As the crew researches a prophecy predicting the imminent arrival of a being who may have a profound impact on the world, Darla arrives at the hotel — pregnant, angry, and looking for the daddy. Angel. Cordelia, hurt that Angel did not tell her about his night with Darla, takes Darla’s side in the matter. Baffled by how the pregnancy is even possible, Angel and company turn to Lorne for some insight.
Airdate: | 6 November 2001 |
Writer: | David Greenwalt |
Director: | Turi Meyer |
Angel: We've been through so much together, you and me, as friends. You've seen the good, and the not so good.
Cordelia: Just like you have in me. And for the record, the good I've seen far outweighs the bad.
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Cast and Crew Trivia

Jack Conley
Jack Conley, who played Caine the werewolf hunter in Phases, also played the time-shifting demon Sahjhan in seasons three and five of Angel. Jack has also been in Payback, L.A. Confidential, Mercury and Get Shorty.
Character Trivia

Sahjhan had the ability to shift between different times and dimensions. An extremely violent demon (with a dry sense of humour) he conspired with Holtz to get rid of Connor, who was prophesized to kill him. Sahjhan rewrote the prophecies and Wesley read them to believe that Angel would kill Connor, setting off a chain of events which led to the loss of Connor to Holtz. Made non-corporeal by a spell, Sahjhan was sucked into an Urn by Justine.
Later, his essence was released by Cyvus Vail, who wanted him dead. He was killed by Connor.
In Offspring, Fred tells Angel about a Pylean word which reminds her of his and Cordelia’s relationship:
Fred: “Kyrumption. It’s the one nice word I remember from the Pylean hell dimension.”
Angel: “What’s it mean?”
Fred: “It’s when two great heroes meet on the field of battle and recognize their mutual fate. It’s also a kind of grog made out of the ox dung but that’s archaic.”
In Waiting in the Wings, Lorne and Angel have the following conversation:
Lorne: “Sorry, strudel. It’s not just when you’re singing. We got a little term back in Pylea. Kyrumption?”
Angel: “I know it.”
Lorne: “Okay. When two great heroes come together…”
Angel: “There will be no coming together, okay? Everything we’ve been through together and all anybody wants to talk about is…”
Lorne: “Can’t fight Kyrumption, cinnamon buns. It’s fate. It’s the stars. Kyrumption is…”
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia
Transuding Furies
The Transuding Furies were three ageless sisters hired by Lorne to place a Sanctorium spell at Caritas to prevent demon violence. When Cordelia went to them for help in That Old Gang of Mine, they suggested that they had known Angel intimately. The ageless sisters float a few feet above the ground and speak in unison. They were seen again in Offspring, making Caritas safe again.
In Welcome to the Hellmouth, Willow reveals to Buffy that she and Xander broke up after he stole her Barbie, referring to the bosomy Mattel doll. In Offspring, Lorne says, “This is way beyond my ken - and my Barbie, and all my action figures.”
Gunn: I've got a bad feeling about this.
Wesley: We'll figure something out. It's just a vault.
Gunn: Actually, my bad feeling is more about the man standing behind you with a large revolver.
Angel: We've been through so much together, you and me, as friends. You've seen the good, and the not so good.
Cordelia: Just like you have in me. And for the record, the good I've seen far outweighs the bad.
Fred: Who's Darla?
Gunn: Angel's old flame from way back.
Fred: Not the one who died?
Gunn: Yeah. No, not that one. The other one who died and came back to life. She's a vampire.
Fred: Do y'all have a chart or something?
Angel: I suggest you use your books and find out what's going on. What, do I have to think of everything?
Wesley: (picks up a book and says sarcastically) Oh, here it is. It says, I have absolutely no idea what's going on.
The Host: (on Darla s baby) This goes way beyond my ken (pauses), and my Barbie and all my action figures.
Fred: Can I say something about destiny? Screw destiny. If this evil thing comes, we'll fight it, and we 'l keep fighting it until we whip it. Because destiny's just another word for inevitable, and nothing's inevitable as long as you stand up, look it in the eye, and say you re evitable. Well, you catch my drift.
Darla: Oh. I love children. I could just eat them up.
Angel: You're not alone in this anymore. We'll deal with this together.
Darla: (sarcastically) Gosh, I'm just the luckiest vampire girl in the whole world.