in which Willow appears at at the very end of the episode. In Destiny, Christian Kane’s name was omitted from the opening credits to make his character Lindey’s arrival a surprise.
Cast and Crew Trivia
Whitney Dylan
Whitney Dylan, who played Xander’s car-mad date Lysette in The Zeppo, played a serving girl in the Angel episode ‘There’s No Place Like Plrtz Glrb’. She also appeared in Coyote Ugly.
Character Trivia

Fred Burkle
Texan Winifred “Fred” Burkle, was a brilliant physicist and mathematician. In 1996, she was sucked into a dimensional portal to Pylea, Lorne’s home world, which was opened by Fred’s jealous college professor, Dr. Seidel. For five years she was a slave, which took a serious toll on her social skills, as well as her mental health. In Pylea to save Cordelia, Angel met Fred and brought her back to L.A. Fred found the transition to her new life difficult at first, but soon learned to live a normal life.
Her knowledge of physics and mathematics made her an excellent asset to Angel Investigations, and she found romance with Charles Gunn. Unbeknownst to her at the time, she was also the object of affection of Wesley Wyndham-Price, who nobly stepped aside and gave Gunn his blessing. Their relationship broke up after Gunn killed Dr. Seidel, to stop Fred from doing so.
After joining Wolfram & Hart Fred got her own laboratory and became the head of the Science Division. After knocking back her colleague, Knox, Fred finally returned Wesley’s feelings - but the couple’s happiness was not to last. One day a mysterious sarcophagus, allowed through customs by a signature from Gunn, appeared in the lab. As Fred examined it a large cloud of dust exploded into her face. The sarcophagus was a holding cell for Illyria, one of the ancient demons predestined to rise again. The dust Fred inhaled was actually Illyria’s essence, which immediately began a parasitic like existence in her body, eating away at it and making her a shell. Worse still, Knox had worshipped Illyria for years and worked at Wolfram & Hart for the sole purpose of bringing her back. Because of his affections for Fred, he “chose” her as the only one worthy to house his god.
Angel and Spike traveled to England to find a cure for Fred, and Wesley remained in Fred’s bedroom with her, comforting her as she fought bravely but slowly began to die. Angel learned that the only way to save Fred would be to release Illyria’s essence on the rest of the world and decided not to help Fred, knowing the consequences would be too high. Fred died in Wesley’s arms.
It’s Buffy
Willow appears in L.A. at the end of the Angel episode There’s No Place Like Plrtz Glrb to inform Angel that Buffy had died - seen in The Gift. Angel realises why she’s there as soon as he says her, saying, “It’s Buffy”.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia
Cordy says to her servant Marelda in There’s No Place Like Plrtz Glrb, “Can you keep a secret Geraldo?” She’s referencing the sensationalist TV journalist Geraldo Riviera.

The Wizard of Oz
The movie The Wizard of Oz, made in 1939, in mentioned several times in Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
Buffy refers to the hyena-possessed bullies in The Pack as the “winged monkeys”. The phrase comes from the scene in The Wizard of Oz in which the Wicked Witch of the West sends her loyal winged monkeys to collect Dorothy and the ruby slippers. In Flooded, Andrew says he trained flying demon monkeys to disrupt the school play.
In Nightmares, Billy Palmer awakens from his coma and, seeing the Scoobies around his bed, says, “I had the strangest dream. And you were in it, and you”. This is a reference to when Dorothy wakes in her bed and sees her friends around her.
In What’s My Line? (Part 2), Xander says, “Welcome my little pretties”. In The Wizard of Oz, the Wicked Witch of the West called Dorothy her “pretty”.
In The Yoko Factor, Willow says, “If ever a whiz there was.” This is a line from the song in the film ‘Follow the Yellow Brick Road’ / ‘We’re Off To See the Wizard’.
The episode No Place Like Home takes it’s name from Dorothy clicking her heels together and repeating the phrase, “There’s no place like home” in order to get back to her Kansas home. A similar reference to this phrase is in the Angel episode There’s No Place Like Plrtz Glrb.
In Grave, Willow says, “Fly my pretty…fly!” when she sends her ball of fire to find Andrew and Jonathan. This is what the wicked witch says to her flying monkeys when she sends them off. In Empty Places, Rona says, “Ding, dong, the witch is dead.” This is from a song in The Wizard of Oz.
The title of the Angel episode Over the Rainbow is another reference to The Wizard of Oz, in which the land of Oz is said to be ‘over the rainbow’. In that episode, Cordelia clicks her heels three times (as Dorothy does in the film) and says, “Worth a shot.”
Seen at 09.10 minutes:
When Angel is in Fred’s cave in There’s No Place Like Plrtz Glrb, we see the back of his shirt is torn but then later when he is fighting the Groosalugg, there are some scenes where his shirt is intact.
Gunn: We die horribly and painfully, you go to hell and I spend eternity in the arms of baby Jesus.
Angel: Bark enchiladas. How's that going?
Fred: There's work to be done.
Cordelia: What is it with you people and mutilation?
Cordelia: Shhh. Somebody's coming. Do you mind if I hit 'em over the head with you?
The Host: Yes!
The Host: Hi, and thank you from the bottom of my neck on down.
Wesley: Why do people keep putting me in charge of things?
Gunn: I have no idea.
The Host: That's it. Where's the praising and extolling of my virtues? Where's the love?
Priest: Good. I see that we are progressing towards mating. Let's get on with it.
Angel: I challenge the Groosalug to mortal combat. Come out and face me you spineless coward.
Fred: Oh. Why'd you add that coward thing? That's really going to piss him off.
Cordelia: Stop the fight. Don't hurt him. Stop. I love him. I love him.
Angel: You love me?
Cordelia: Not you dumbass, him. I love him.
Wesley: Should people be bowing in a free society?
Cordelia: These things take time.
Gunn: Yo. That portal jumping is a fun ride. We sell it to a theme park we could get paid.