When Lorne performs a spell on Cordelia to restore her memory, it inadvertently causes the gang to revert back to their high school personas and leaves them with no memories of each other. Eventually, Wesley theorizes that the only way to reverse the spell may be to kill a vampire, just as Angel realizes that he is one.
Cordelia: Oh, God! Oh, God! My hair! My hair! The government gave me bad hair!
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Cast and Crew Trivia
Character Trivia

Breaking the fourth wall
The fourth wall is the imaginary invisible wall at the front of a stage or camera, through which the audience sees the action playing out. The fourth wall is “broken” in Buffy and Angel - in the musical Once More. With Feeling, Buffy, Xander and Anya sing whilst looking at the camera. Anya also says to Giles in that episode, after her duet with Xander that, “It was weird. It was like there was a wall missing from our apartment. Like there was only three walls and not a fourth one…”
In Angel’s Spin the Bottle, in which Lorne acts as a host, explaining the story to the audience. There is also a great moment in Spin the Bottle, in which Lorne says after a commercial break: “Well, those were some exciting products. Am I right? Mmm. Let’s all think about buying some of those.”
Andrew also breaks the fourth wall in Storyteller - whilst talking to his camera about what’s going on in the Summer’s house.
Head boy
In Spin the Bottle, a regressed Wesley prodly tells the others, “I am from the Watcher’s Academy in southern Hampshire. In fact, I happen to be head boy.” In Lineage, Wesley’s father says of his son, “Oh, the academy didn’t make him head boy for nothing. Mind you, as I recall, the pickings were a bit slim that year.” The name gives Spike a real kick.
Smoker Lorne
When Fred goes to Caritas in Fredless, she finds Lorne drinking, watching TV, and smoking a cigarette, which he immediately puts out. This is the first time Lorne is seen smoking. We also see him smoking in Spin the Bottle.
Spinning the Bottle
In the Angel episode ‘Spin the Bottle‘, Wesley references the Slayer test shown in Helpless. He says, “There are stories at the Watcher’s Academy of a test. A secret gauntlet which only the most cunning can survive. You’re locked in a house with a vicious, deadly vampire, and you have to kill him before he kills you. It’s been done in the past with Slayers.”
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia
In Doomed, Forrest thinks Riley is talking about the band Slayer: “thrash band. Anvil-heavy guitar rock with delusions of Black Sabbath.” Fred thinks the same thing in SDpin the Bottole - “Slayer? The band?”
Seen at 01.38 minutes:
The Angel episode Spin The Bottle continues where the previous episode ended, with Cordelia asking Angel “were we in love?” If you look at Angel’s face, the cuts and bruises that were present at the end of Supersymmetry are gone. You also see the cuts are gone in the ‘previously on Angel‘ teaser.
Connor: Sounds kinda like my father.
Angel: Is he a self-righteous bastard?
Connor: You'd be amazed.
Cordelia: Maybe I was gonna tell you to back off, buddy. Maybe you were coming on too strong — harassing me in the workplace. Maybe I had a red-hot restraining order in my mitts. You ever think of that?
Angel: I was never... in the workplace, I - Well, there was that one time with the—the ballet and the stripping and the roundness, but that was a spell. And-and we were meeting in Malibu on the bluffs at night. That's a pretty romantic restraining order!
Angel: (to Cordelia) We'll get you back. No matter what. I promise you, we will get you back.
Lorne: What's all this "we", pale face?
Wesley: Where do you hail from, friend?
Angel: I'm not your friend, you English pig.
Angel: English pig. English pig?
Cordelia: (about Angel) Great. I'll go with tall, dark, and slightly less pathetic than you two here.
Wesley: All right. I'm going to let you all in on something you may have trouble comprehending. But I assure you that however...
Gunn: (interrupting) Vampires are real.
Wesley: I was telling!
Gunn: The day I take orders from guys like you is the... day I... Not even gonna happen.
Lorne: Poor kid. Engine running and stuck in park.
Angel: (about Wesley and Gunn fighting) It was about time that the English got what's coming to him, I'm rooting for the slave.
Fred: I'm ready, I'm ok, it be cooler if we could score some weed though.
Lorne: Look, I know I'm supposed to be unconscious during this segment, but can you believe these two mooks?
Angel: (on the radio) How...? You stopped the tiny men from singing.
Lorne: She didn't say "may your words please the gods" so much as she said "may you orally please the gods".
Cordelia: Hello salty goodness.
Angel: I guess I'll start feeding on your corpses now. Starting with the girls. So hard to choose.
Cordy: What do you mean hard to choose? I mean eat her, she's the tasty one... look at her, half of her is neck!
Lorne: (after the commercial break) Well those were some exciting products, am I right? Let's all think about buying some of those.
Cordelia: Oh, God! Oh, God! My hair! My hair! The government gave me bad hair!
Gunn: What happened to you, man?
Wesley: I had my throat cut and all my friends abandoned me.
Cordelia: Oh gosh! Let's be best friends, so I can lose all my cool ones.
Angel: Cordelia - Were we in love?
Cordelia: We were.
Wesley: What type of demons, would you say?
Angel: Shiny.
Fred: Got any weed?
Wesley: The cross obviously doesn't affect me, or our friend, the pugilist.
Gunn: Oh, your ass better pray I don't look that word up.
Lorne: It's always nice to hear the mother tongue, as long as its not from my mother.
Gunn: Oh good, symbols on the floor. That always goes well.
Lorne: So I'm an idiot. What are you, perfect?